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 Oct 2014 Marolle
Unrequited Love
Its so much easier to push someone away, than to let yourself become vulnerable.
To give them the power to hurt you.

Showing your true feelings is relinquishing all your power.

You're trusting them not to take advantage of your weaknesses.

And that, is an absolutely ridiculous notion.

Once weakness is spoted, it is used and abused, untill you are just a quivering mess lying on the floor, wondering how you ever let yourself get into such a situation.

I will not be:

I am strong, because people don't know the real me, and that's how its going to stay.
People don't care about anything but themselves
 Oct 2014 Marolle
gray area
 Oct 2014 Marolle
i still spell gray
with an a

not an e
in my po-etry

does it matter
to the grammar?

hoo's to say

says the owl
to the vowel

it's a gray area.

r  ~ 10/17/14
  |    aeiouandsometimesidontcare
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Craig Verlin
You wake up every morning,
at 6:30, to go to the hospital
where you work with people
who deserve miracles but
sometimes don’t receive them.

I would sit on the steps of the
apartment complex across from
yours and watch as the light
in your bedroom would flicker on
and count the moments until you
emerged from that front door.

What a love is a love like that!

To imagine your movements there
as you fixed your coffee with
a slight amount of sugar,
in order to go about your day.

Oh, how I could smell it, how
I could feel the warmth as you
would smile up, over the mug
and upwards at me.

What a love is a love like that!

Weeks later I sit here.
I am on the same stoop,
looking upwards at your window.
It is almost time for your alarm to
go off. I remember it well.

I stand, turn the corner quickly
before temptation grabs me
and forces me to your door.
My newfound irrelevance has remained
a source of consternation for me.

As I walk home I wonder whether
someone else will walk you to the bus.
Perhaps, you are smiling at that
someone now, over the top of your
slightly sugared coffee.

I open the door to my house.
I can't think of anything else,
only stop and pray that one day
you will perform a miracle
for someone who doesn't
quite deserve it.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
I have something good.
I have something to lose.
I'm afraid to put it into words.
If it crumbles, I'll reread the words
and over
and over again.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Harley Hucof
Give us lust
Give us bliss
Set us free
Play the music
For you and for me
Look to the stars
Follow me
Follow the line
Kiss me twice
We've been wasting time
Love me slowly
Kiss me again before you go
We will meet again
The world's insane

Are we alive?
Is this real?
Or is it just a dream?

Words Of Harfouchism
 Oct 2014 Marolle
andenrangs poet
og da vi stod
der i hinandens arme
bare lige for at sige
og den larmende
stilhed bredte sig
helt uden ord
forstod jeg
og et øjeblik
levede jeg
de forenede hjertestrenge.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
A love story
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Lie to me again, she whispered

I love you, he replied.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
press the butter
into my hand
watch it slink away
dissolving oval opal
full moon winter
cold preserves,
or so they tell me.

galvanizing current of blazing unknowns
hung in the sky on tenterhooks
salve and siphon
strung together, web of calloused fingers
don’t need to laminate the little gestures —
just the feelings behind them
poster board picture placement
cull the very thing you’ve ignored
the shore shakes and shimmers
and i can endure this ocean no more.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
andenrangs poet
jeg nyder morgentimerne
og kaffe i efterårsmørket
og bliver ikke sendt
ind i en depressions
lignende tilstand
jeg danser og glædes
ånder og lever som
før trækker vejret
og mærker den
ætsende syre
hvor kom det fra
hvad er det
der sker
når jeg lige
at tænke
før du står i døråbningen
og får mine hjerteskår
til at smile og
jeg husker hvorfra
det kom
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