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 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
Thought I could save you
That's the problem with broken people
We want to heal others
With our wounds still open

Should've known when I met you
Your friends told me you'd hurt me
But I'm too devoted to love
And I was too devoted to you
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
At 2am you’ll find me
Awake and thinking too much
I speak aloud of what I’m afraid
Using the darkness as my crutch

Sleep never comes easily
My soul simply cannot rest
With the dull ache of loneliness
And sorrow it knows best

They say 2am is for the poets
The lovers, the lonely, the inspired
But I just want to fall asleep
Can someone hold me? I’m tired
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
We rarely talk
We've had memories
Some bittersweet

You're the song on repeat
And I want it to stop
Get it off my mind

No longer do I want this lullaby
The mind wakes up memories before you sleep and sometimes it's of old romances
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
Trust the process
Until the process betrays
It once was my friend
Now changed is its ways

It all sounds so great
Until flipped is your fate
Did the process betray
Or did I simply lose faith
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
Be My Doll

Be my doll,
I want to play with you.

Be my doll,
I want to decorate you.

Be my doll,
I want to change your clothes.

Be my doll,
I want to desecrate you.

Be my doll,
I want to possess you.

Be my doll,
I want to pick you in my arms.

Be my doll,
I want to keep you with me.

Be my doll,
I want to marry you.

Be my lady,
I want you to take me as your lord.
My HP Poem #1837
©Atul Kaushal
Why do I need
    to rage into the night?
     my heart is at peace
     I have survived every fight.
Night sits on my chest
Squeezes poems out of me
And grinds my poor soul
 Apr 2020 adam olofantur
The thing I am most grateful
for is that when my heart broke,
it broke open.
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