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  Feb 2016 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
******* coma






  Feb 2016 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
little girl blue,

They reminisce over you,
In the cosmic blues,
A star before the fire sparked,
consistent front page news.

A heart of golden rock and roll,
Nothing stopping you.
The pain inside took its toil,
the grain in your voice and tortured soul,
stole us all from you.

It was time that took your life,
In the the time of your life
You wanted to be loved so much,
but not enough to change your mind.

Now you are a shooting star,
that burnt out years before,
Captured in the music left,
that all of us adore.
Janis joplin
  Jan 2016 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
The lizard king came alive in the walls of prophets,
A shrine to help follow the subjects of the topic.
I lost my mind, but found it inside the tombs of those left behind.

I left a part of my soul on La Ciegna Boulevard.
The looking glass had the last laugh,
Some smiled.
The sun dials told the time accurately.

The shadows followed me from one side of the city to the other.
All the way to the coast of the continent.
It was here I found the confidence that was lost in the dominance of you.

We broke on through to the other side,
but it was too soon,
and the other side was the same like butterflies.

Cocooned in symmetrical thoughts of the stars in your eyes.
It’s no surprise we both knew it all at that moment.
Our toes exposed naked in the sand and lost in emotion.
  Nov 2015 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
‘On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,

‘when the guns fell silent we will remember’*

When those visions from past missions played with intuition,

We just forgot about them!

When that PTSS kicked in and they started acting different.

We forgot about them!

When they came back home, got evicted from there homes and froze on the streets.

We forgot about them.

When they died alone, with not a comrade in sight, or a well wisher in miles.

We forgot about them.

When we pray for those who have died, but ignore those who are still alive.

We must of forgot about them
Next time you're encouraged to remember,
think about those we forgot.
  Nov 2015 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
The abstract acrobat

How you going to catch me with those tiny arms,
tiny dancer,
i don’t mean you no harm.

Those words you said went over my head,
and who needs a safety net when your safe in my arms.

Swing with me bambino,
i’m a monkey at best,
an ape at my worst,
I’m not sure what you expect.

Pirouette on those tiptoes that keep your feet on the ground,
It’s futile to get high if we never come down.

You heard me before,
purgatory flaws,
emerging to the sound of applause,

Those circus circumstances,
freak show romances,
We take chances beneath those bright lights.
Each and every night,
we take chances beneath those bright lights,

To the delight of the crowds.
  Jul 2015 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
I can't find myself in the usual hiding places
  Jul 2015 max wyatt
Got Guanxi
Awoken with a sombre tone,
a shattered spine, twisted curling toes.

An empty ink cartridge, grinding cartilage.
It started like this, but it can't go on.

As the bones meet, the pain is no longer discreet,
unbearable, climbing up the walls;
dents made in the wood chip by newly chewed fingernails,
hanging on to prevent the falls.

The desperation to cling on to whatever's left of the self.
The wealth took over you didn't it?

It twisted your mind until it every thought became mangled.
Those drugs you chose to use...
Those spangled moments seem so misconstrued right now don't they now, you idiot?

Nothing happened,
Nothing came true,
No-one came through,
Other than me,
Other than you.

Sleep now as the pain relieves,
it floats away like a helium balloon,
healing the wounds with the secrets you keep:

This is the place that you and I meet.
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
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