Does the game ever end?
Because I'm drowning in the shallows
If I close my eyes and try to find an answer to these riddles
I lose all hope I once had, however little
I'm a doormat, a punching bag, a waste of time, a failure
Every day it's something new and I can't find my savior
If I take one wrong step, I'm afraid I'll fall apart
I can't stand many more jabs straight to my heart
What I allowed to continue, beat me down to nothing
I didn't choose you to be my family, but I can choose something
I've chosen for you to exit my life
There will be no returning
You've burned your last bridge and this fire will burn forever
Just remember we had a lifetime to spend together
She's up there watching you and she knows what you've done
Believe me when I say, she's not the only one
You're a waste of my time and a drain on my energy
I have none to spare and I will show no mercy
So, I'll say goodbye to you for the very last time
Funny, as I write this, not a single tear escapes from my eyes