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Where did the colors of
Why color renditions!
Are you trying to paint your dreams?
Indeed, the stars in the sky to Hold Fairs
Look at the Open Sky
Like a white canvas
You draw all your dreams together
I'll see you in the new dream date

I'll come back in the afternoon
To see your painting
Do you need anymore color?
I have a lot of
But I'm not a Painter
I want to see your painting,
Would be lost
Want to be a kite in the sky were

Then came Evenings
I think today
Evening Star will be appeared
Walk with thought,

Sometimes the simplest ways is to think hard
The nearest ones are distant

Restless mind
Edgy eyes
Keep eyes on Canvas
Ouch is it!

Oh,Why is this canvas colored in dark!
Ah,Why the sky is shaded with clouds!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
many colors and a dark painting
Am I selling my soul
For a little attention
Still looking for love
Or someone with a pension

I don’t know anymore
I’m tired and confused
This life of mine
Leaves me less than amused

I want to do right
Not settle for less
But isn’t less becoming my best?

I have to settle
I don’t know what else to do
Everyone does it
Don’t you?
each within each
becoming thick
becoming flower

most petals
most aggressively
****** brutal

through smooth throbbing
of broken smoothness:

back little unsquare
hips fully
plush between
chipped fuzz
electrically quivers

with arrow
deeply notched
pink roiling
steepness through
mouth rolling
tongue over

river over
of scarlet

steam drunkly
burst kiss
into musk musk musk;

(very short swollen and rudely
dancing brokenness of
lips parted over lips
parting to leap
of motile body
biting bed sheets
not wanting to
"     scream     "
They seem to be the basis of all human activity.
If you're not actively looking for a partner in life then you're bettering yourself so that you will be more attractive to those potential partners.
Some of us are so desperate for companionship that we refuse to leave our partners, even if they are doing more harm than good. Domestic violence is becoming more and more relevant, adultery is the most common cause of relationship failure, and soon the generation that speaks of " 60 years of marriage" will have died off.
But what happens when there's no substantial reason to leave a relationship? You're not being abused, he buys you flowers, he would not dare to ever cheat on you, and he loves you with all of his heart. He would do anything for the relationship to work. He wants to get married some day, have babies, and live happily ever after. All the while you're wondering if an opportunity to get out with good cause will ever present itself. You find yourself praying that he'll ***** up bad enough so that you can justifiably cut the cord on the whole thing. You are unhappy, but you're not sure whether it's because you're bored or you've actually fallen completely out of love. You've stopped seeing this person as part of your future and just as an annoying part of the present. You're afraid that you will never have the courage to get out of the relationship, and the longer you wait, the more it is going to hurt when it happens. But if you don't do it you're going to be stuck with a person that makes you miserable for the rest of your life. If you wait too long, then you will have wasted the years of your youth on someone that you don't even love. You know that it's the right decision but there's a nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that you'll never meet someone who treats you as well as they do, that you'll regret your decision and most of all, you are scared to be alone....
And then there's the ignorant talk of "nice guys finish last" and you do not want to be a part of that stereotype, but that's exactly what it's going to look like. The honest truth is not that you've drifted away because he's a nice guy. You've drifted away because he's not the guy for you. You still want a guy that will buy you flowers and love you with all his heart. You don't want to be with a ****. But you don't want him to be jealous, space- invading, time-*******, over-reacting, clingy, immature, or shallow either.

But you've been hurt so many times, and right now, you're safe.
You don't have to worry about being alone, cheated on, or abused and it's a wonderful thing to have.
But is it worth it?
This is not a poem. This is something I've been struggling with for about 6 months now. Please leave comments if you have any advice, opinions, or similar situations . It is always good to hear from people who understand what you're going through.
 Dec 2014 karen dannette
I don't wanna talk anymore
and I don't wanna listen.
I don't wanna believe more *******
and accept more lies.
I don't wanna pretend I don't know
or don't care or don't see it.
I don't wanna love you blindly
or pretend to either.
I don't wanna be a joke anymore
and I don't wanna take you back one more time.
I don't.
I can't.

hundreds of thousands of words,
we told through our whole life

tens of thousands of sentences,
you wrote in your novel

thousands of dreams,
we dreamed through our passing dark nights

millions of images,
we left in our moving past times

but my friend
at the end,
I carry

only a few images of withered petals
except all those nightmares
yet I can feel a few dreams of yours, repeatedly

even I can recall a few words of yours
that grew the motion of life
maybe you can feel a few words of mine

As  the words that can make a wonderful  lyric
"I love you, that holds an eternal truth"
yet that shining as a crystal of diamond
@Musfiq us shaleheen
words those make a lyric of love
If I may not be wrong
even it is true
that everything is not for me at all
but when sometimes Camellia called me
I felt all loves were for me
and I thought
me for love
love for mine
and it grew my dream

If I may not be wrong
even it is true
that every Autumn will not be
played with my wish
when truly I felt that the Rose never withered
but it grew gray
and my dreams went away

If I may not be wrong
even it is true
that every hope will not be
staying tuned forever
In my springtime when kite flew in the blue sky
and it felt me as the bird's feather
the sky turned colored
it grew in my dream again

If I may not be wrong
even it is true
that every love is a real love
and when you told me that
you will be with me forever
the red Roses bloomed everywhere
it grew in my dream again
but when you went away
I felt that I was standing alone on the shore
my dreams flew away

If I may not be wrong
but again, when I felt the mild breeze blowing
two birds were singing together
and loving each other
the Spring sprung,
again I heard your voice on the shore
and you told me,
you would not be alive without leaving mine
and again, love grew in my dream

@Musfiq us shaleheen
If I may not be wrong: A Love Poem that brings the dreams again
You are wandering in an endless loop
not yet escaped, though there is a centrifugal force
your heart has grown solid and blood crystalline
the known earth is becoming rearrange,
who loved whom and where everybody has gone!

The little gray spot has grown black
devouring the heart and stone!
a foot print exists on a black shale,
what has it meant that you count or not!
the soul is whispering in the life and rock

But the attraction of gravity is growing
and who has made this life and love?
how the river flows toward the sea!
and how your face has grown shrink that I see!
how the days sleep within the nights!

The loop is too tight to break
the season changes over and being
the red roses, the red roses have grown wither
your summer is now my winter,
though both we have seen that the dry leaves have flown away
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
life is an endless loop
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