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Pity him, or her...pity them
Pity those victims of devastation
And infestations
And molestation
Pity the children...those abandoned babies
But it is not enough... something beyond pity.

Pity those in extreme poverty,
Suffering from incapabilities...
Pity those with agonizing hearts
Because of missing body parts
Marred, disfigured, debilitated
But, it is not enough something beyond pity.

Pity even those with aching hearts
Devastated, with broken hearts
Who find it difficult to heal
Believe again, a cruel world, so real.

Be guided,in reflecting,
There are others more deserving,
Beware of those who are self-serving
Know who are in most need of caring
Know that, beyond pity, there's more to be done
Much can be done...If we all try to be one.


Copyright April 6, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

#abandonedbabies #abusedchildren #molestation #devastation #incapabilities #pity #npmimportant
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
S cape
I've seen more beer cans on the ground of the backstreets of my town than kids playing outside
I hear the background music of apps like temple run more often than I hear book pages being flipped on a train
While hearing the explanation to why my friend is in a fight with her boyfriend key words like "opened my snapchat" "read my text" "ignored my dm" are brought up more than you can ever imagine
I stand up for millennials, I am a millennial but in light of the good we cannot ignore the bad
we have made technological advances that once were unfathomable
We have made scientific discoveries that were once unimaginable
We are the future
But we can not ignore how we might lead to our own downfall
We are the future
But do we want our kids to live in an even more intense version of this technological blur
This addiction, this technological addiction will lead to our own demise
The youth will never see another playground again because they can visit one in their screen for points
Children today are addicted to phones before they can even project their own sentences
Adults use it as an escape to quiet their kids for a little, "to distract them" "keep them occupied"
A few years later they ask them why they never leave their room, why they are glued to their laptop
You cannot punish the robot you created
You cannot revoke the escape key you once gave them
There is a problem in today's generation
And we need it to change
One day iWish to walk the streets of my town and see more children than empty bud lights
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
A beginning made from
all things sweet and simple
...divine, magical

Time raised that vibration
up, just enough to burn dust
from the binds that kept us
alone, and scared

Passion poured from thoughts
turned to words until breathless
gasps seized our contentment

Reality met at the door...chained
from there all had been had
all had been felt and all
had been done

Forcibly my senses were invaded
with a slight blush on pearl
...aching for more

Good-bye was never an option
will never be...yet you force me
into silence
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

When its necessary.
You take me out , you make me feel alive..

Looking up , you better find the Eden,
lies are told when you receive them,
life is short and they reduce it,
almost coming closer towards the end,
this the world we've been portrayed,
putting up walls like when the sun goes down
and when in doubt you feel you should've stayed,
but this is now,
and you must love,
and you must hate,
and you must gossip,
And ridicule the people that would die for you,
never snitch on you , they'll lie for you,
in a land without freedom,
In God we trust like the back of our hand,
the strong spoke for the soft spoken,
too scared to reach and just take a stand,
old familiar sting,
they forget your name.
letting heads ring,
they don't say a thing.
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
baby steps
tiresome journey
seems unending
then death.
Some get a smaller flash - fewer even than 10 words!
 Apr 2017 Marvin Paul
Pagan Paul
If you happen to find a poet
hiding shyly beneath a stone.
Gently put him in your pocket
and carry him safely home.

Show him love and kindness,
take time to get to know him.
And if you smile so sweetly
he will gladly pen you a poem.

For if you hold his real value,
and recognise his true worth.
He'll look deep into your soul,
to give you the sun, moon and earth.

© Pagan Paul (05/04/17)
Some people know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
Out on the dock
You asked for my heart
So many times it was torn apart
This one is different
I lied to myself but it was ok
Sometimes smiles minimize pain
Doubt in the back of my mind
I show you my scars
My ocean of secrets
My oasis of truth
My bottles full of past things I never let go
Reopen old wounds for you
Very unconventional
But it was you and you deserved to know
You broke bottle after bottle when I begged you to stop
Tore out my heart and left me dying on the dock
No tears fell from my eyes
You looked into mines, turned around and never took a second glance
But I begged for you to come back and help me
Screamed your name but you ignored
As my blood mixed with the salt in the ocean
I saw into the future
You with another girl
Where was I
Out on the dock
Waiting for something that wasn't going to happen
Unconventional and unintentionally
I cut off anything that could've healed me
Surrounded my self with glass
Bound by the past
Love I couldn't let go of held me back
Follow Ty Harrell
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