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We are a liars, because
the truth of yesterday becomes a lie tomorrow,
whereas letters are fixed,
and we live by the letter of truth.
The love I feel for my friend, this year,
is different from the love I felt last year.
If it were not so, it would be a lie.
Yet we reiterate love! love! love!
as if it were a coin with a fixed value
instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud.
 Mar 2015 Rachael Judd
Cracked images
Stained glass
Each piece arranged
In an interlacing jaggered masterpiece
Tears fall
Tracing paths
Highlighting the intricate symbols
Liquid crystals in the dying light
Sparkling pearls upon living glass
Dexterous additions
To the visual symphony.

The storm grows
The heavens pour
Colours flash amongst the greys
It tastes like salt.
I somehow forget how to write with a simple pen or pencil to express my feelings delight

I sometimes realize I'm not really a poetic rhythm to ring the ears of the people while being under hypno-tizum.

I see how people use their imaginations and creativity to create the fondest stories in history.

I can relate to the angry/hapiness/sadness that i read that sometimes makes my wrists bleed purposely.

Either way poem/poems are one of a kind  that people cannot duplicate unless we have similar minds.

                            sealed with a kiss
We are different in everyway, in the things we say. Be yourself and no-one else
 Mar 2015 Rachael Judd
i stopped
and my
left my
but my
is still
and refuses
to leave
What would you do
If no one loved you

Would you cry
Would you sigh


Do you care
Do you swear

Do you look for love
Do you hide from love

Do you want it
Do you need it

Do you know what love means
Real love
Never ending love

are you a hopeless romantic
romantically wanting love

What are the feeling of no love

are they silent
are they loud

are they sharing thoughts
are they lonely thoughts

do you have thoughts of joy
do you have thoughts of nothing

do you smile
do you cringe

do you want it

It's actually not that hard to find

 Mar 2015 Rachael Judd
My emotions are blank.
I hear my mother and father laughing and talking.
My sister joins in the conversation, soon she starts to laugh and talk.
My brother is asleep.
I walk downstairs, get a cup of coffee, respond to the everyday questions "how'd you sleep?" my response "fine."
"What'd you dream about?" My response "nothing." Their response "oh so you were very tired" my thought response "silence."
I stare aimlessly at the cup across from me.
Thinking about every thing and nothing at the same time.
I soon realize my cup is empty.
Breakfast is ready and no one has talked to me yet again.
I hear "emma" I think it's my brain saying that.
"Emma" I realize it isn't, it's my father.
"I need your help" my response "oh okay."
Once I'm done helping I realize I'm only ever called upon if someone needs my help.
When is it my turn?
Can anyone help me?
 Mar 2015 Rachael Judd
Love felt like ripping apart your lungs and then trying to breathe.
Love felt like Smashing a glass bottle then trying to piece it back together.
Love felt like Being on so many uppers you'd have heart palpitations.
(Love felt like a night that you know the stars are out but there's too many clouds) (C.M.)
Love felt like A gust of wind knocking you to the ground.
(Love felt like finding comfort in a casket)
(Love felt like building a house with Popsicle sticks and glue instead of cement and bricks because he was afraid of commitment) (S.F.)
Love felt like Being punched in the stomach as you hunch over afterwards.
Love felt like Fainting at a sight.
Love felt like climbing into the comfort of your bed after the longest day of your life. (AG)
Love felt like Feathers running across my skin.
Love felt like Flower petals kissing my lips.
Love felt like Hammers knocking at my head.
Love felt like Cutting down a tree and then yelling at it to grow back.
Love felt like The consumption of alcohol.
Love felt like The first sip of coffee in the morning.
Love felt like Chain smoking cigarettes.
Love felt like The way he kissed me while I was still in a slumber
Love felt like Flowers in a field on a sunny day
Love felt like How my mother hugged me everyday before I went to school although I could smell the alcohol on her breathe
Love felt like Music
Love felt like The tears running town my cheeks
Love felt like His name running through my mind again again again again
Love felt like An invincible smile
Love felt like The way his eyes set sight on mine
Love felt like A new beginning
Love felt like Finishing a book you couldn't put down for three whole days
Love felt like Him Making me his world  
Love felt like puncturing my ear drums because I kept playing the voicemail you left me over and over
Love felt like Many sensations
Love felt like Love
 Mar 2015 Rachael Judd
If I spoke to you That i still love you
Would my words sink into your skull
Or would they dissipate into the air?
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