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Randy Johnson May 2016
We can have what Satan can't, we can live for eternity.
This is the reward  that is available for you and me.
Eternal life is something that we can enjoy.
But Satan will be defeated and then destroyed.

When Jesus returns, we will all be young again.
I can't say when this will happen, I don't know when.
Imagine still being a young man or woman after trillions of years have passed.
Unlike today, our youth will never end, it will be something that will last.

There will be no racism, no bullies, everybody will be your best friend.
Eternal life is a gift that's available to us but Satan's existence will end.
If we love and worship The Lord, we will live forever even though we're currently flawed.
Satan will be destroyed but we can have eternal youth because people are loved by God.
Randy Johnson May 2016
We may be living in the last days and people need to be aware.
My only question for you is are you prepared?
People must make drastic changes even though they're unwilling.
People must stop stealing, doing and dealing drugs, lying and killing.
To get to God, we must go through his son.
Violent people had better put away their guns.
When Jesus returns, the Earth will be transformed into a paradise and I'm overjoyed.
But wicked people won't live in the paradise, they will be judged and then destroyed.
If you're a big sinner, you'd better stop committing your sins.
God wants everybody to live in paradise but the wicked won't win.
To live in this paradise, people must love and honor Jesus and God because they are who we need.
People must start thinking of others instead of just themselves, they must put an end to their greed.
The end may come next week or it may not arrive for another thousand years.
But people who are doing wrong had better change just in case the end is near.
Randy Johnson May 2016
I've got a new dog and she's as pretty as she can be.
She has light brown fur and her name is Marie.
She is a very sweet dog and I'm glad that she's so tame.
She is special, that's why I gave her my mom's middle name.

She is mixed, she's part pit bull and part hound.
She is beautiful and I'm glad to have her around.
I love my new dog and she loves me.
I am very lucky to own Marie.
Randy Johnson May 2016
This is the fourth Mother's Day that has come around since you died.
When you perished, I had to deal with a lot of pain on the inside.
When you became ill, I wanted you to get well and so did my brother.
I found out just how painful it is when a person loses his or her mother.

You are gone but I still have fond memories of you.
You were terrific and other people knew that you were amazing too.
You were a very special mother and I'll always be proud to give you praise.
You still exist in my eyes because I'll carry you in my heart for the rest of my days.
Dedicated to Agnes Greene-Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson May 2016
Jonah fled from God because he didn't want to warn the Ninevites.
But he finally came to his senses, Jonah soon saw the light.
Jonah went aboard a ship and Jehovah God caused a terrible storm.
When God gave Jonah the mission to carry out, he refused to conform.
The ship was in terrible danger because Jonah had angered The Lord.
Jonah told the people to save themselves by tossing him overboard.
At first they wouldn't toss him overboard, they flat out refused.
But they finally did it so their lives wouldn't be something they'd lose.
But Jonah didn't drown, God showed compassion by making a whale swallow him.
Jonah survived after being swallowed when normally he would've met a fate that was grim.
When God protected him from death, Jonah saw the error of his ways.
When I think about the power of God, I'm in awe and I'm truly amazed.
Randy Johnson May 2016
After Jonah got out of the whale, he went to the city of Nineveh and warned the Ninevites.
He told them that God was going to destroy them because they weren't doing what was right.
God was going to destroy them in forty days because of the evil they had done in the present and the past.
The King heeded the warning and he and everybody else covered themselves with sackcloth and began to fast.
The Ninevites turned from their evil ways after they were warned.
God saw that they had changed and he was no longer scorned.
God spared the Ninevites because they were no longer unfit.
Jehovah isn't a harsh God and that sure did prove it.
Randy Johnson Apr 2016
A man had to be born perfect, live perfect and die perfect to pay the ransom for Adam's sin.
Jesus Christ was that man and he died so that people can live again.
We will be resurrected and live forever because of Jesus's sacrifice.
If we do right in God's eyes, we will not die forever, we will live twice.
But the second time around, we will be perfect, we'll never become sick or grow old.
If you want proof, read your Bible and you will see that it is what God has foretold.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus had to pay the ransom to obliterate Adam's sin.
If that hadn't happened, there would be no second life for us, there would be no hope for women or men.
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