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I left my soul here somewhere
have you seen it?
black leather cover
some blank pages
but most scribbled
with illegible fountain pen ink
a desperate hand
searching for meaning out
of the darkness of light
it's not that important really
I just can't live without it
It strikes, not with a gale,
but with a drizzle of cherry blossoms
and a flurry of gentle chords.
I'm blinded by your kindness.
Science doesn't do it for me.
I know that you know God,
by the way you treat
your fellow man.
Baby, you're a Saint.
misery finds me
   the common bird

perched upon
   branches of autumn

waiting over me
   such an old friend

hidden herein
   casket of heavy air

how i wish to embrace
her edges

with what little is left
of me

that wants to stay

i never intended
to take apart
all the pieces
you glued back
If not for you where would I be today?
Most likely dead or on some distant shore.
Your love does not drift like the ocean waves.
It stays close to my heart, I can't ask for more.
Your skin So Soft like velvet on my tongue.
Your orchid, sublime, responds to every kiss.
To my ears your heart beats like a song.
If I never met you my life would be amiss.
But now we build the future bold and brave.
There is no fear when I am in your arms.
The ***** is gone and I'm no longer a slave.
My soul is not in a state of alarm.
Your breath is like the wind on barren land.
I swear to you I'll always be your man.
We live a world of make-believe
Everyone speaks in lies
Multiple faces worn
Conversations disguise

Snide statements made with polite words
Insinuated interactions
Everybody has an ulterior motive
Stances formulated for satisfaction

They shout and curse your name privately
Never face-to-face
Doesn't matter who is in the wrong
Dishonesty is a disgrace

I make thoughts known aloud
To whom they're relevant
If harboring feelings towards someone
Make those emotions evident

How dare you speak ill my character
An object made of my name
My story used for your entertainment
But my life is not your game
 Jul 2022 Splashes of Surreal
Tea stained blotches
Slowly spread across
thick green leaves
as July is pulled into
August. Fat blackberries
Are scattered into hedgerows of
Cow parsley.
Brambles reach out their forked
Fingers and nettles swallow the pathways.
I am looking forward to autumn
When I am no longer in a busy emerald city
But instead in cool quiet
Trudging through golden bracken.
Looking forward to autumn
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