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 Jun 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
You may not have someone to cuddle with
You may not have someone to give you sweet kisses
You may not have someone you can call yours
But you have someone you can confide with
But you have someone who will help you through anything
But you have someone who will love you no matter what
And I'm **** glad that's me
 Jun 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
cozy april
I visited that crazy tower
of beautiful architecture
and magnificent history
and never had I ever known
how places that beautiful
can make you feel like your problems
are such a minority in this world,
I know terrible sorrow has come across us all  
and there's no such thing as never being sad
or judgmental,
but despite that
wonderful places like here
show me how life is so grand
thank you London

My mother used to tell me "remember baby roses have thorns " I didn't understand that in till now I think she ment that even though something so pretty and beautiful can hurt you if you made the wrong move. You have to be careful when handling roses and you have to be careful when handling people you don't wanna get hurt.
 Jun 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
cozy april
In the beginning it was hell
you couldn't tell
that our existence wasn't yet stale
but actually pale by comparison
thought never to combat again.
bang goes the earth
never to be the same again
Changed again
astranged again to the new upright walking beings
as different as it seems
it's still the same
burried secrets that still remain
and we learn to sustain
never knowing that we are the bane
of our beatutiful earth
not aware of its worth
consuming its girth
as time runs out we start to dectect
our selfishness and neglect
for the very thing we were made to protect.

as the earth deals with its adversity
we decrease our carcinogenicity
start respecting our maternity
but time can only heal the relationship of earth and humanity

A cool breeze promises rain.
My old hut creaks with anticipation.
 May 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
Jane's sick, just a common flu
Nothing she can't handle
Another workday
Same as any other
She blows her nose right before work
Tosses the tissue in to a bin
Grabs the doorhandle and walks in

George is just on time for work
Maybe today will be the day
Maybe Jane will see him today
He grabs the doorhandle
And as he walks in
He wipes the raindrops off his lips

The virus works its way in him
Just like Jane's rejection
It's like he's not good enough
But he's a good man
He knows that
Okay maybe not the best guy ever

Maybe he thinks too much of himself
Perhaps she's known better
I'm not good enough
But he knows she likes him back
she can get better
Well she's not that great either

Much does he know
That in order to be able
To cast blame on others
We must have an understanding
Of what we are blaming them for
And that can only be identified within us

Do we not have to understand
A concept before we teach it
Sure enough we must understand
What it means to not be good enough
Before we teach others to feel that way
Congrats George you passed

Jane was taught she wasn't good enough
And now George has identified with that
And George will teach it to Melissa
Who is secretly casting
Her adimiring, loving looks at him
And when George is done with Melissa
Melissa will teach it to James
And James will enforce that within Jane
"Lily you have stop planning everything, be more spontanious. We'll get to it when I've watched the news, played online for a bit, taken a shower and smoked a cigarette. I'm not going to do this now" => I have to stop planning things and be more spontanious?
Silly example but it shows the concept of projection very clearly.
I won't rush myself,
It'll be just like you.
Eyes locked, and so we knew,
Love at first sight;
We'll fall like two fools.
Who knew I wrote this for you.. jezuz. I hate that as much as I love it.. For the record the title is an inside joke, hue. I've edited this poem into oblivion rofl. I wish there was an edit history... agk.
I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the
Lucid dreaming is when you can control your dreams.
I some of them I die.
Fake smile,
           Dried eyes,
                       Scratched wrists,
                                         Bruised thighs,
                                                         White pills,
                                                                      Rope tied,
                                                                                Gun loaded,
Can I die now?
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