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****,maybe its horrible to be lost in the thought of you.
Leaving me relentless,restless to break free.
But isn't it magic?
the veins that never shook now tangle over and under the skin i was once within.
and no matter how many times i chased the thought of you i was tangled.
and in fact you did not take my heart. My heart is here, beating;alive. Taking it would've been easier to bare.
You took what i thought could not be taken.
You tangled me within me,
when all this while i thought i was with you.
No,all this while the only person here was me.
so thank you,
for showing me that i can be a tangled mess,
that my veins can create loop holes on the surface of my bones,
that i can change and adapt and grow and be anything but ordinary.
Thank you.
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
 Sep 2015 Mike lowe
I sit in the middle of the classroom
Because the back is too deceiving
And the front is too noticeable.
I sit in the middle.
I sit in the middle of happiness.
Because depression is too deceiving.
And pure happiness is too noticeable.
I sit in the middle of myself.
Because I'm not deceiving enough.
And I never want to be noticed.
I sit in the middle of life.
Because the past is too deceiving.
And the future is too noticeable

Stitching your heart together
On paper
Smearing blood
Upon crisp white
Swirling images of life
With raw
Stained fingertips
To feel its beat...


 Aug 2015 Mike lowe
Morgan Leigh
A shooting star just went whooshing by.
It was so amazingly beautiful across the darkness of the sky.
Floods of images of your handsome face came swarming around me taking me far away from this place.
It pains my soul to know that you are so far away and it kills me to know that's where you will always stay. You vanished from my life as quickly as you came, destroying the hopes that I will ever be the same.
You put all my insecurities to sleep but held on to your own and buried them deep.
Through the darkness we went hand in hand destroying the demons like leaves brushing across this land.
I wish I could hold your hand one last time, letting you know that everything would be fine.
You soon let the darkness overcome your charm causing you to do nothing but harm.
You made your choice when you took that rope, by putting it around your neck I knew you had lost hope. The room is filled with my lingering words, my last 'I love you' will never be heard.
When I asked you what part of me was sexiest, that's what you said.

It weirded me out at first.
I mean,
I have a nice ***.
Great ****.
Good hips.
Vaginas are icky.
They smell and leak gew and blood.
But I don’t know,
now I like it.
I love the fact that you love it.

Maybe because it's the most intimate part of my body.
No one's wanted that part of me before.
No one's touched me like you touch me,
kissed me where you kiss me.
It’s deeper with you,
and I guess that's because
you love me
Before they seal the coffin shut
Let me memorize his face
Touch his skin just one last time
Trace his silk, navy tie
Let me my memory
Leave behind
That I never
Said goodbye
Nor I love you
Just one more time
Wait a moment
A little more time

The stuffed TY (beside your head)
A duck from me
I'll always remember
It was ET
Duffus, Wrestling and **** Thead
How can I forget?
Mike Myers, Freddy and the 13th
Gremlins, trolls and in between
A Weird Al song
And gasoline
We set the world on fire

We skated ice
And ran in rain
In underwear
One in the same
And Choo choo trains
You were a liar

My brother
Peeing in apple juice bottles
Talking to rice krispies
Milk in hair
My best friend
Sling shots
Even apart
Not far behind
Wait a moment longer
I can't leave him
He's mine

I'm crying
Holding on
Like those moments
On the red carpet stairs
Chubby cheeks
Wet eyes
Mohawks and double dares
Pretending we didn't care
But we cried
At each goodbye
Why? Why?
I don't want to let go...
Don't shut it yet
It's too dark inside...
Please please
Open your eyes
I have to be dreaming
Come back to life

Shattered and screaming
The coffin is closed
They're holding me
Spinning out of control
Too young, too soon
The good always go
But I wasn't ready
It just can't be so...

A blurred ride and rain
As they lower you
What's goodbye?
I want hello
I'll never forget
12 years or so
I swear it was yesterday
Still can't finish...
Still won't.....No!!

 Aug 2015 Mike lowe
E Damaris
Music, I don’t hear it
Like most of the world
Rhythm, I can’t feel it
Like I can touch words

But you, you hear it well
The sounds I cannot see
They live inside your head
Before you set them free

So let us walk this path
Where both of our arts meet
I will spill out my heart
To your new melody
To my husband.
 Aug 2015 Mike lowe
A Lopez
Like me
 Aug 2015 Mike lowe
A Lopez
Slip into
My arms
And you
Will find
In time
With me
But I
Have not
Met you
So I won't
My time
My life
Away on
For what?
For what?
For what?
I'll do
What I
Got to
To find a dream
Who's dreamy
And like me
Who's true.
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