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If you think of me in the spring,
think of dogwood petals
in my hair, greener grass
and new beginnings.

If the summer solstice
finds you walking alone
in the garden of the moon,
remember that I'm somewhere
walking alone, too.

If you sing of me,
sing in the fall
in blue flannel and jeans
like the saddest song of all.

And if I pretend to die,
and you pretend to weep,
I promise to do it in the winter
when there are no flowers
to send in your pretended grief.
:)  Thanks for the inspiration.
god made stars
for starving poets

when they look up
they forget
how hungry they are

Write lines upon my heart
in pure white light
and I will read them
Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Breathe in blossoming
warm compassion

Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Touch the tender pool
of infinite white light
Breathe in blossoming
warm compassion

Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Meet me in the air space
between your thoughts
For this is holy ground
With the greatest humility and gratitude, I wish to dedicate this poem tonight to all of you at HP who have shown such lovely support for this quiet poem, which emerged from my deepest inner awareness.
Above all, gratitude to my Teachers.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
you showed me
that even though
my sky is dark,
there are still

and now that
you are gone,
they are going out
one by one
Darkness pervades; an empty whole.
Tears fill this broken bowl.
The nectar too salty to quench the thirst
A brutal reminder of what came first

A Blackness, a Void. God illuminated into being.
Beauty, Belief, Faith - a false way of Seeing.
The futile attempts to make the hole whole,
but it's Loneliness that resides in our Soul.

In every being sprung into existence
the Romantic effort of Man's resistance
is Love, hailed as the Cure.
But ask yourself, "Are you sure?".

At a life with Loneliness by our side
Love's importance becomes amplified.
But Love is just a wishful lie
it is Loneliness that embraces us as we die.
before you arrive
I imagine the drive
the dusty winds
roads blown sand blind
the breath hot desert
red upon your back
the drown of dripping sweat
a mirage, a swimming lake
an oasis, of mind escape
how you travel as saguaro fields fly by.
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