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Ben Jul 2023
I love you

But I'm afraid I love you too

Don't want to tempt you with a minor truth

I'm sorry for loving you.
A love for one, became for many and every woman.... i loved; i didn't lie about it.
Ben Aug 2022
Sometimes I miss the switch I had to go numb
I remember the days when that feeling was all I wanted
When things would go wrong.
I love how confident and expressive I am becoming but sometimes wish I can be numb again.
Ben Aug 2022
"Here we go again"
The words that hurt the most
Because we both knew what you were referring to
Words that hurt more than "I don't love you"
Words that caused a strum to become
A guitar with broken strings

Strings replaced
But the tune was not the same
Ben Aug 2022
My life is a never ending dream

And reality keeps me awake
Ben Aug 2022
The strums of truth
Make my soul hum
The brutal tune
Of what once was
Will not become
Ben Jan 2022
Surrounded by noise I am so used to

Enjoying the background as I pass through

Losing my sense of truth

All I really want to hear is you.
It's a poem of security. Living a life where you are surrounded by people but you only want to hear one voice. A voice that is truth to you, a love that stands out.
Ben Oct 2021
My voice became constantly muffled
Whirring to your ears
Becoming inaudible

After abruptly making a heartbreaking statement

I had already started to fade the more I spoke
To make things straight
The imagery is about a breakup trying to find closure but the other side of the relationship is already beginning to forget you.
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