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usted sabe
puede contar
no hasta dos
o hasta diez
sino contar

si alguna vez
que la miro a los ojos
y una veta de amor
reconoce en los míos
no alerte sus fusiles
ni piense qué delirio
a pesar de la veta
o tal vez porque existe
usted puede contar

si otras veces
me encuentra
huraño sin motivo
no piense qué flojera
igual puede contar

pero hagamos un trato
yo quisiera contar
con usted
                      es tan lindo
saber que usted existe
uno se siente vivo
y cuando digo esto
quiero decir contar
aunque sea hasta dos
aunque sea hasta cinco
no ya para que acuda
presurosa en mi auxilio
sino para saber
a ciencia cierta
que usted sabe que puede
contar conmigo.
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Félix Arvers
La Porte-Saint-Martin va donner des Mystères

Où Paris tout entier se hâte d'accourir.

Tout manque, les balcons, les loges, les parterres ;

J'ai pourtant une place et je vais vous l'offrir.

Ce théâtre où jadis je vous ai rencontrée

Me rappelle un passé bien cruel et bien doux.

C'était un soir d'été, douce et chaude soirée ;

Je m'en souviens encor : vous en souvenez-vous ?

Que de choses depuis ! - La vie est ainsi faite.

Je voulais vous avoir, vous n'avez pas voulu

Et j'ouvris devant vous oublieuse et distraite

Le livre de mon cœur où vous n'avez rien lu.

Eh bien, il est au moins un bienfait que j'implore,

Triste et suprême appel que vous fera ma voix,

Qu'une dernière fois je vous revoie encore

Aux lieux où je vous vis pour la première fois !

Comme un oiseau blessé qui vient, l'aile meurtrie,

Mourir près de son nid, au bord de son ruisseau.

Qu'ainsi mon pauvre amour, brisé par vous, Marie.

Vienne chercher sa tombe auprès de son berceau !
Happy birthday
They say
But all I hear is
"You're getting older"

I'm losing my childhood
One day at a time
And soon
It will be gone
I will be gone

They say that life starts
Once you're an adult
But all I have ever heard
Was that life is horrible
Life is hard

Aging happens to everyone
Nothing can prevent it
Even the anti-aging cream
All it does is get rid of wrinkles
And sometimes it doesn't even work

Perhaps that's life
You buy something to make you happy
Something to change you
And sometimes it works
And sometimes it doesn't
Just like life

But you cant let age define you
I seem to find them everywhere
Because they're the only things
That help me sleep at night

If I don't distract myself
There are many things that I could do
Bad things
Good things

Buy a cat
Buy a game

Spend loads of money
For just
Wrote this from personal experience.
You show everyone your smile
But they don't know it's fake

You show everyone your sleeves
But they can't see through the time

You show everyone your body
But they can't see the marks

You show everyone yourself
But they can't see you
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
If I could carry you between my ears
Record my thoughts, my mind, my ways
For an entire day
I would do so without hesitance
And send them your way
Just as I write
That way I wouldn’t have to explain and tell you so
In that particular way
You are my dainty little flower,
I love the little things about you
You are the reason why I love

I love you dainty little flower
So delitcate and fragile
Your colors stand out from the green
Dainty little flower, will you allow me to pick you
Are you grounded to the ground
Or will you snap easily off your stem

Dainty little flower, please last long in the winter
The frost will protect you from the bitter cold layers
Please stay safe until the next spring
Because I love you beautiful little flower
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Angela K
 Nov 2017 Inkveined
Angela K
don't use me
as your broom
to sweep up your feelings for her
under rugs
cause every time we kiss
every time we touch
i can feel her coarse dust
rubbing through my skin
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