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 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
is grace
 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
to feel reverence and intimacy
with everything we see;

to find traces of divinity in
everyday things;

to realize that imperfections and
cracks below the surface are not
signs of weakness; but traces of life;

to know that in essence, all is unity;

is grace.
 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
Ava Bean
 Mar 2016 Marvin Paul
Ava Bean
He was afraid of losing me
And I was afraid of him.
That kind of game quickly destroyed us both
She promised lightly
to be the one,
step beyond  time
which cannot be undone,
to bathe sensately  
in her soul’s spring water tides

ride audacious currents
through vanishing dusk,
beneath the yielding horizon's
sky full of stars

When came the morning
fade into light
submerged in a sea of love,
thine eyes closed,
blind to perceive the sparkle  
in thine own
abounding shine

I demurely close my eyes
cast myself blind
to any world beyond
a song of breathless whispers

alas  ,...

my senseless heart
now bides silently unspoken,
listening to the murmur
as destiny ebbs

immersed in unsettling seas
where only the drowned
enjoy the silent writhing
of the waning afterglow,
enmeshed in unrequited dreams

a beautiful agony abides
basking in a restless solace

drenched in what might have been

wild is the wind   ...2.18.2016
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