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2.7k · Sep 2024
I just needed help
Em Sep 2024
I need help
so I yell and I scream at them
until my lungs give up
and my heart gives out.
silently wishing, hoping
they’ll understand that
I’m not a terrible person.
I’m just hurting

I need help
so I etch the pain into my skin
pleading, begging, praying
for someone to notice the glaring welts

I need help
so I skip one meal
then three
make a chart for the weights
and the calories
waiting to reach the impossible goal

I need help
but I shake in my seat
suffocating in my own lungs
tumbling out of control
I grip my seat so tight my knuckles turn white
wait until
my breath hitches,
my breathing stops
Please don’t read this if you’re in a bad headspace
277 · 5d
Em 5d
I will never
my story.
a warning,
or a precaution of what not
to do.
but frankly,
I wouldn’t change much.
It really did make me stronger.
allowed me more empathy,
let me see
into a little
bit of horror
others go through.

don’t you dare
judge scars,
be grateful
you’ve been
with their
260 · Sep 2024
The Perfect Word
Em Sep 2024
I sit
in silence
but never
is it silent
when you live in
my head.

Thoughts will
flash by,
like a race car
in a thundering

They don’t
just leave

My head is a
Venus fly trap
for ‘bad’ thoughts.

It latches

Some people try
and say
to be grateful
for all of the
the thoughts give me.

They say I’m

That’s not
the right word

Creative is too bright,
too chipper.

Wild imagination,
another common one.

It’s better,
to an extent.

But what no one
can seem to think of
is struggling.

It’s not
that it’s hard
to think of.

They’re just

It’s okay,
I understand.

I’m scared too.
189 · Sep 2024
Em Sep 2024
She was an artist
but not how
most people
think of artists.
She wasn’t a painter,
nor a sculptor.
Not technically

Her instrument was her paintbrush,
her breath the paint.
The rhythms were her design,
the notes her colors,
the world her canvas.

The paper was her pottery wheel,
the words her clay.
Stanzas were her shape,
punctuation her indentations
and publishing her kiln.

she painted with music,
and sculpted with poetry
she made sound come to life,
made poems sing

Most say she’s only a musician
and a writer.
Some will at least give her poet.
but I’d argue
She’s an artist
I’m open to feedback :)
183 · Mar 2
Em Mar 2
i want to leave not because
the world is too much,
but i am.
dancing in the sunshine,
singing in the rain,
smiling as if my life is brilliant.
my outside life if pretty perfect,
but the inside is rusty.
too many cracks and snags,
too many broken pipes, fractured beams
to be useful
you wouldn’t use a vase that can’t hold water,
so why use a life that can’t hold joy?
126 · Mar 2
To Suffer
Em Mar 2
what a blessing for a writer,
to suffer.

adds validity,
better to speak
from experience
than imagination.
see, fiction writers
write to escape.
us poets?
we write
to release.

ink allows us
to bleed
perfect plain paper pages,
our true canvas.
a ‘healthier’
to bleed.

it’s because
they don’t see
the wounds words leave.
never experienced
that punch to the
gut, i’m sure,

does that make them lucky?
i’m unsure.
perhaps it suggests
they’ve never
been that
as to where words
are their only friends.
on the other hand,
they’ve never known
the pure
that is
sweet, sour

those of us
that have experienced
we long to feel it
so we write,
to understand ourselves,
and hopefully,
help others do the same.
41 · Mar 2
Eyes Omniscient
Em Mar 2
eyes don’t lie,
but they’re shockingly
easy to miss.
glass irises got unnoticed,
bloodshot pupil silenced.
our eyes pretend
to be
so why

— The End —