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  Jul 2015 Neo
Kaleidoscope Prhyme
Poems written to a lost love.
Poems written about a lost love.
In the beginning I always hoped that this love would have a happy ending.
Love listen, I have lost love but I haven’t lost all the words I have to write about love.
“Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter.” – Melissa Marr
Neo Jul 2015
I am out at sea.
I am alone and I am lost.
I am scared and so my whole being starts to drown.
I see nothing but  darkness,  
as I start to fall deep into the ocean.

I hear his voice.
Wait! I hear my lovers voice,
but I can't see him.
He is pulling me out.
He is helping me fight this storm.
He tells me all will be well.

I make it, and my head is above water.
I am able to breath and move.
I smile, hoping to see him by my side, but he is not there.

I realise that my lovers words are my hope.
  Jun 2015 Neo
Bathabile Beey Modiba
sitting in their room:
somebody's looking at a bunch of pills.
staring at a stack of razors.
holding a thick belt in their hand.
or just thinking, contemplating to end it all.
but then suddenly, they think of you.
your smile.
the dimple on your cheek that appears when you smile.
oh god, that beautiful smile.
your touch.
the feeling they get when your soft yet strong hands caress ex their body.
feeling like they're floating, reliving that moment.
your voice.
that sweet voice that asks, "how are you today?" & says "i love you" & "i'm sorry" when they wrong you.
that sweet, sweet voice.
sweet enough to calm monster within.
your hair.
the way it feels. how it curls up when it's wet after you take a swim.
how you hate it when they touch your hair.
your love.
the way you're willing to understand them.
even though you don't, you are willing.
someone, somewhere, could throw those pills away,
throw those razors away,
choose to adorn that thick belt on their waist instead of on their neck,
& choose to hold on.
all because they thought of you.

— @beeyroyce.
my ex inspired this. i wrote this when i was in a very bad space. with hindsight, he didn't really understand my depression. he was there physically, not so much emotionally. s/o to him for adding to my inspiration for writing though.
  Jun 2015 Neo
keeps me in a trance
somewhere between consciousness
and dreaming
I lay there
replaying every moment
        we spent together
reliving every sweet moment
        our bodies touched
and I still wonder
why I wasn't good enough for you
  Jun 2015 Neo
The Girl Who Loves You
Not seen by the outside world
Miserable invisible little girl
Hiding in the corners of her mind
Hoping there's nothing left of her to find
Listening to the silence of the voices
Regretting life and all her bad choices
Missing the happiness she once had
Considering it all, she's really mad
How could this have happened?
What did she ever do in her past life?
Pain cuts away her soul deep with a knife
Slicing the pieces that remain into shards
Dropping to the ground, breaking hard
There's nothing left of the past regrets
Now she can only pray that she forgets
Neo Jun 2015
My 6 strings mend broken reflections.
They chant sweet elegies,
with beautiful melodies
calling you to a better direction
Neo Jun 2015
I cannot speak.
It is how I am now.
I was alone for such a long time,
that I learned to shut everyone out,
thinking that nobody would understand what I go through.
I've learned to wipe my own tears,
and that made me believe that I don't need anyone.
And so, I thought I could never be loved.
I have a lot of baggage .
But you loved me and I fell so hard.
You touched me and reminded me that I am not alone.
You promised to be by my side
and two years later you still are.
But I want you to understand .
I am still scared and maybe sometimes I will push you away.
I hope you understand that I am trying to build myself .
I will be happy, and I'll suddenly get sad.
I will cry, and I will never tell you why.
It's hard for me to place my burdens upon somebody else's shoulders.
I hope you understand
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