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                      There she was
                By serendipity's sake
                         I beheld her
             With all her glimmering rays
                 Beauteously peeking
              Just around the corner
             Grinning  with enormous

                 ­  The luster about her
               Manifested her grandeur
       Across wish-washy velvet skies

                     Only to turn round
                        As to behold
               Such novelty pulchritude
          Pulchritudinous than anything
                Anything i'd ever beheld

               Than when it dawned on me
          She was discreetly decamping
                        Fading yonder
          Yonder glamorous horizons
                  Leaving me a desolate,
Down the dumps
                And a lonesome wanderer
                           Only wishing
                Ever to catch her glimpse
                              Once again.
#Twilight  #sun   #Pulchritude
                       #Heart break
Funny how Someone can
Asunder a heart of thine
And thou still dost adore them
With all thy riven smithereens

My love, please come to me,
In my life thou dost linger
A love from my sweet past
That beamed than many a star

My love, long have I endured
A heart sundered by love
Though wherever  I wander
Thy sweet love I still dost crave.

Oh my love, come back to me
So we may pick these riven pieces
That like sea waters scattered be
And I'll smoother thee with kisses

Together we'll never sunder
For my love will be thy love
Beaming so bright forevermore
As thy  love will be my love

Blissfully we'll dwell ever after
Like twinkling stars in galaxies
With our enchanted passion
Effulgently lingering in perpetuity.
#Love #Stars #galaxies #infinite love
 Jul 2015 NivineKalach
It's never quite as romantic as they make it out to be.
These trips to France
or Spain
or Germany.
To the misty mountains of Iceland,
the wine-toasting grottos of Italy.

The romance comes about a half-hour before sun rise.
Catching, counting
and losing count
of the stars you see in her eyes.
In those sincere sighs
that come after the heartfelt goodbyes
and the soft smiles in those happy hellos:
Those are the ones
that let you know.

Romance is not a place:
It's a person.
And when you find them,
hold them close
and never let go.
Or you'll be destined to dwell on the past
and to dream only of tomorrow.
With a head full of regret
and a heart full of sorrow.

Don't let it happen to you
like it happened to me.
Hold her close, for heaven's sake:
Or lost
you will forever be.
 Jun 2015 NivineKalach
Feel Me
 Jun 2015 NivineKalach
Hey, I'm here
Bleeding in the deepest space of your heart
Can you feel me?
Here, come closer
let me whisper you a secret
You see, time doesn't fly in my galaxy
it's frozen after you left me
guess you've cast a charmed
to keep my open flesh unarmed
I want you to know
that you cannot have me.
We are third-world countries

Our views are different;
yours – passionate,
mine – practical.

You hear beautiful music
in the noisiest place; whereas
that same area
disturbs me.

Where you see opuntias,
I see prickly spines
to pierce my
shield of sensibility.

Your sanguinity spites me,
yet it resounds from within—
a dreamer’s echoes in my veins.

Nonetheless, you have taught me,
guiding me through my
self-inflicted stress.
Your persistence has
deprived me of
pessimism, so

I thank you.
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