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He sails in his day dreams as the foaming crest crashes stars on the shore of his mind, whilst resting his gaze upon the lanterns of the night sky that are brightly akin to the songs untold by his lips, the quivering murmurs in the cosmos are in motion with poetry, thoughts, jazz and coffee, in the place of his solace, darkness is only the prelude to the arrival of the rising sun on the roses softer than velvet and the voyager.
brush past
one another
in the shifting
colors of the
city lights,
the droplets
from the clouds
of time fall
as though
touched by
starlight, and
even love arrives
by fate for the
people who
are not it's
Now that you’re gone
my scars are like beautiful tattoos.
Going with me forever.

How many?
Can say this?
For my mama I would do anything.
Nothing would stop me.
Nothing will disrupt me.
All because she has done so much for me.

Sacrifice here and there many times.
Went without to support me.
Maybe did things I shouldn't know.
But for my mama I would do anything.

How many?
Would follow this truth with all honesty.
Even, without a crown many mothers are royalty.
Any second now,
I could come face to face with an enemy
Sent by a deity
With the soul purpose to immediately
End this agony
But I can guarantee
I'm not that lucky

poetry has become my drug.
when did this happen?
what was once a source of healing,
now causes scorn.
three times of torture;
I write, re-rite and write again
but like an addiction,
it soon loses its thorn.
did anyone read it?
I check, re-check, triple-check.
do they like it?
will it 'trend'?
what was once my life source
I now mourn.
They talk
In the name
Of god
And Jesus,
They walk
The walk
And wear
Their suits,
I don’t
Their pretty
Or their
I try to
Stay away
All that,
But if evil
Does roam
It’s them.
“We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but principalities and power”
Like house siding I stack the facade till a barrier grows
It adds curb appeal and social value I suppose
But for me it's a false face to hide the lows
Getting me through this reality that blows
A life time of running into doors with a sign reading "sorry we're closed"
Hanging next to the mandatory posted notice of demolition proposed

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