Despite the rising and falling tides,
Despite the news that constantly divides,
Despite each moment, where lives are lost,
Despite each moment where lines are crossed,
Despite living in a world which seems like hell,
Trust be told and evil forever dispelled,
Within us deep, from head to feet,
Exists a being of beauty, for now, asleep.
A Pulse of life in the center of it all,
Love and Wisdom can breach any wall,
Live for others you find but inaction,
Live for yourself: eternal potential and passion,
Despite most living not for giving,
Despite the hell that we are all bringing,
Despite the Universe's lack of action and reaction,
Life is what you make of it, your energy has attraction.
Live your life, but be clear,
Perceptive and wise, but not too austere,
Simply put, you are that truth, truth in the making,
Don't wait for the rest; until they awaken.