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Jan 2017 · 277
January 4th, 2017
Michael Ream Jan 2017
When I'm around you
I feel that endless rain cloud
let you brighten me.
From a project I have planned for the year.
Dec 2016 · 571
Michael Ream Dec 2016
We're just carelessly
looking for happiness in
all the wrong people.
Dec 2016 · 544
1:16 a.m. Shower Thoughts
Michael Ream Dec 2016
Your smile always
illuminated the world,
now everything's dark.
Nov 2016 · 269
Michael Ream Nov 2016
My life is a bad joke and I'm the punchline,
everything I say seems to come out at the wrong time.

I'm always the unwanted person in a group that everyone knew was coming but no one wanted to say don't.

When I arrive everyone takes a second to acknowledge my existence silently, before continuing on with their conversations.

My life is a bad joke and I'm the punchline,
like how the only person laughing at a bad pun is the one that said it.
Nov 2016 · 598
12:51 am
Michael Ream Nov 2016
How come the only
time I sleep is when I am
exhausted of you.
Jul 2016 · 281
Michael Ream Jul 2016
I'm not afraid of
death. I welcome him with a
soft, loving embrace.
Jul 2016 · 243
July 19th, 2016
Michael Ream Jul 2016
Like your favorite toy
you broke me and I was thrown
away, just useless.
Oct 2015 · 333
A letter to myself
Michael Ream Oct 2015
If I could send a letter to myself,
I would tell myself not to stay so late,
Id tell myself to say I love her and leave instead of staying locked in her arms, too warm and comforting to break away.
If I could write a letter to myself I suggest taking the long way home because I haven't been that way in awhile and miss the views of the wide open fields and grass swaying back and forth at the will of the wind.
I'd tell myself not to underestimate the dark and how deceiving it could be, that I should drive with my brights on incase something were to appear.
I'd remind myself of everything my dad had taught me about driving, don't **** the wheel, don't over correct, you drive an SUV.
I'd tell myself that hearing mom bawling is absolutely crushing, and that the memory of her cries will keep me up so late that I will begin to believe that she is laying next to me.
I'd applaud myself for driving myself insane with thoughts of all the terrible possibilities when I get behind the wheel. I'd applaud myself for being able to handle being strapped to a seat upside down in the middle of a road that I had driven so many times that I could drive it blind.

If I could send myself a letter, I'd tell myself to stop looking at the scars.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Stress is a Drug
Michael Ream Sep 2015
Stress is an overwhelming and very addicting drug.
Stress brings anxiety,
Anxiety we need to get away from.
But the anxiety just won't leave,
We can't relieve ourselves until finally what is stressing us has passed and is over with.
Without stress our lives are boring,
We begin to crave something that needs us, something that needs our attention.
Stress is a drug.
When we have too much we need to stop,
And when we stop we just want it back to feel like we're needed.
Like what we do matters to someone or something.
To have an obligation, a responsibility to fulfill and make someone proud.
It's a constant struggle back and forth fighting our bodies for what we really need.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to find a balance between wanting to slam our faces into walls and wasting away from doing nothing.

Stress is a drug.
Aug 2015 · 507
Day and Night
Michael Ream Aug 2015
I both love and dread the night.
While bringing hope for a new day,
it also brings floods of thoughts that never cease.
Thoughts that can flip your world upside down or just simply make you want to disappear.
Not all these thoughts are bad,
Some are memories,
Memories of holding the one closest to your heart and never wanting to let go, or even just sitting, talking, bonding.

I spend my days wishing for night,
but I spend my nights wishing for more day.
Jul 2015 · 333
I miss you
Michael Ream Jul 2015
There's just something,
something about being around you,
something that's unmatched,
something that I love.

I hear your voice and butterflies
they fill the very center of my body
and spread to their limits.
Its like laying down on the pavement
after a long summer day,
or going to bed with a fresh sunburn,
But I love it, I love you.

The way you smell is unforgettable.
One slight breeze gently pushing your hair from your shoulders before gently laying it back down just barely entangled at the ends but enough for me to notice.
One slight breeze engulfing me with how you smell.
It's not even the smell of any particular thing,
It's the smell of every memory I have with you and every breathtaking moment of holding you so tight in my arms.
The smell of happiness.

I miss you.
Jul 2015 · 358
July 22nd
Michael Ream Jul 2015
The clouds move slowly
A lonely day without you
I long for your touch
Jul 2015 · 610
July 21st
Michael Ream Jul 2015
It's miserably hot
The rain comes and swiftly goes
The heat returns
Jul 2015 · 357
July 20th
Michael Ream Jul 2015
White wispy blue sky
Blistering heat without shade
Laughs heard all around
Jul 2015 · 397
Michael Ream Jul 2015
Nothing makes me happier than her,
an endless roller coaster of emotions, but I'm happy I'm on it with her

I can't remember a time when I didn't have her,
maybe because I love every memory with her

When I disappoint her it hurts me,
I become overwhelm with regret
and sadness for what I have done,
but thoughout it all,
she continues to stay

She's the light to my day,
the warmth that fills me when I'm cold,
she's what makes bad days bearable.

And I, I'm in love with her.
Jul 2015 · 288
You're gonna go far
Michael Ream Jul 2015
You're gonna go far
A phrase so commonly heard
But so rarely true
Jul 2015 · 246
Michael Ream Jul 2015
Nightly ceiling stare
Lyrics and thoughts flooding in
Peace is found and kept
Jul 2015 · 360
November 22nd
Michael Ream Jul 2015
Two-lane, dark, back road
Brakes, screeching, then shattering
Silence upside down

— The End —