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Is it possible to miss someone you have never met ?

To crave their touch even though you have never truly experienced it.      

To miss their presence even though they have never been with you.

Well I hope with all my heart it is.

Because some how I find myself missing you...
I met a guy for a moment but I don't think ill ever forget him.
 Aug 2014 Kathleen
It seems as if everyone is telling me that I cannot think of you that way.

Not again.

I know more than anyone of how much trouble you can be.

I know I shouldn't want to take chances when I already know the outcome.

But sometimes I do because sometimes I miss you.

Sometimes I miss the way you would caress my hand and hold it tight.

Sometimes I miss your hugs that reassured me everything's gunna' be


Sometimes I miss the way your lips taunted mine in the moonlight.

Sometimes I miss the gentleness of your kiss on my mouth.

Sometimes I miss the "goodnight, beautiful" and "good morning,

sunshine!" messages that brought tears to my eyes as I looked back at


Sometimes I miss you, I really do.
I am new to this, so comments would be highly appreciated.
Two weeks before summer you left.

I bleached my hair and thoughts

while you were away

I grew tired, impatient on my own.

A month later, I met someone new

I thought he was nice and

smart, I let him take your place

and do the things that were yours to do

because if I had gotten him flowers

he would not have left

them in my room and told me

they would die

in his.
typical unrequited teenage luv probs
 Aug 2014 Kathleen
 Aug 2014 Kathleen
we talk

we study

we laugh

we graduate

we love

we live

we stay

we die
 Aug 2014 Kathleen
 Aug 2014 Kathleen
A field of dandelions, sometimes thought as weeds and all too under appreciated, is dotted with tulips. But I don't care for the tulips, I love the yellow dandelions that turn into white puffs that can grant my wishes.
 Jul 2014 Kathleen
 Jul 2014 Kathleen
Two years ago the shower was a refuge.
A place away from my thoughts.
It was relaxing.

But it's become a hell.
The scalding water burns out my cries
And the blades sit neatly on the edge.

Crying in the shower is easy.
Probably because I can't feel exactly how much of my heart is breaking.

I can't feel how much salted sadness is falling from my eyes.
But I feel it in my heart.

I feel heavy.
My knees go weak and I must scramble to the floor.

There I curl up into my scarred body and make marks with razors where your hands used to be.

What the hell have you done?
I had a meltdown in the shower this morning for the first time in a long while.....
 Jul 2014 Kathleen
I told you it was him.
I went to ****** therapy.

I told you it was school.
You let me leave.

But what I never said was that it was dad.
And the way he drinks too much.

And I never said it was you.
And me worrying about your illness.

But it's this house.
That's what drives me insane.

Because him without a bottle
And you and your broken brain..

It just doesn't work.

So I have to pretend I'm better.
Pretend I don't hurt anymore.

Because blaming him and school

Was so much easier than blaming dad and you...
This is probably one of my most honest peices.

Nobody knows how sick my mother is.
And how sick my father is.

So that's why I tear the flesh from my bones.
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