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 Aug 2014 Rada
Petal pie
 Aug 2014 Rada
Petal pie
My moral compass has gone askew
In truth I flung it away
Like caution to the wind

Here I'm ready for adventures
Take me on a sensory journey
Guide me on a trail of wonder

Lift me up to flights of fancy
Roll with me in meadows
Skinny dip in azure seas

Lets cross unchartered waters
Taste new exotic foods
Sip from my overflowing cup

And we'll set up camp
and explore the undulating
peaks and valleys
of our own landscapes ;-)
bit cheeky!
 Aug 2014 Rada
Petal pie
 Aug 2014 Rada
Petal pie
with sun drenched
honeyed figs
soaked in sweet wine
I revel in your taste
close my eyes
your flavours divine

You are worth every
savoured minute
as you pass
through my lips
that go straight to form
extra millimetres
of flesh on my hips.
 Aug 2014 Rada
Once More
 Aug 2014 Rada
Fingertips descending spines
Causing Bodyquakes

Delicate mist of kisses
Covering peaks and valleys

Mahogany stretched towards the heavens

          Oceans of eagerness
                    An arch of bliss

Fainting breaths

          Dying with Desire
To be Born in your Love

These thoughts are looping through my mind

                    I must have you

                                   Once More


                               Once More


                                 The next time

©Tina Thompson
 Aug 2014 Rada
Minx In Verse
I swam in your seas
Dived depths to plunder treasures
From the dark ocean floor
Felt the tumult of your soul crash over me
Floated with you on calm blue waters warmed by the sun
Lapping waves rhythmically revealing belly, breast, pearlescent scales, hair red as flame.

Your lips formed a half-smile
As you sang your siren song
And I surrendered myself to an eternity of pleasures
Now I am cast adrift, rudderless
No horizon in sight
Endlessly searching for a glimpse of you.
Love the idea of mermaids and myths and fairy tales about them. Wanted to write something fantastical that also captures the longing for a passionate relationship long past.
 Aug 2014 Rada
 Aug 2014 Rada
I would take all of you in with all of me in every way I could muster. and when I was drained of every existing measure with which to take you in, I would press on until you were embedded in my skin. my scars were replaced with your kisses and the blades with your fingertips.
 Aug 2014 Rada
 Aug 2014 Rada
Zodiacal signs shift
zones of time through
zephyrs swirling
in our breath - distance
zips down to zero
 Aug 2014 Rada
Circa 1994
I shouted "I love you" inside the walls of my mind.
(Did you hear it?)
I pressed the words outward into the universe.
(Did you feel it?)
I pushed them through your nerve endings
and looped them through your blood vessels.

I thought about lying with my head in your lap.
I projected this image behind your eyes.
I painted still frames on the palms of your hands
and let you streak your clothes with memories.

I want to get naked with you always.
I want to be your *******.
I want your kisses in the night
when my legs feel heavy and I can't get to sleep.
I want your thousand mile wide smile
edging me deeper into euphoria.
Let's buy a boat and float out to sea.
Let's pretend we're otters,
holding hands so we don't drift apart.
Facades rise in memory.
Paint peels, marble columns lean,
Rain drowns piazzas.
The bridge of sighs moans in sorrow.
Windows stare sightless into the past.
Cats remember the rustling of silk,
jeweled hands tending morsels,
magenta robes, the cloaked,
the caped, flash of daggers in starlight,
the glory on sun drenched Sundays
when church bells summoned the faithful.

Morning sun bounces off golden domes,
water shimmers a crisp mother of pearl.
Gondolieri untie boats from painted poles,
swiftly ferry their fares in narrow vessels,
pass through the shadows of bridges.
Navigate the water webbing the city,
pass slow laboring barges with overflowing loads.
White seagulls crisscross an expanse of blue.
Shouted greetings echo.

In the white palace, laced with marble columns,
painted ceilings in wood paneled rooms tell stories.
Rich and poor bow to the Republic’s justice.
Doges in pointed hats, crimson robes,
cast fate from bejeweled hands.
Ornate basilicas, simple stone chapels, ensnare sinners.
Priests give absolution behind velvet curtains
in musty confessionals reeking of secrets.
Jews marked in red hats hurry to the ghetto.

On the dock fishermen spill their iridescent catch
from hulls of brightly painted boats.
Merchants shout of silk and salamanders in markets.
Women fill woven baskets with foreign colored bounty,
peaches beckon with pink cheeks,
grapes make sweet promises, purple plums tantalize.
Sun inhales musty smells, exhales sweet scents of basil
jasmine, mint, a woman’s sweet odor of lavender lingers.
Dogs lick cobblestones, savor every rancid morsel.
Window sills host lazy eyed cats.

Goats bloated with milk make their way,
pass baying sheep herded to slaughter
by burly men in soiled leather aprons.
Top sail schooners from far away shores,
carved bare breasted mermaids at their bow,
unload treasures. Silk and spices, chained trunks,
casks of sweet wine, gold will fill coffers.

Vines dig roots deep into walls, cling in crevasses,
perfume courtyards with intoxicating smells.
A flock of small yellow birds alight from rose bushes,
drink from a tiered fountain.
Cascades of faceted crystal spills
from the mouths of carved fishes,
stone maidens’ urns. They display their charms,
smile wistfully, wish away pigeons perched on their heads.
Lovers pass, exchange furtive glances, dream of night.

Dark sweaty men push a barge with a coffin
draped in gold threaded brocade, blood red roses.
A priest at the bow, a cross encased with jewels
catches the light in a blinding reflection.
Altar boys swing shiny vessels, incense permeates the air.
High voices intone monotonous chants.
Mourners follow in gondolas, sway in a rhythm of grief.
Black silk shines. Under veils tears streak
white chalked faces, red lips know of secrets.

Celebrants toast a newly wedded couple
with sweet scented deep ruby red wine.
Boar roasts, seasoned with sage, rosemary and thyme.
Round loaves of bread crust in a brick oven.
Pairs spill into the street, dance a joyful pavane,
pounding the cobblestones to the sound of tambourines.
They freeze in a moment in silence,
watch the funeral procession,
make the sign of the cross, return to their feast.

Now canals choke in mud.
fight ruin in oil slick stagnant waters.
Palazzos put on a false-face,
prostitutes heavily painted.
Greedy currents lick at foundations,
slowly swallow remains,
**** them into hostile marshes.

The Campanile rings the hour.

Cristina Umpfenbach-Smyth     July 2010
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