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Billows of fog
are quickly creeping in,
white as smoke, forming
into a wavy set of steps
and now beckons to me,

a soft voice calls my name
tells me not to be afraid...that it's
okay to climb the foggy stairs,
"i'll be there to meet you at the top,"
the voice assured me...

i must see the owner of the soft voice,
i feel i know him...he knows me well!
my right foot hesitates...but rises,
to take a step...

suddenly, a blow on my right arm
makes me open my eyes 👀 👀

my sister, sound asleep,
turns to my side, and
accidentally hits my arm
just in time,
i was dreaming of my late father,

sally b

Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(My late father often visited me in my dreams when I was small, until
I became a teenager.)
Some days blend well
with smiles and songs
and the passion of love
leaving swishing whirlpools inside

Some days settle down
as dregs in a teacup
the bitter dross
sticking to the froth around the edge
and the residue coming to the surface
as if constantly stirred

Some days, the mind’s slits open
and fancies sluice down
like a dam with shutters removed
or like birds fleeing away from a cage

then hands quiver and ink spills

Some days, I feel so alone
stretching me on the rack of pain
then I shut myself from the outside world
like a periwinkle withdrawn to its shell
hoping nothing,
sinking under dead weight
unable to feel if dead or alive!
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
Maria Etre
It was a fleeting moment
that took me with it
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
Melissa S
There is a stranger in my home
looks familiar but is not known
I wake up and he is all I see
Why is he in the bed with me
I guess he wants to take me down
to see my smiles turn into frowns
turn my light into dark
have me not use my giving heart
In the shadows he waits to pounce
Progressing uncertainty ounce per ounce
He is a liar this I know
Tell me the truth before I go
Who is this stranger that I see
Why is he still in my home with me

Ideas grew old
Many times retold

Designs on the web
The spider knew its craft
The fly well caught
Adorned as centre piece

Reroofed and rebuilt
The origins restored
Lotus grew manifold

Memories of the old pond
Settled in the wet mud
Sliding over the new lotus leaves

Everlasting the ideation
The ideas old, retold
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
Coming to the end
Not much else to be done
or said
Except for
Integrity or despair

Always tried
to be the voice in the darkness
Holding a flashlight
This way.

Sometimes leading to an entrance
Sometimes leading to an exit
Sometimes leading to
No where at all
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
But A Dream
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
A year has passed,
and I am still writing
poems—pleas—for her

Three years,
and my stubborn heart
still yearns for hers

It has been so long,
and I fear I may have
dreamt you, dear one
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
Pristine in her posturing
She's The Mighty Phoenix
She's the elegance Swan
She's the Verses of Venus
She's the Daughter of Dawn

Remotes in her proximity
Across a dreamy grassy pond
I am the song of her destiny
I am the Lily her lotus rest upon

Dear Verses of Venus
You ruffled my drake feather!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Jan 2021 phil roberts
A broken wing, a broken bough,
yet still the Sparrow finds a perch
yet still the Sparrow loved.
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