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She paints a pretty picture,
But her story has a twist-

Her paint brush is a razor
And her canvas is her wrist

She paints a pretty picture
In a color that’s blood red
While using her sharp paint brush
She ends up finally dead

Her pretty picture’s fading
Quite slowly on her arm
The blood is not racing through her
She can no longer do harm

She painted her pretty picture
But her picture had a twist-
You see her mind was her razor

And her heart was her wrist
 May 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
Stu Harley
me be
the ocean
me be
the sea
me be
the door
that open
for thee
i don't
want to be alone
please rest.
You've been tormented by Mind
all day
all night.
#exhaustion #lifehacks
It's days like this I wish nobody cared so that I could end it all without hurting anyone.

However, as painful as it is to look in the mirror everyday, I still have people to care for and look after.
Don't worry I won't die yet,
I'm not going to do that to you
 May 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
 May 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
Floating like a butterfly
I sting like a bee
Voice so quiet, I shout aloud
Being an obedient child
I break the rules
Don't judge me by what I wear,
or how I look
If I want I could shred you to pieces
Look who you mess with cuz I'm a fighter
I punch the living daylight, out of you
Don't mess with me cuz I'm a fighter!
Once again, a poem written by my bestie Ghaz!
Nuclear family
Extended family
Your close friends
Anyone who cares should be part of your family
Family is everything
Depression is a weight in my stomach
Fire on my cheeks
But ice beneath
Conspire Conspire
Against my deadly desire
I don't want to loose you…

© Copywrited
 May 2015 Ms Sarah ツ
Bloom had a gravid heart last night
She could not relate but meditate with leaves up

Bloom received a thicket from the moon
While she froze in a posture of  
‘a gift to be presented to ... but for whom?'

Fitted well in length on both of her parabolic curves
as if a newborn glume

a galaxy made of a wood flower
a heap which once a cycle blossomed
same color as the fragrance of a lover's desire
in a deepest clearing at the heart of hearts
at a holy spot where a ray shone
Just one night falling on one cycle  
to awaken a moonflower

She sings the magic wood's tune
to matchmake destined lovers
living in such mirrored cycles


The golden  bunch which she then gently grasped
until a fist would became its skin and pulsate
in mindful rhythm

reintegrating the nature of nodes within

reanimating the beat from and through the leaves

delivering health to All its unitless dimensions

The nourisher and the rejuvenated
the heart of joy
a flow
to  find its way this way
along the equifying particles
on one smiling body

she dreamt of


Next morning I got up early
seeing the municipal cars aside
with stacks of healthy roots inside
all to be planted in a day
to grow trees
in front of her little house  

and yes she could relate this time

first with bewildered eyes
then with bewildered mind
then with a breathing belly
then with a full heart
she smiled


*She was a mystery studying  facts only
Jealousy is hatred dancing along my skin
Accusations swell in my mind
That I itch to unveil
Betrayal, Betrayal
In every fatal detail
But you don't want to see me

© Copywrited
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