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I fear my dear my ****** dreams of you,
the longing for salacious contact;
the rousing impure dreams of your
naked body is dementing my soul.

Often in my dreams, I think of
myself as a vampire lusting for
your juicy young flesh.

I know one day our bodies will be
one again in heavenly blood, our
blissful coupling will float forever,
my dear sweet succulent angel.

My whole being shall mingle with
yours; only the most boundless
abandonmen can satisfy my lust
for you; for our love consists in
a mysterious fusion of our most
carnal personnal experiences.

Since your death dear one my desire
for you only increases and flourishes
my need to in twine firmly forever
with you my beloved . . .

To recieve you into my inter-most
being, and be one with you till
eternity is all I long for now.

I know you are an apparation that
has deranged my spirit; but please
dear do not resist my satonic
passionate dreams of you, for I
would die so that we could feed
on each other, on each other alone.
Inside of us you should always reign
with poetry given the main game
the lamenting heart of a stars heart
like chorus in a distant land
echoing through your star lite chamber
Compassionate parts of poetry of tomorrow...

Capable of infinite sorrow
expressive eyes that see
such kindness
as much as me...

To be special in an indifferent world
makes no difference in your million years
In the mire of your worlds
you hang on to every syllable
when hurt comes in shades
you write and weep in your poetry...

A poet's life, not understood
many shake their heads and go
as each poet's days on paper are born
carrying a message to another's day
the immortal message maker of beauty
fires the souls of God's art, that cries for me...

Through my poetry my heart has grown
contacts are many that share their life
seek their poetry through each strife
sweet to all our visions giving air of love
surrounded by a blazing sphere of sweet doves ...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
As we cocoon ourselves
We insulate life
That we love most
From the affection of our desire ...

The white rose
Of Aries
So beautiful to behold
The evil of destruction
Comes so bold ...

Trust on one another
Is so important
To do or die
Or cry ...

It’s a rare and precious time
To realize what we have gained
Not only love and friendship
But completeness of our souls ...

As the Story goes
They say when we are writing our words
The words we only see
When in truth we see it all ...

Seeing them again
Knowing they have that something special
We can’t help but see the stranger
That we have become ...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
What have we become?
For I am woman, I know
What makes me  
Who I am,
What makes me
The person I was,
The person I am,
With you I thought you were
Apart of me a symbol
Of womanhood,
But you would have been
My undoing,
A part of me that would
Take me,
Injure me,
Bring pain upon me
And those who I loved,
Tainted parts you could
I thought long and hard
By choice I removed you,
I thought you would
"See me different"
Not see me the same,
But you embraced me,
"Never letting go"
"I love every part of you"
"I love you for who you are,"
"I am still a woman"
Just because parts are no longer
I am a woman because its
Who I am, I am confident
Even though pieces lost, *I am still whole.
For those Brave ladies who have to make this choice and never look back. As you are what makes you a woman, not a part, be proud of yourself and who you are always..
And still I dream of stepping back into yesterday
Where time flowed so freely golden with serenity
We would sit in pine scented grove and sip lemonade
Our talk tranquil as sun dappled creek murmuring in quiet wood
Never arguing or complaining but flooded with blissful reverie
A time bygone and peaceful, learning to know each other again
Listening to the background symphony of cicadas and katydids
Poignantly nostalgic with yearnings of bygone days
Watching velvety dusk deepen into shades of whispering night
Relishing each breeze laden with moss and murmuring pine
Anticipating the dawn awakened by drowsy robins and wood thrush
Skies east to west stained with strawberry hues and dreams renewed
And still I shall dream on

© Hilda September 7, 2014  Eleven o'clock PM
I sat down with you
In the coolness of the night air
Watching you sip Dr. Pepper
After a long day's work
I listened to the sounds of summer
Watched a few stars twinkling
In the jet colored sky
We were happily chit-chatting
About this and that
We were all together
Just us three
Oh, those summer evenings
Gone forever
Only shadows remain
Touching my heart

For my dad & mom, Timothy & Hilda!!! ~~~~~<3
I wish I could be a better daughter to you...
I am sure that there're over a million ways
I could be much better than I am!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy this poem!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Would that these sounds inside my head stop, for the briefest of moments,
for if it was so that I could just hear your voice one more time,
I would listen like a child in incumbent solitude,  
as if to a mothers soothing voice,  
reading never ending stories,
and if time would hold back these autumn tears,
I would breath again, feeling the cold, crisp air enter my lungs as a soothing balm,
healing my wounds and making me whole.

© H V Swan
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