His Dark Angel smiled; cold lips warmed by passion. The trance compelling. Desire for the flesh burned in immortal rage.
The snow fell.
His Golden Muse lay slain; warm blood cooled by liberation. The death an afterthought. Indifference for life in mortal depression.
The snow fell. The winds rose.
A spirit retreated to the only embrace that remained. The Angel stirred in the shadows. A knife fell. Taking the bloodied hand he clasped it tightly in his.
The snow fell. The winds rose. The tears froze.
The pages of his life blood lay scattered across the snow. Like a sacrificial alter the volumes were placed. The temple now erected. Each author a contributing artist. The funeral pyre now complete.
The snow fell. The winds rose. The tears froze. The flames danced.
The fire scratched violently at the frosted air; each enamelled finger reaching out in horror. Ashes twirled, battling the soft white flakes; angels and demons seeking one final act of sovereignty. He glared through the flames, motioning to step forward. He firmly gripped the stained hand, holding it ever nearer the flame that writhed in its own tormented agony. There was scream that emanated like a banshee, yet ended in the flamesβ¦
The snow fell. The winds rose. The tears froze. The flames danced. The end marked.
[By Jas Citrine (Jovial); Submitted May 24, 2014; Copyright 2014]