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Randy Johnson Jun 2016
King Solomon was wealthy and he also had the gift of being wise.
But during his later years, he didn't do what was right in God's eyes.
Solomon's foreign wives decided to interfere and ****.
They managed to convince him to worship false gods.
God made enemies rise up against Solomon.
And the kingdom was later taken from his son.
Solomon's son said that he would work the people harder than ever before and they rebelled.
The kingdom was taken from Solomon's son just as God said it would be, King Rehoboam failed.
King Solomon was once a great man but not during his final years.
God was angry because he was the one who Solomon chose not to fear.
Randy Johnson Jun 2016
Jesus cured a blind man who had been blind since the day of his birth.
Jesus put clay on his eyes that he made when he spat and mixed the spittle with earth.
Jesus told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam after he put the clay on his eyes.
When he did this, he could see and people were in for a very big surprise.
When they saw that he could see, some thought that it wasn't the same man.
When they saw that he now had sight, it was hard for them to understand.
But all that they needed to understand was that it was a miracle that Jesus performed.
Because of Jesus and his father, a man could see who had been blind since he was born.
Randy Johnson May 2016
King Nebuchadnezzar ordered people to worship a statue that was ninety feet high.
But when three good men refused to worship it, the King condemned them to die.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship an idol even though the punishment was stern.
The King had them thrown into a furnace but Jehovah God sent an angel and they didn't burn.
Those three men said that they would only worship The Lord.
And being protected from a fiery death was their reward.
Nebuchadnezzar was amazed when they weren't consumed by the fire.
Those three good men survived a fate that would have usually been dire.
Jehovah proved himself to be the true God who has might.
He protected his three loyal servants for doing what was right.
Randy Johnson May 2016
I've been shot and my life is about to end.
I took a bullet to save my wife from her ex-boyfriend.
He regards her as a piece of his property.
What he intended to happen to her, happened to me.
The cops just arrested him and took him away.
He's a violent and crazy man and now he will pay.
I love my wife more than life itself and without her, I wouldn't have wanted to go on.
I don't regret taking the bullet for her even though I'll soon be gone.
She's holding my hand and she's crying.
It's tearing her apart because I'm dying.
Everything is getting dark and I feel so cold, I can hear the angels calling on me.
I regret that I'm going to lose the love of my life but one day she and I will be together for eternity.
Randy Johnson May 2016
You were an awesome actor but I regret to say that you died twenty years ago.
First, you were Doctor Who and later you were Worzel Gummidge the Scarecrow.
You died of a heart attack in your sleep.
When people found out, they began to weep.

You died two decades ago on this very day.
You were British but you died in the USA.
Your contribution made quite an impact.
Many people loved you and that is a fact.

When you died in 1996, you were cremated.
Because of your death, millions were devastated.
I watched every episode of Worzel Gummidge even though it was a children's show.
You brought magic to every role you played, especially as The Doctor and that loveable Scarecrow.
Dedicated to Jon Pertwee who died at the age of 76 on May 20, 1996.
Randy Johnson May 2016
Jehovah God gives people gifts, my gift is the ability to write.
When we think about what God does for us, it causes delight.
Albert Einstein wouldn't have been a genius without God's contribution.
Without Gods gift, he never would've known that E Equals MC Squared, he wouldn't have found the solution.
God gives a gift to each of us.
He does it because he loves us.
Some people may not believe what I'm saying but it's true.
I have two words to say to The Lord for my gift, "Thank You".
Randy Johnson May 2016
You are an atheist and you say that religion is a fraud.
You say that I'm full of crap because I believe in God.
You say that God is fake and that he didn't create the Human Race.
But when the Second Coming arrives, you will have egg on your face.
You say The Bible is a book that is full of fictional stories.
But when Jesus returns, you will see him in all of his glory.
You call me a fool because religion is something that I embrace.
But you will be the one who looks foolish, you will have egg on your face.
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