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 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
I don't want to miss you
it hurts to stay silent
but I hold my tongue
and pretend to be strong

I wish you would speak to me
even one word
but we both know one word
wouldn't hold me that long

a world full of lovers
who want me to love them
cannot understand what I need
but you do

a whole sky full of stars
and you paint it all blue
who could let me forget
there is no one like you
 Jul 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
a river flows
where no one goes

this is a place
where no one stays

one day I will lose everything

one day
or day by day by day

and time will be
the end of me

and I will be
a memory

and all who still
remember me

the river will
wash them away
 Jun 2022 Påłpëbŕå
Sol beats down on my body
all day.
The wind howls,
the sweat drips,
the sand sticks
to everything
A dizzying clear sky
no clouds
no cover
no respite.
And on the inside
my mind is ablaze
punishing me
as the cogs and the gears grind and nash.
Thoughts that feel like
self immolation
cling to me.
There is no water that
can quench the flames.
The only way out is to suffocate.
**** the brain.
I wish I could shut it all out but...
 Jun 2022 Påłpëbŕå
i am
a legislative agenda
a number in a system
a check to be balanced
a wrong to be righted
a bill to be passed
a shout to be stifled
a cry to be silenced
i am screaming with all my might
but my anger means nothing
for who
am i
in this country
but another woman
word usage be wise
for the universe feels both
spoken, unspoken
©️ d_t + b
 Jun 2022 Påłpëbŕå
i've been told i have been silent recently
but maybe they just don't hear me
am i whispering?
i feel like im screaming from the depths of my soul
so why can't they hear me?
if your eyes wander long enough
you'll see the pain
if you're listening
you'll hear the long-held breath i let out
when i finally get the release
of detaching
and realising
what helps
 Jun 2022 Påłpëbŕå
what are memories
but treasure chests
of pain

or hard candy
that slowly melts away
and leaves your tongue blue

or a phantom
that creeps
from door to door

peeking through some,
locking after a visit
lingering in the shadows

memories travel like a whisper
a refraction of light
and swirling dust bunnies

what are memories
but a corner fold
of a page
Why do you push people away?

"I want them to be happy."
Her smile is intoxicating
Her personality contagious
Her mind
a lovely prison
Slowly they come
Men of all ages
All trying to win her hand
But soon, they become poisoned
From her love

So true
So pure
So deadly
Unable to control it
Shes watches them choke
And slowly die
from loving her

Alone she lives
Broken men surround her
Reminders of her curse
No matter what she tries
the poison seeps through
And kills everything
but her
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