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Treading the midnight path you’ve always taken,
You breathe in the soft breeze.

You match the rise and fall of your chest to the sway of the trees.
You want the intimacy of the Earth. She is alive. She is speaking.
Open your ears to her. She has something to say.  

The lonely owl translates ancient tree’s thoughts into vocal melodies understood only by the wise. The owl is old and sees everything. He knows that life is about Balance.

The crickets chirp in waves; crashing and falling as worship to the moon and Her control of the tide. They believe that it is their praise that changes Her face. They are proud of this. Individually they are only so big.
They understand the importance of Community.

The mind-burdened foxes snap branches in rhythm with quiet sighs of air. It is their hunting song that awakens their spirits; a song unheard by The hunted. It’s their snapping that reminds them that they are not Perfect. They understand that without Imperfection there is no music.

The snake slithers past sleeping squirrels. She knows they are asleep and quiets her movement. She doesn’t want to wake them. Her soft trail on Grass soon dissolves. She understands the importance of Respect and Grace.

A low hum comes emanates from the mossy floor. The hum is comfort for the weary animal without a home. This sound comes from Earth Herself. It is how everything feels her presence. Earth understands.
She reminds that we are each other’s keeper.

You step into an opening and all sound stops. You feel the pulsing of your Heart. You lie on your back and feel the soft ground breathe in offset to yours. You realize you are not ready for such intimacy. “Dear human, You have lived and consumed without mercy. You destroy to build your Own name, and still are not sated,” she whispers.

Ear to the ground and curled tightly you ask Her for repentance.
Personal comfort has come at the cost of her well-being. She responds in Silence. A cold tear drips from your eye as you realize she is saying you are foreign to your own Mother. And still, you walk home. Understanding nothing.
Conceptualised at midnight by the grass before the rain started to pour. Edited high on caffeine in a cafe in Bali.
Posted by the pool when I could hear only my breath.
I fell in love with you too easily.
Too easily, I hoped and prayed
and placed too much faith in something I knew,
in the back of my mind, was not there.
I placed you on a pedestal
so high and above the clouds
it was unreachable, and I loved you
from the ground on which I stood
to the stars that hung above your head.
You never looked down, you never noticed.
And I planted beanstalk upon beanstalk
to try and get to you, but they all withered and died.
I tried and tried, and still you never glanced at me.
But I loved you all the same.
I loved from a distance, the same way I loved before.
It was easy to love you, it was easy to try.
And it was easy to get hurt, and have my selfish hopes ruined.
It was also easy to stop caring,
To stop sitting at the base of the pedestal that I built.
Oh it was so easy to dismantle that pedestal.
Too easy.
It was hard, though,
seeing you on the same plane as I.
Seeing you for who you were and not what I wanted you to be.
It was hard to walk away, because I did love you,
I just didn't love you enough to stay and hope anymore.
So I did.
I walked away, and left you there,
bewildered at my antics, and still not seeing
the ruins of the pedestal, the dimming of the stars,
or the withered beanstalks that littered the ground around you.
I walked away.
But I left a piece of me with you,
and you still haven't noticed.
this poem is about the age-old premise of unrequited love. you know when you love someone so much it doesn't  matter if they love you back or not? or at least you tell yourself it doesn't matter,  but it does. and it eats you up. that's this poem.
was a
that you
and I

Do you
care to
take the
next one
Hey everyone. How was your holiday?
Been a while since I've posted.
You call this a family?
When everything is filled with turmoil.
I feel as though I have to walk on eggshells so I don't say the wrong thing and make this family go against me.
I feel this constant burden and I don't know how to escape it.
I don't know what to do anymore.
I don't know what it right.
When you guys go against everything that I believe in.
I just don't know what a family is anymore.
ive smashed
******* mirror
in this house
*im so tired of seeing you
when i look at me
I was wrapped in black
fur and white fur and
you undid me and then
you placed me in gold light
and then you crowned me,
while snow fell outside
the door in diagonal darts.
While a ten-inch snow
came down like stars
in small calcium fragments,
we were in our own bodies
(that room that will bury us)
and you were in my body
(that room that will outlive us)
and at first I rubbed your
feet dry with a towel
becuase I was your slave
and then you called me princess.

Oh then
I stood up in my gold skin
and I beat down the psalms
and I beat down the clothes
and you undid the bridle
and you undid the reins
and I undid the buttons,
the bones, the confusions,
the New England postcards,
the January ten o'clcik night,
and we rose up like wheat,
acre after acre of gold,
and we harvested,
we harvested.
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
 Dec 2014 Monique Olivier
we'll meet some day,
after the rain,
as the *Sun shines
just at the end of the rainbow,
and we'll become
each other's fortune !
Miss Tunisians :(
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