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 Feb 2015 Paul Hardwick
Poetic T
Rusty you hide your
Self silently in the woods,
Watching the passing of
Time as nature touches
Upon your body work.

You are from a forgotten
Age of style, now an echo
Of past glories, as your
Tires flat and degraded
Your going no where fast.

A gem in the rough, gold
Worthy of rust, you feel
As this was your graveyard,
But eyes have seen your
Potential, seen beyond the
Surface, beyond your rust.

You will soon ride the road
Once more, you feel the
Air once again flowing over,
The road beneath you, speed
A rush as before, even though
the trailer is coming you can
Smell the tarmac of the road.

fog graced the tangled trees
the cacti sighed moisture
their thorns burgeoning
with dew

Changed my password
So I'm back on site
(Haiku x 5)

This dark shines so bright
Blinding, unacceptable
Eyes hide from its light.

Truths are bad, sad, grim,
Taunting, stinging, destroying,
Slashing-poor heart bleeds.

Pain, shame, we cover,
Heart, shoulders, pulled down lower,

Murmurs are like smoke,
Wise minds understand.

So, breathe....part curtains
Sun, wind, shall take charge...believe!
The truth sets us free!


Copyright 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Waves of  words wash such pain away.
Tropical seas of passion bathe the sacred soul with tears.
May words be an ingested tincture.
Let love be a topical cream, to be rubbed in daily.
Smell the salts of magical moments,let them keep the being inside alive.
For a piece of forever.
(c) Livvi
Write* me down
Paint me bright
Draw me beautiful
Watch me fight

Know my heart
Feel my soul
Think about me
Don't lose control

Don't let me fade
Don't let me die
Show me the way
Don't make me cry

Sing my chorus
Type my plays
Remember my words
Love me **always
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