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a universal language
a feeling and a belief
a voice for the voiceless
a mirror for humanity

messages tangled in
silken webs of thoughts
sometimes intangible
sometimes whole
thoughts that mesh with words
lilting soft
sudden deep cut

a mind heart and soul
a safe escape
in tapestries of messages and words
it is the stuff dreams are made of
tonight's inspirations:

"we are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep" - prospero, the tempest, act iv, scene one, 148-158.

"is this the stuff dreams are made of..." - line from one of my all-time favourite songs, 'second skin' by the chameleons.
You can always tell a self destructive writer
By their poetry

Because sometimes they are redundant
And other times they are expressing pain

But they always tell a story of being hurt
And locked into their own head

But this my dear, is why they write
Because the person in their head is trying to get out

Self destructive writers
Are usually dark

But when they are light
They tell you how perfect you are

So that you don't do the same thing
That they did to themselves

Self destructive writers
Don't want you to make their scars
On your arms
To all those out there who are this way, trust  in your loved ones, you will get out of this. Thank you for encouraging other people to be who they are.
Hush, lullay.

Your treasures all

Encrust with rust,

Your trinket pleasures fall

        To dust.

Beneath the sapphire arch,

Upon the grassy floor,

Is nothing more

        To hold,

And play is over-old.

Your eyes

        In sleepy fever gleam,

Their lids droop

        To their dream.

You wander late alone,

The flesh frets on the bone,

Your love fails in your breast,

Here is the pillow.

Just write
Express your thoughts
On backs of napkins if required to
Sand at beaches
Any surface will do!
And the men and the women who inhabit are the authors of this story titled life
Eyes closed;
My fingers gently glide across.

These Mountains of records;
Scattered every which way.

Breathe in,
As I browse through every artist...

That has changed the world. ❤️
I was young, and living
in Southern California.
I owned life, I had two pet
doves and I was reading
a lot of Dylan Thomas.

I was getting ready to
go to college for Nursing.
20 years old, learning about
assonance and alliteration.
Poetry, and love for the
craft found me...all green
and naive.

On my way out the door,
the phone rang, it was my
brother Ted, he was head of the
biology department at
San Diego State.  He told me
in his scientific way that
our oldest brother Todd was
dying of pancreatic cancer,
and asked if I would come and take
care of him.....I said of course.
Ted said as soon as the semester finished
he would be back out.
I drove down the coast sobbing like the fog.
I was to go out the next morning.
I would stay overnight with my sisters in
Ventura. Ted called at 1 am...Todd had just
died....Ted told me his last words were,
"is Tommy coming out?"
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