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Sep 2017 · 439
Avoid the void
Nico fuentes Sep 2017
I will harbor
I will hide
A deep crevice
A long fissure
In my heart
I will carry
If you ask me
What it is
What this Amazing void is,
I will say, not much,
Just something
To avoid
Sep 2017 · 377
An act of resurrection
Nico fuentes Sep 2017
do I wish to see you again? At a less miserable time. when our lives are not as hectic as they are. Or when the chaos has found home in whole new place. Then maybe just then shall try love, once more.
Sep 2017 · 471
A note deep within
Nico fuentes Sep 2017
I don’t want to die just yet, with my heart a hollowed mess, I don’t want to die just yet. These days I’m searching for reasons as to why someone close to me once said that there’s not always an answer for every question. How can I live like I've always wanted , but still be immortalized as a man? Which parts of me am I really chasing after? Which parts of me do I truly know? A single act of kindness can change a person forever, sometimes it’s good to forgive....wait. Maybe not all of the time. But life’s too short, it’s bittersweet. I don’t want to live forever, maybe just long enough to see where I might end up some day. But when I die, maybe I’ll be transformed into thoughts and become an idea to some young mind that feels like I do. when does this loop end? I’ve been hanging myself off the edge. I can count my own heartbeat. I’m just trying to figure out if I’m doing this right. Are we living a life that’s worth something to anyone. Or are we just breathing? I don’t want to just breathe. I want to live.
Aug 2016 · 396
Once lovers... Pt2
Nico fuentes Aug 2016
She knew it was really over this time. No second chances. No apologies. Just a goodbye. A best friend, a lover soon to be stranger. From talking everyday to 2 second check ups out of regrets. To now becoming a bitter memory. When you finally utter why you wanted them to stay… it’s generally too ******* late.
Make a phone call to nowhere– no one is home. Knock on your chest- there's no answer
everything is broken.
And you to realize.
As pieces of what was,  lie before you  
And my darling, you’re alone again.
Nico fuentes Sep 2015
It's hard to believe a beautiful girl can make you dizzy
As if you have been drinking jack and coke all night into the morning.
Her presents gives you a uplifting feeling
She's a Promise, promise of a better day
Promise that there is hope
Promise there is a new tomorrow
This particular aura can be found in the gait of this beautilful girl
In her smile and in her soul and the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like its gonna be ok...
And she, she is the one...
Jul 2015 · 2.1k
A Sister love
Nico fuentes Jul 2015
I Got a sister
She had my back through think and thin
Seen my up and downs
My happiness and my hearts breaks
Hell she pretty much my twin
Siblings through marriage
But you could swear we are blood
Miles apart we're still one
Miles apart we hurt, bleed, cry, laugh
Miles apart she is my bestfriend
Even big brother have little heroes
And my sister is it.
Jul 2015 · 662
Setting a new course
Nico fuentes Jul 2015
I've watched the sun rise and set
While the wave crashed down
I've waited out here for you
Hope the winds would bring you back to me
I've waged war with these rough sea
But my love the current has taken you to far
And I'm afraid I can't get to you
So this is my farewell to you
I've set sail with a new direction.
Jul 2015 · 433
Nico fuentes Jul 2015
It's 4 am
And these sleepy eye are getting no rest
The thoughts of you keep running
Picture of you burnt in my head are flashing
Almost like a old fashion movie
It's 4 am
And I'm wide awake
Writing what's you're reading right now
Wishing you were here with me
Wishing I was the one who sings her to sleep
Wanting to be you're reason to smile
But it's 4am
And this is what I do
Missing you...
Jun 2015 · 504
Messy not messed up
Nico fuentes Jun 2015
I’m not really into any kind of messes, and it’s safe to say that we are extremely messy and complicated… However, it’s also safe to say that I still really like you despite it all. 
****… I’m pretty ****** huh?
You’ve turned my life inside out, but I still want you there.
Nico fuentes Jun 2015
I am going to bed with my heart full of your adorable image… I cannot wait to give you proofs of my ardent love… How happy I would be if I could assist you at your ******* of you're beautiful pale body, to see that adorable face, you're red hair *******. You know that I will never forget you. Or the taste of you're lips I've kissed a thousand times and wait impatiently to feel those lips again. So I wait ... Wishing and dreaming of you
May 2015 · 768
Nico fuentes May 2015
Crazy it seem
The way that I think
Beaten by fears
Rebuilt by hate
Destroy destroy destroy
Is all I could think
Never pay no attention
About who was around
Destroy destroy destroy
All of them into the ground
No one knows the demon I face
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
I haven't been fine in months
Habbits come easy
But die so hard
By now the seasons have changed
And all my plans rearranged
To fit this one

And I, have been searching for something
And now, that I've found it I'll never let go

I came in out of the cold
You got me out of my clothes
I swear to God I've been waiting for this all my life
The bottles filled to the brim
But now its empty again
I swear to God I've been waiting for this all my life
"I spent forever looking up at the stars till I finally found what I was looking for her eyes"
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Last night I counted all the stars
And remembered that you couldn't see them
Where you are
So it felt pointless, and I felt useless
And you can't feel a thing where you are
At all

Loving you was so **** easy
But I was just a chore
The incision of your last decision
Has cut me to the bone and left me
Love is just a word but it seems
To mean so much more
The incision of your last decision
Has cut me to the bone and left me

Last night you watched the light pass by
And thought of nothing but being
Where you are
And it looked so new, and I felt so old
And you can't feel a thing where you are
At all

Loving you was so **** easy
But I was just a chore
The incision of your last decision
Has cut me to the bone and left me
Love is just a word but it seems
To mean so much more
The incision of your last decision
Has cut me to the bone and left me
Alone, alone, alone
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
my heart burns for you
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
I wonder if you miss me?
As much as i miss you.
I wonder if your chest aches?
As much as mine does
When all i want is you.
Yes it's true
I'm crazy girl
Crazy in love with you
Apr 2015 · 623
Sleeping next to you
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Sleeping next to you
Is the best feeling
Feeling you're skin on mine
The warmth of your body
Is like no other
Or the sent of you
There so much I could say
But sleeping next to you
Is something I yearn for
Something I wish for
Apr 2015 · 358
Another you
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
To find another you
It's impossible
Try as I can
I seem to get nowhere
I can still feel you
In my veins
In my chest
But these hallways are empty
Nothing but a ghost
Wish you were starring back at me
But you're starring into another's eyes
So I'll sit and stair at pictures
Of what was and what was lost
So this is my life
Searching for another you
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Another bottle
Another thought
Take another shot
Well take two
No matter how many
I take I can't escape
The memory of you
I'll have another
Make this a double
Hell a triple of jack
Ignite a fire in my chest
But it's not the jack
That's causing the burn
It's the girl I'm trying to drink away
Apr 2015 · 973
Finding a equal balance
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Salt and Pepper,

are two totally different things,
two totally different tastes,

yet they always go together.
Love is like salt and pepper,

One person salt,
The other pepper.
Sometimes the combination of these foreign things,
don’t taste very good,

But other times,
They make it 10 times better.
A relationship isn’t always perfect,

because sometimes,
Salt and Pepper
don’t get along with each other,

But when the time is right,

and the combination of the two is correct,

the relationship is good.
You can’t have too much salt
nor too much pepper,

because then the recipe is off balance,

and you have too much of one,

and not enough of the other.
One day,
Every salt, 
will find it’s pepper,

and every pepper,
will find it’s salt, 

but until then,
they will sit on the table,

waiting for the right salt or pepper,
to come along…
Apr 2015 · 403
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
She's like cold air piercing my lungs
She's a strong current pulling me to sea
She's like forest fire burn all of my me
She's the best when she feels the worst
She's the smell when I lay next to her
She's the one I had and the one I lost
She's the one I love but it comes with a cost
She's cancer in my bones but I don't mind
She's the one stealing all my time
She's the one sending chills up my spine
She's the one that can't be replaced
She's the one I can't remove
She's the only one I'll say I do too
She's my heaven
She's my heart
She's been the one all from the start.
Apr 2015 · 410
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Summer brought so much pain
Dont know if I'll be the same
Been some years  since you passed
I would give it all just have you back

Sleep well goodnight
You'll always be on my mind
Sleep well my friend
I know one day I'll see you again

I miss the times we had
And the memories we shared
When I close my eyes
I can see you great big smile

Sleep well goodnight
You'll always be on my mind
Sleep well my friend
I know one day I'll see you again

This I must testifie
You have touch my life
I wrote. This for you
I hope it gets to you

Sleep well goodnight
You'll always be on my mind
Sleep well my friend
I know one day I'll see you again
I know we will meet again
Apr 2015 · 449
Once lovers
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Once lovers
Now barely friends
One loves
The other careless
Promise made he will keep
While she rolls in the sheets

She uses his love
Cause she knows it won't fade
He fights for her to have her way

It's plain and clear
If you can't see
That the " He "
Is really me.
Apr 2015 · 278
Self thought
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
I remember a time I loved life
Loved everyone ..
Remember when I felt
When I was someone

Now these days
I'm full of hate
Full of pain
Mentally and physical pain
I feel nothing now
I am nothing
Apr 2015 · 440
Weathering the storms
Nico fuentes Apr 2015
Dear love
I'm here on the coast
Staring at the stars in the night sky
I'll watch the moon off the horizon
And I'll be faced with reality
When the sunrises ..
Cause I'm just a ship anchored off the coast
While you off sailing the seas
Seeing all the wounders in these waters
I'll weather these storms while your gone
I'll hope that one day I'll see your sail off the horizon .
And pray that all these storms I've  weathered will bring you back to me .

— The End —