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mark john junor May 2013
i have sandpaper for eyes
you cant see
because im blind

no-one draws near
no-one escapes notice
empty shells of conversations
scattered like spent bullets on a battlefield
useless to stem the tide
so they retreat away from the dull grinding
my eyes are sandpaper
slowly grinding away the walls that contain me

she loads death with care
into the device
she is ***
she is warm redheaded lust
she is life and death loading a spike

beggers bones
and they shuffle off nineteen dollar bills
its twenty dude not a dime less
thoughts and plans are well heeled
till they hit the pavement
all ways said the road sorts the ******* from the true

i see them wince when they meet my gaze
nearsighted apologetic polite criminals
they gather in the lighted
end of the corridor feeling confident
that the darkness would consume them

then from the safety of this
fortress of light the release the details
that should confound you into silence

my eyes are sandpaper
slowly grinding away the borders
that contain me

madness is not their only symptom
a fever breaks loose and sweats in the complexity's
of the wheels within wheels
i cannot bear that this place should be the end
this dry barren place

you cant see because im blind
mark john junor Mar 2014
the metal man
his arms weaponized and poised at the ready
sanguine his face carved in bronze
the 'darkly world has come' is the lens of his eye
disturbs sublimely the world as it peers
in narrow perception at the swift and reckless
life of flesh and bone that moves all around his cold body

darkly come are the phrases like prayers uttered
spoken with reverent malice
spoken like evils true loves

neath the forest of life's sounds
the labours of the steam engine that fuels
this poor dark beast of a metal man
sputters and heaves as its malformed intents
work to move him to his destiny's grave

peaceful is this place in the world
the winter sun dazzles the walkway neath snowbound tree
as if by design such tender care made such devices
to reach such metal creatures hidden heart
to wrestle its soul from its dark purpose

  twisted is the logic that pressed innocent metal
to such dark works
enslaved it to the meat of vile tongue
and the bitter wine of such inhuman misery's

so here it tread in the gardens of eden
its weaponized arms matching its uneven gait
as it moves slowly neath the leaves
its 'world come darkly' lens forever focused
on the ever narrow path of its fate
pity this creature as much as you ware it
neath that dark eye the innocent metal
it knows not how to break the iron grip of its master
mark john junor Mar 2014
the metal man sits in the nights comforting shadows
only the utterances of his steam engine soul
reveal his presence
phrases like prayers still fall from cold lips
on his polished bronze face
but the conviction they once held
now bitter and faded
taste of rust and tainted oils

the metal mans hand twitches
and folds on the armchairs rest
unconsciously seeking the comforts of its creators hand
seeking comfort and absolution
at the counsel of soulless

pity this dark creature stitched in misery's shadows
his metal heart labours on to his fate
like the mindless apostles of hate
but neath that cold dark lens lives a soul

no man or woman is beyond redemption
none can speak to that tale that have not walked its bitter road
pity this dark beast as much as you ware its hand
we are all children neath the anvil of the sun
we are all born innocent
we all die alone

the metal man now unmoving
silence slowly spreads over him
as the rust of the living world creeps upon
and claims him
i stand there next to him
watching the fires of his engine dim and flicker
watching as the phrases like prayers falling coldly
from his brass carved lips slowly trickle to a halt
as his will returns to the sand
that created him

pity this creature as much as you ware his dark hand
the darkly world comes
lens of his eye dose not perceive you
only what its design impels it to believe
only the tissue of lies that are its dreams
sanguine the metal man now rust
comes undone
mark john junor May 2014
living a charmed existence in the
shade of the seaward palm tree
but a telltale whisperer in hearts depth
sends doubters and scaremongers
like skulking figure's into the late day shadows
something darkly this way comes
some nameless faceless thing stalks this heartland of light
few pondered the night
few thought about what lay out there in the deep

brazen the lighthouse keeper
stokes the fires and keeps the lamps burning
no rumor of night will lay darkness at this door
no faint echo of footfall shall haunt this hour
again and again the lighthouse keeper
treads the midnight cold path of stones
along the seawall checking that all is well
raising his lantern and peering with old eyes
at the crazed cracks in the ancient wall
but none gave sign of weakness
none gave sign of peril

far out in the deep of the wider world
for the love of money and the greed of gasoline
something set in motion
some terrible beast of steel
and just as the moon set
in the final hour before dawn it came
heaving and rattling with such horrendous sounds
with bone rattling force laid its terrible hand on the seawall
and smashed the stones like it was no more than sand castle
this terrible thing so darkly come
unforgiven of wretched creature misguided soul
come to harvest the land of light

breathed with heavy burnt oil
breathed with mechanical labors
pulling its weight onto the shore
toppled the lighthouse extinguishing its light
darkness fell upon the scene
and with dreadful night returned once again to this shore
the seaward palm tree wither and die
no charmed place safe
from savage of dark
morning light never to return
in the shade of metal and oil fires night
the savage of darkness
mark john junor Sep 2013
moral she says
but i don't believe
so i know it'll come easy to me
know it'll be pure for me
hear it breath
see it grow
trance me into believing
cold brick of the city
and all the things she forgave me for
see all the dark things
know all the living things inanimate
give all the things broken
and no longer believed to be

and the dream scattered
at our feet like fall leaves
brittle and crisp
and i can still hear her footsteps echoing across
the floor
retreating from all the things
she could not face alone
bit could not face here with me
a choice to be sure
but in the fading lights
what a tragic choice
what madness to choose

our past
now it looms so large
so immediate to me
tears hot wild and burning
overtake and leave me collapsed on the
floor here amongst the scattered remains
of our days
with her last words
lingering softly in my ear
bye my darling
i go to find st petersburg
i go to find something i cant see
intangible as me
bye love bye
fall down now lover
iv left
cause as a woman i know poisons of myth
i knew the harshness of dreams
and iv got to
run from all that i cant feel anymore

i go hand in hand with scarlet
to st petersburg
trying to find my way home
i go to find somthing i cant see
intangible as hope
mark john junor Apr 2013
she wanders up to me aimless
her tears scream in whispers
both hands knotted in her unwashed hair
she bursts out with a desperate plea
'release me from the unseen hands
of a long dead predator
**** the monsters that chase me and
unleash me like a feral beast'

I slip away into the forest of chairs
before morning group
fishing in my mud coffee for answers
look for sunshine in the medications
before the storm of thoughts can darken me

this cold wall place
this hard mattress escape
fortress of inner demons
hides more than just the dark face of abandon souls

no wonder his arm is a mass of scars
no wonder the man in the corner
spends his days weeping for a broken blade of grass

all of us in this dark cold place
all of our tears are screams inside of whispers
i ******* up the i removed line 18 (which read "no wonder her tears are screams") because it was redundant....not a vast improvment, didnt really fix the problem with the ending...but thats all im going to do.
mark john junor Mar 2014
just the outline remains
like a silhouette of happiness faded
like a footprint of a past joy
in the dusk cannot perceive where it has gone
only mark its point of passage
in the soft cold sand
where the brittle rough edge of concrete
juts out from the tangled undergrowth
now just a rain soaked ruin
now just discarded shell someone called home

the rotted planks and shattered glass
litter the ground a maze of pieces
like some lunatics puzzle box
spread for contemplation's amusement
there amongst the jewels of rot
a single small face etched in the grey weatherbeaten stone
the detailed portraiture done with
adorations care
a young woman with long hair flowing
a young woman with captivating smile
now fading slowly in tropical sun
etched on the worlds edge
here amongst the spoiled walls
and broken windows

moonlight now casts its otherworldly light
down through the torn roof
like it is fishing here for mens dreams
which it hungers for
to speed it on its journey
i cast it the morsels of my once loved
i cast it a trail of hearts crumbs
which the moonlight follows on down
the silent street
like a small boy returning home late in the day
with a pocket full of strange treasures

i lay here fitfully dreaming
as mornings heat intensifies to full blown day
jaundiced by the seabreeze i crawl forth
and sit once again
to stare at the etching of the girl
as it is slowly eaten by sea and sand
time may not heal all wounds
but it will consume all the wounded
as it consumed her
mark john junor Apr 2013
her image ransacked
her vision blighted by crawling thief
and she was in hard pursuit
but misery is a folded page
that never reveals its true face
until one is beyond the
redemption of being able to withdraw its poison

i know its hard to
hear one voice in this sea of souls
crying out in fear and pain
thousands of pens and paintbrushes
each etching into the unyielding
tapestry of our world
their own voice
their own vision
their own sorrows and joys

my face obscured to you
my world foreign to you
but we share this moment here now
that my pen speaks to you
if it can tell you nothing more
if my labors embark nothing else
let it be that you have been heard
you are not alone
you have been heard
mark john junor Mar 2016
the rapture of a souls song plays out inside the mind
as she sits quietly reading in a late fall moonlight
trading the falling leaves for the keys to the kingdom of pain
she scours the printed page for flaws to crow about in the dawn
but she fails to see the falling tears and the raging snowstorm
she feels but refuses to see
all our childhood dreams lined up as toy soldiers
on a battlefield of right and wrong
of love and despair
with one absent minded finger dancing in her hair
she fumbles for the meanings in the steady rain
she feels out the sentences written in summer skies
the novella there in between the covers are the story she reads
but its the long silence in the room between two people
that shapes her fate
writes her tears
the rapture of souls song plays out
with a beautiful melody
and such heartfelt lyrics
but no beautiful song lasts forever
anywhere but in the heart
and her song still plays for me
mark john junor Jun 2014
a storm rode up slow
on the sea's horizon
filling our senses with its wild winds
we rode the night out passing bottle of crisp wine
by candlelight while the sea rocked us
like children in the cradle
but our laughter and words were
so alive with our long roads
so rich with our full years

morning found us taking on water
so we turned to make haste
some near uncharted islands haven
and we beached her on untainted sands
with its stretch of palms and gentle *****
as he worked to mend sail and patch the hull
we walked far up the shore and found secluded spot
and i lay there with you
drinking in your taste and body
feasting with you on the sweetbreads of our love
till we were full and were left with only soft smiles

we sailed once again as dawn overtook the sky
sound once more and making good time
with a beautiful salt breeze in our sail
beating to windward
with a loving song to our hearts
these the days that my heart will cherish
these are the living dreams that
my worlds foundations are built upon
i knew i would marry you
you knew i would always be yours
from this day till time cease
this contains a few sailing terms...we both love the sea
mark john junor Aug 2018
a storm rode up slow on the sea's horizon
filling our senses with its wild winds
we spent that night passing a bottle of crisp wine
by candlelight while the sea rocked us
like children in the cradle
but our laughter and words were
so alive with long roads
so rich with our full years

morning found us taking on water
so we turned to make haste
for some near uncharted island haven
and we beached her on untainted sands
with its stretch of palms and gentle *****
while sailing master worked mend sail, patch hull
we walked far up the shore and found a secluded spot
and there i lay with you
drinking in your taste and body
feasting with you on the sweetbreads of our love
till we were full and were left with only soft smiles

we sailed once again as dawn overtook the sky
sound once more and making good time
with a beautiful salt breeze in our sail
beating to windward
with a loving song to our hearts
these the days that my heart will cherish
these are the living dreams that
my worlds foundations are built upon
i knew i would marry you
you knew i would always be yours
from this day till time cease
mark john junor Nov 2015
sepia paintings of days long since gone
the rattle of a shopping cart at two am
the sounds of leaves stirred by wind in the
golden glow of streetlight
the close smell of the car my mother drove
the oil and vegetables
perfume and cigarettes

the summer sunlight shattered to
pinpoints on the lakes water
its warm liquid spills slowly over the toes
of laughing children eating sandwiches

lantern held up in the deep wood
the path dispersed in the shadows dancing
each gravel stone that scatters underfoot
each windswept hour spent retracing our lives
passed with incredible clarity

prison of memory
rattle the cage seeking attention of the jailer
plunder what moments he gives
what crumbs fall from his full table
he chews loudly at the meat of your mind
clean shaven his robust frame stuffed into the tight uniform
his keys replay the songs of freedom to the ear
his meaty fist inked with brutality
there is no soul in his gaze

remember me
so that i can say that i left some mark on this world
remember our laughter that sang out into summer night
our hands entwined in the warmth of our hearts
so that what i leave behind is true to my heart

the dry lips of spoken poems
leave this dreamer
with a heart full of words
mark john junor Feb 2016
the silence of the room feels forgiving
so i wrap myself up in its comforting warmth
hold out with trembling fingers a bittersweet morsel
a few cautious words of beautiful lament
an emotional plea of constructed images to find
my grace in the arms of a long lost love
to find the forgiveness all men need from the
past no matter distance or time
for all men without
exception must find meaning in their lives
mine has been what loves i sought in the darkness and light
what palaces of strange beauty
discovered in the wild heat of human jungle
discovered in the barren expanse of the sea's wild desert
that love i have found at the very edge of humanity's dark world
a small flame of tenderness cupped in my hearts hand
nourished it
give it hope and future
but still i seek
half blind with age
i still ferry across the expanse
at the edge of humanity's plight
seeking the forgiveness of my first love
seeking the hope of tomorrows lover
mark john junor Jun 2013
headlights stream by
her head rests on my shoulder
her skin sets my soul on fire
she is everything to me

the long road unwinds
parking lots with just one figure making quick pace
for the nearest exit
none will romance the summer night there ever again
in the long night
closed stores and rows of motionless carts
gone now behind us along a fast highway
we three cast aside all the wares and
all the mementos of yesterday
and swore an oath to celebrate only hope

she slumbers next to me
her skin sets my soul on fire
she is heaven to me
as the flicker of headlights stream past
her dreams are plain to me

turning on the breeze
caught in the back winds of change that has no future
just an endless loop of change for the hope of something better
never to see fruit
never to grow beyond the seed of love in her eye
is not a life she can bear anymore

she slumbers next to me
her skin sets my soul on fire
she is lust and love
mystery and longing
as the flicker of headlights stream past

the years draw down
and as the wood bends and twists in the weather
as the the grass grows and fades to brown and back again
the house stands quiet
as if waiting for the days to return
where laughter echoed in its corners
where love thrived in its warm places
we will never return to this place
the house turns to grey and fades

as the the the thoughts move
into  memory like a single candle in a window
meant to call home a long missing loved one
where have they gone
where is our home to be now they are gone

the song now robust
dances beyond me and her fleet foot
cannot keep the time
she casts a worried eye
but we can not repair the broken
we tend to the wounds but they must mend themselves
we can only love

we must leave the song player to his tale
we must see to our future
we must love each other
since none see us as we see them

we must leave the song player
to his complex fingers
and his wishes that we linger
and as the wood bends and twists in the weather
as the the grass grows and fades to brown and back again
as the years will unfold and show
we were right to leave such a place
to seek a life in the sun
mark john junor Aug 2014
memory's floorboards
the worn wood blackened
by weary footfall
constantly retracing steps
sometimes with worries or strife
sometimes retraced with loves forlorn wish

memory's floorboards
it has ceaseless wonders of hope
a spaghetti of things lived felt seen heard
that give credence to the hope you hold
and helps you endure

lay open your your tightly shut window
lay bare to sunlight
these tapestries of your life
this mosaic of your life's journey
this room of faces past
places distant
roads once traveled

look upon this face you wear within
this ink and dust face
see the truth of you and then
embrace the moment you live in
with thouse you love
leave this room with its memories
walk in the sunshine
mark john junor Oct 2013
the wine has worn off
but my heart and head
keep ticking away the hours
like some sad and absurd energizer bunny
trapped in an eternal loop
could have
should have
would have
even as a young goddess
posts a few selfies
showing her enrapturing smile
and delicious form
but she is far away
and has a boyfriend no doubt
this motel room is too quiet
i can hear myself think
and i don't want to think anymore tonight
i just want
that energizer bunny to fall off a cliff someplace
just want to go to sleep
not think theres something else i could do
to fix this
to fix me
fix her
somewhere someday
mark john junor Apr 2014
the animated man moves with languid effect
against the scattered clouds of the sky far overhead
he walks at a slow stumble
on the oil stained pavement of suburban driveway
'this is where the light blue mustang was parked'
he is carrying a stone carved into the shape of a head
its mind leaning precarious over the edge of sanity
you can taste its butterscotch candy laughter
and its salt water taffy tears
its face frozen in apocalypse of conflicting thought

he moves along the dirt road
hemmed in by trees and wild growths
the humidity so thick you swim rather than tread
but the feral grin sewn into his face
with her needle and threads
is what moves her
she adores its primal bloodletting
a self contained self abuse machine

she leads the way down the dusty road
to the clearing where night children gather
to make celebrations to dark matter
and the things it spawns
her thighs tingle at the thought of dead flesh
and feasts of the eyes filthy mind
the images in her mind are never really clear to her
just **** flesh rubbing cold things
i am disturbed by her dark dream
seek to flee on wings of night
but fail as he arrives head in hand
and pronounces logical rules for the slaughter
this night has no end
just the rest of fitful dreams
mark john junor Nov 2015
silence slowly settles around me like a warm blanket
buckets of sunlight spill thru the torn clouds
my september mind wanders its backwoods dream
masters each slow footfall imprinted on the soft textured ground
my path clearly carved into my minds fading yesterday thoughts
never quiet except in the soft kiss of warm humid breeze

we stood there
in the darkness
holding hands
your fingers moved ever so gently in my stiff grip
you knew the track and taste of my world
your words echo there without the
image reminding me of childhoods sails of a stormy sea

now you look into my eyes
without a word
you see me
mark john junor Jul 2013
the bread salty dry
the wine crisp ****
and as we silently share them
she would not venture into my eyes
so revealing that her serene world
breached with determined quest
her powdered purfumed form
lay against mine as the sun drenched

with a fingertip
I traced the lines of her unadorned lips
while in her music she watched the passing September sky

I had grown so used to
the quick ready smile
the gentle laugh
the ease which our hands
would find eachother when walking
and laughing

I leaned in and kissed
her cheek
the salt of her skin
so sweet to me as to overwhelm me
I entranced just pause resting my
face gently against hers
and breath her with every sense of
my body and soul

to love a woman
is to drink such a rich sweet beautiful universe
to see such things to captivate the mind and soul
is to actually and finally live

and in that moment
my body next to hers in the
fading days of summer
was to know that being with a woman
is to be alive
mark john junor May 2013
"the picture you called badass"

i keep coming back to this image
your gaze is shifted off
as if to say that you wished
not to speak with your eyes
wished not to show too much
of your beautiful soul
strands of your hair
scattered across your soft skin
every beautiful line
every sweetly scented soft taste
and the warmth i see in you
enraptures me
i feel dizzy
with thoughts that you bring out
that is what true beauty
dose to men
but you are so much more than
simply beautiful
i have seen your tenderness
i have seen that you have heart
i know you are just as beautiful

i wish things could have been different
and i could have at least been your friend
i wish i were not a fool
but we all make choices that are
not the best

i am far away from you now
and i will miss you
i think that we wont see
eachother again
if i fail where i am going
there is a plan for another route
that takes me overseas

you are one of the most beautiful
and strong and wonderful women i have ever met
and i wish you nothing but love and happiness
'stay gold' serenity
'stay gold'
'stay gold' reference to 'the outsiders' by s. e. hinton
mark john junor Sep 2014
i was far from bright light bustle
far from humanity pressin in on me
florida's paradise night neath the summer moon
came to dreamin on a pretty girl from my long ago
came to dreamin on true beauty's name serenity

that long ago far far away
i was busted flat end of my rope
didn't see how i could go on
had fallen to the darkness consuming my sight
when she gave me the courage to breath again
with her kindest of words she saved me
carried me forward to hearts truth
she saved me

never could stand to see any hurt in her sweet eyes
never wanted to see her cry
call it it knowin true beauty's name
and the wild winds pick up a serenity dream
carry me forward to knowin hearts truth
that such special woman she is to me
argue no more the light and dark
she gave me the courage to see
she gave my life back to me
no matter the miles
no matter the years
i will always know true beauty's name
mark john junor Oct 2013
seventeen shadows
sit around the edges of the room
seventeen faces darkened by their days
blighted by the imposed image
broken thought and collapsed reason
seventeen shadows
under threat of night
one steps forth and begins to utter
carved words from the bedrock of emotion
that they all share
sixteen heads nod in unison
agreeable to the notions
sixteen hands launch the labor
of bending the kings english to the love of words
rather than the devotion to ideal
twelve souls remain hours later
unburnt by time and efforts
sweat bathed they break the silence
pay homage to the daily grind
'unto Caesar what...'
so the twelve sit in attempted rational judgement
weigh the matter with deliberate care
but the carousel is running backwards now
and the man with the funny nose and oversized shoes
is the caretaker and caregiver
to the dead and dying ideals of democracy
five more of the shadows in the room slip to the door
and flee
five remain standing
testament to the resolve
of mans inability to reason
my daily grind...same seventeen faces, same seventeen ideals
mark john junor Apr 2015
she deliciously stirs the fire within
with her soft hot eyes
her very breath on the air becomes
an ****** invitation to delve into
the magic of her sensual essence

she slowly walks across the rose petals
to the edge of the bed
letting her clothes slip away with her inhibitions
willing and ready for
tenderness and heat
for passion and delight
ready for play and pursuit

she melts into your embrace
with a soul searching kiss
and the breathtaking beauty of
loves sweetest moments
alive with passions heat
she gives into the exquisite wrestling of your body
gives in to your will with a gasp of pleasure
mark john junor Nov 2014
awkward girls delivering their spoken thoughts
like hand written love notes
perfumed hopes cherished brightly
one of a hundred that stand at the edge of reality
and in the near perfect unison of dropping lovely invitations
to the magazine advertisements man who is supposed to
sweep them off their feet
the manly man who has button down eyes
and a wrinkle-free shirt
to him ***'s butter is romance

her temperature dog
haunts her lonely steps
with a eager wag of his ratty tail
his pleasant eye wagers that she will return him for the deposit someday
its for the girl who has everything and a box of candy too
its not in what you have but its measured by how much you reject
***'s butter tastes salty sweet
she has a sidewinder viper gently cradled in her arms
calls it the child of her destiny

***'s butter is her bed and breakfast
an empty conversation
like a small hole in my mind
spilling its useless phrases to be swallowed whole
in the tepid sea of her eye
her hollow laughter two tables away
suddenly as it comes it limply dies away

alarmist by nature
she crafts a tale of woe
to suit her mind
but that tale is an empty eyed charter boat fish
that lay barren and objectified on her dinner plate
basted in ***'s butter with a twelve inch whip...
mark john junor Sep 2013
this tangled thought
this presence behind everything around you
even in her

nestled into the background static of the mind
its interference is on a basic level
like the screaming ringing in your ears
perceived on all levels of consciousness
you cannot escape it
it is you

you rock ion your chair in primal effort
to release
you pace and worry your hands
smoke incessant
but it shadows your every step
as it attacks your reason
as it delivers blows to your peace

it reaches mortal combat
as you toss and turn
wrestle with the blankets of your once safe bed
motion and thought become sickness
that cannot cease of their own accord

it pervades
like the scents
of death
slow and overpowering

she is yours
and yours alone
this terrible night
and alone you will remain

you took your own life
buried at the crossroad
without comfort
without your head
banished by the good graces
and alone in the forever more

forgive me
please forgive me
mark john junor Jan 2014
as a breeze caresses
i think of her
and the words she wrote
'a crush on you'
in the quiet place of my backyard
the sunlight playing a shadow game
with the leaves
her hand holds mine
means more to me in this hour
than the words of scholars and
the laurels of the ivory towers
if i could return such simple and comforting love
if i could gift this woman with such
beauty as she has given me this hour
all these miles mean nothing
the hours and days just smoke and mirrors
feel me now holding you
in tender embrace
giving you my sweet what you have given me
simple true pure love
while the rest of the world
plays shadow games with the leavings
mark john junor Nov 2015
shallow water reflections
light pouring over wood floor
seeping slowly over the clock
crisp notes of music cleanly flow
like whisps of firelight in the
cool close comfort of star filled night
the hearts gravity recalls the scent of a lover
the hearts child wanders the memory
simple lines spoken are the most complicated thoughts
and here in this unchanged room
the waiting is allways filled with faces
allways slow
the light that shines is cool white bulbs
has none of the depth of sunlight scattering slowly

daydream drift
the golden hue of her face
each thought peeled slowly from the grasp
each emotional tide moving in the moonlight mind
rushes out to a deep sea
a lost man adrift in the currents
of these strange days

shallow water reflections
each salt water kiss
each warm to the souls touch sandy beach
where stray grains catch in her unkempt hair
the clouds above horizon to horizon grey
swift breeze stirs a moment
then fades into the rustling fabric of leaves in the trees
a bird in its winged gait stumbles across the lawn
its shadow follows
cutting across the grass
mark john junor Mar 2013
Standing here by the road
with the rain softly blowin thru me
the hours pass slow

Her hot wet gasping lust
sweats next to me
her fingers crawl up my leg
her desperate questions crawl thru my mind

Stand here a shadow
stand here a refection
stand here anything but who i am
to her at this moment

Her aching lusts give way
to her cold calculations

the rain gives way to snow
and it scatters me
better to be dead than wait here for you
better to be gone than hope more
day on dreams iv waited a lifetime for
mark john junor Jan 2014
vexed by the solidity of the granular surface
of this rough and tumble dream
i awaken to a forest of sunlight's in a dark world
to my sleep numbed mind
it resembles
the artwork of french revolt era
royal court damsel in distress figurines
dancing with dark-ages statues of plagues death
the starving meet the fed
and they struggle for who leads this dancehall of the marcarbe
burning the ashes of the old worlds dead flames

i look away to find her face
near mine
cut into shadowy sections
i hear within her spoken thoughts
the contortions her life has suffered
at the hands of grey faced strangers known intimately by her
i wish with heart and soul to reach out
and comfort
to remove the burden

the shadows of her face
are reflections of the world as she sees it
she is mesmerized by its ugliness
and she cannot close the door to her past
it lay like her childhoods bedroom
filled with broken teddy bears
and soiled sheets
if i could heal you
if i could even ease your moment
i would trade my living soul to have your smile
you are loved
you are so loved

a lame beggar in the rags of a monk
limps slowly from the effigy of a old world
as it burns with unspoken rages
white smoke from the roof
another chapter of history closed
with too many secrets
too many
but the beggar takes consolation
that she was given a second chance
a dove birthed from flames
here in the dust of the old world
you are loved
you are so loved
mark john junor Jul 2013
his mind a shatterbox of edges
his thoughts weary and dull
limp along like thorazine smiles
appearing one after another to be following him down the hall
begging him for semblance of inner peace
stop chasing me he whispers mock harshness to the darkness
hoping to frighten the thoughts away
he closes his door shutting out the dark hallway
and escapes to the exact center of light in his safe warm room

mind a shatterbox
full of slow motion detonations of thought and flashes of fragment memory
scary things in his head he keeps wrapped in wool sweaters and mittens
like little children sent out to play in the bitter cold
their voices scratchy with distance and time laughing at him
soon enough with runny noses they go home for cocoa and cookies
leaving him in the exact center of the room
as alone as he has been all night
all of his life
in the exact center of nothing
a shatterbox filled with mystery things
a broken man and his broken mind

he opens the door to the hallway
and with almost gentle grace steps slowly into the darkness
whispering fast prayers to protect from the fingerless hands
that reach but never grasp from the shadows
he moves up the hall to the cold floor bathroom
the chipped tiles are filthy with the tread of feet from up the hall
all the working men from the
burning fields and the crop to be harvested
their language is a song that he cherishes
but their eyes see too much of him so he hides from them

the night wears on as it always will
he repeats to himself that dawn cant be too far off
he only has to survive the silence of night for a little longer
survive the scary things just a little longer
his mind a shatterbox of broken things
protecting the world from the creature within

dawn has come and the new neighbor taps at the door
with the meal he was waiting for
he pulls the door open slowly and without a revealing word
takes the hot food and cakes
darkness is gone to sleep somewhere
hopefully far far  away
shatterbox filled with sleepy things
now hunger isnt a companion

*i knock at his door at dawn
and slip the bag of food into him as light
begins to creep into the world
this is his world
each new neighbor passes the torch to the next
'make sure the old man eats
the mans son pays the bill at the store
and they leave the meals at the door
but the old man almost never leaves that room'
i wish i could do more for him
but they tell me that he is happier alone
i never have been happier alone
the mentally ill man in the room next to mine.
mark john junor May 2013
shatterproof smiles
like nineteen sixties plastic american sunshine
on the faded walls
if it was something a "la la la la" song could solve
then he wouldn't be up all night
pacing the hall wringing his clammy hands
whispering over and over
that we have come as far as we can hope to
how can i get you that one step further
shatterproof smiles
look great but they have no love
look super-duper on t.v.
but they wont be there in your darkest hour

but he waits for her
a good egg his mom always said
cause thats what they promised him
a perfect girl with a shatterproof smile
a perfect painting of plastic sunshine
a glittering prize
an empty space behind bright blue eyes

she is one of them
her glory ***** scrapbook
is filled with the blood traces of those
she has severed from their loved ones
and it smells of hard dirt
it smells of unquenchable thirst
she is now years behind me
and so is the monster she choose to be
shes a fast song now
feet too swift to spend a maidens moments
tarrying over the bouquets of roses at graveside
too swift to shed a tear for the children left behind
too swift to see the cost of her heartlessness

a fast song to spin the mind from the hearts ache
from the souls vanquish

i am alone on the long empty street
i see her as a wave of destruction approaching
over the miles and years
and nothing looks more lonely to me
nothing looks more void of humanity
than the look in her eye

i left you behind years ago
monster with perfect shatterproof smiles
and you will never never know what my answer was
edit: lines 6 and 9 where replaced...a persons name was removed.
mark john junor Mar 2013
I wanted to talk to you
but words can be a strange beast
you speak them but they have a mind of thier own
and go off in directions you never intended
im sorry if i made you mad or hurt your feelings
like most men i was born with a foot in my mouth
mark john junor Feb 2014
she dances a delicate step
and leans into the whisper of a smile she wears
simple cotton dress
with flowers blue and birds sewn in mid-flight
she spins in the island of sunlight
fallen through the tall window
fallen perfect just for her pretty feet to step on
she bounces to a stop
and giggles
after all the music hadn't even begun
she sings the first line
and it echoes through my heart like
swans and dew scented ponds on spring mornings
like dreamy thoughts of a girl just falling in love

you can taste her fresh laugh
you can feel her hopeful beauty
she steps a languid dance
into the moonlight
at the foot of our bed
and into my arms
like butterfly's in a cloudless sky
like wishes written with the touch of lovers hands
in the grandeur of the nights kiss

shes the prettiest of the pretty girls
and my world in her soft lips
and the way my name sounds like love in her voice
are we tired yet lover
can we sleep
not yet my dear haven't had enough of you tonight
haven't had near 'nuff of you my love
mark john junor Aug 2014
she gathered up the fragile flowers
carried them softly as a child
in the stillness of late summer air
with a gentle song rolling slowly through her heart
a memories palace where her heart often goes
a beautiful place where love could have thrived
where she sits by the cool waters of the coin fountain
tossing golden dreams into the wishing well
dreams of him
dreams of laughter's that once were
dreams of his strength wrapping her
chill frightened fluttering heart
making everything ok
just for one moment to have it all be ok
like a leaf falling from a tree
for one bitter free second as it flys free
as it kisses the summer skies
and lives its own dream
before falling into obscurity
she dreams she is living that moment
with him
in his arms

and he dreams of the moment in her eyes
where she saw him
and they breathed as one
without all these angry tears
without all these useless words
as one soul together
as one heart beating slowly to the
song of moonlight kissing the stars
mark john junor Aug 2013
the quiet engine of passing time
produces gremlins in the shadows of morning
they steal the warmth from his cup of coffee
they place landmines on his daily road to perdition
'this is what madness must be like'
he said to himself as the dawn seeped into the room
one tear stained ray of sunshine at a time
because each added moment lighted reveals
more of her damaged face
more of her impossible eyes

her words hurt his ears as she bleeds his strength
she is a peddler of perils
whats your fantasy she cries out
tied to the railroad tracks like a maiden
or walking the long mile with the skeleton key in hand
the key opens all enduring keepsakes
and releases them to crawling thieves
you cannot retain your world for more than
a flickering moment
so you loose faith that it can ever be done
i miss her
and i miss my daughter
but she is a peddler of perils
and she now comes grinning and fast *******

my head full of noise
so my thoughts gather round
like they are at the Battle Of The Alamo
to the necessity of self preservation
and the warm comforting blanket of self interest
manufacture reasons to do what the ***** dictate
but its her goal to see such endeavor
fold under the weight
of her guilt trip

back in the echo box
she quietly shouts into
the acoustic confusion
madly laughing and the ensuing army
of echoes marching in lockstep to her mad mad laugh
of her mad mad laugh
of her mad mad laugh

we spend the day between the
sheets wrestling each others sweaty forms

i miss her
its the mood iv been in of late, that heart attack and all kinda put a dark spin on things...the old lets stop and think about all these dark im gonna dedicate this poem to somthing really positive in my life....this poem is dedicated to my ex-girlfriend Crista Sullo, we will be lovers and friends forever babe.
i would love to hear from you if you happen to read this.
mark john junor Mar 2014
golden highlights in her hair
she is a poem in my dreams
written in the shadows of the world
filled with gentle light that is my world
she sat with me while i slumbered and we talked away
like the oldest of friends sharing the unfolding of our lives
the smile she has given
reignites my world
the warmth that she herself is
has rekindled my hope
she breaths life into the
mystical dreams of the world
with her giggles
she gives a rose made of smiles
to everyone she meets
her pen builds worlds
golden highlights in her hair
she is the poem of my dreams
every song i have ever sang
she is a living breathing sonnet of the world
written with such delicate beauty
with her heart
with her pen
i said to her
"you are a poem, written in the shadows
, full of in all forms...."
mark john junor May 2013
she is a poem is pajamas
an unfinished Picasso fresh from the shower
she is a watercolour painted along the
moments of my day
in bright vibrant colours
running along my thoughts
as fluid as the delicate turns of her laugh
shes not just a woman
shes a universe and a summer day
wrapped in a rose printed dress
shes a intoxicating potion and a carefree laugh
iv never wanted to be anywhere but here
holding her and breathing her
loving her
drinking in her every moment
she is a poem in pajamas
mark john junor Feb 2014
the trials of the free mind in gilded cage
reflected in the ever changing cityscape of this hovel
but even unadorned ramshackle house
has the beauty of heaven in the grace of her presence

she is the
narrow span of spoken emotional poetry
its free verse flows in her auburn dreadlocks
and in the delicate shift of her adorned wrist
its bejewelled hushed metal chatter the sounds of her bracelets
but the true verse of this eloquent breathing walking poem
is the warmth and loves that shine
in her gothic eyes

she is
ethereal and subtle creature laying
uncovered and ****** in my tangled sheets
with the whisper of sleep on her soft painted lips
mark john junor Mar 2015
her bare knuckled eyes punch you
with the kind of hard hitting softness
that makes lesser men weep
shes one of a kind
in her junk food fashion clothes
that makes other girls hungry for her looks
shes eccentric in fun ways
dumpster dives for baubles and dimes
she is a work of art in the light that shines
she is most delicious when she just smiles
and cool peppermint when she just licks her lips
so let her show you the nirvana of her eyes
let her kiss your sorrows away
let your tomorrows be hers
let your world be her romance story
mark john junor May 2013
and there in the lace filled lights
there in the rose hips
and paper flowers
she built a world of her own
and a few friends
and she was a soft summer breeze
that always guided you home
she was a plate of cookies
and a soft feather comforter
wrapped round you like a hug

it was with her that i learned
how to make life a home
for more just yourself
but all those you love
that there are things more important
than appearances
than what some other person thinks
its the people who love you
thats who matter

all her yesterdays (the lace girl)
she fumbles with the dollars
that i spared up from from friends
and mumbles a thanks

her white dress
long faded to grey
but it still has its lace edge
just like her
i remember when i first met her...
in her pale shadows

of the room she shared with a cat
the lamp was covered with a lace cloth older than i am
the window leaked cold breezes
but they were defeated by her warm comforter
that she wraps round you as you enter her world
hug away all your darkest thoughts
leaving you to talk for
hours it seems on the meaning
of clouds shaped like bunny's
and bunny's made marshmallows
and what it meant to be 'chill'

do what is right for you and thouse you love
cherish the people you care for
and cherish every moment of laughter and joy with friends
and family
its what makes life worth living
edit: amended title
mark john junor Aug 2013
still the wind whispers outside the window
but the words it culls there are far
different than once spoken to me
far from the promise of sun
entwined in our lovers embrace
of hope enduring in our lovers cage

given to wing
take flight with the first rays of day
celebrate on the turning winds far above the worlds strife
dance on the notion that freedom gives grace
and beauty is the passport to
such places adorned with love
and forevermore joys
but such is the folly
and it cannot live long in the light of day

so it has come to pass
the shell of our home
picked clean of all we called ours
all packed neatly and away it has all gone
down the road we will follow
a rusty old truck held to the road
by sheer luck and paperclips
we watch it proceed us like a harbinger
of joyless mirth

we three gather in the empty stained room
and watch the motel flicker with life
that it never really contains
only mimics like a parody meant to smile with
but can no longer achieve such

man woman and child
we sit silent and watch the hours slip by
waiting for our time to depart
waiting for our release from this
rancid and slow decay home
written on the greyhound bus we took from Denver to ft lauderdale 3 months ago. I am so glad to be free of Denver...such an oppressive place....
mark john junor Sep 2014
she gathers them up
holding them gently in her arms
there are more every day
like harvesting flowers
pick them when they are in full bloom
she walks barefoot in the fields
in a powder blue dress
big floppy hat to keep off the sun
she gathers them up
and brings them to the boatman at the river
he gives her one of the four coins he collects
for each one he ferry's across
to the gates...
the gates....
one bright with golden promise
the other dark and cold...
she hates the sight of the gates....
she wants her flowers to stay the way they are forever
she walks the battlefield that night
gathering up the fallen soldiers
she is death
come to harvest the late bloom
come to gather the souls for the ferry man
across to the gates of forevermore
mark john junor Nov 2018
she gathers them up
holding them gently in her arms
there are more every day
like harvesting flowers
pick them when they are in full bloom
she walks barefoot in the fields
in a powder blue dress
big floppy hat to keep off the sun
she gathers them up
and brings them to the boatman at the river
he gives her one of the four coins he collects
for each one he ferries across
to the gates...
the gates....
one bright with golden promise of joy
the other dark and cold...
she hates the sight of the gates....
she wants her flowers to stay the way they are forever
tranquil as life in the country
serene as a sleeping smile...
she walks the battlefield that night
gathering up the fallen soldiers
she is death
come to harvest the late bloom
come to gather the souls for the ferryman
across to the gates of forevermore...
mark john junor Mar 2013
In this dancing candlelight
she wears my love on her smile

look at her moving in the light/shadow
look at her warm form in the night
calling me to hold her in my arms and never let go

watch her dance in the firelight
watch her smile like all the world

has love in it
and its hers to share with me and me alone

We wrestle another night on the sheets
and exclaim our love
with the knowledge that it may be gone tomorrow
but who cares
tomorrow is such a long long way away

look at her wearing my love in her smile
mark john junor Dec 2013
the pen has rusted
and the hand has grown old
are there any words left to say she wonders aloud
are there any roads left to walk down
the rain keeps my head in places id rather not be
and there are too many people trying
to make thick walls before me blocking my way
there are highway lights that are like deep oceans
and small rivers of the logic that must be bridged
there is so much standing in the way
i wonder if i can keep going on with this
even write another word
but they keep coming
not always so easy not always even worth saying
but they come anyway
because there are heavens in the eye
there are summer fields in the heart
full of life and birdsong
that its hard to just turn and walk away
still dream of it years away
its the kind of thing who's beauty catches you by surprise
and takes the breath away
cause its that moment for me when the
words strike true to the song of my day
when the words hit home to what i'm feeling
to what i'm burning to say
that it lives for me
that the rest of the world falls away
when the small minds and the troubled hearts
disappear into the darkness they live for
and i'm here in the bright light
of the knowing
of the perfect line
of the good phrase
that taps cleans
that shows true to the thought
mark john junor Dec 2015
a viper in the garden
moves with intent and stealth
a shadow in moonlight
this is my gravestone
cold and grey
chiseled with name and testament
overgrown with weeds and grass
leaning like a leaf in a wind
low to the earth
thick with aroma of the natural world

small holes in the tapestry of my life
the viper has wormed his way into the colors there
mixed his toxic blood with her pure loves
swift is his nature
dire are his eyes
this is the swan song never before uttered
this is the last chapter never written
small holes in the tapestry
life long obsession
with the one truth never attained
in her eyes
a viper in the garden
and seeing him there i knew
that the truth had eluded me

as a young man i had thought to dream
and nourished that dream until it was a
beautiful garden  
where waiting for me was the truth of me
that i was born to find her
and to love ever after
but as with all men comes the world
comes the truth of our lives
a viper in the garden has taken away my dream
small holes in the tapestry of my life
let slip the moonlight
that peppers my gravestone
cold and grey
where the viper rests this night
sated by its dark vision
mark john junor May 2016
a spanish rose, she lingers in the corner
with some french sailor who is
just a breathing caricature
illustrated in ink and animated by alcohol
his four letter word vocabulary with deluxe cardboard delivery
but its his eyes that capture you
swimming in hundred proof they are
wise with miles of years
and wicked in a smoky dark room way
but she is too busy to notice
flirting with the stranger across the room
a traveling salesman with boxes
of rusty trinkets for crafty sale

meanwhile old jack is swinging on the gibbet
talking away the hours with his old flame and friends
he is a threadbare imitation of me
and that suits you fine
long as its three meals and a slice of pie
the essentials of easy living wrapped up in a lace hanky
its a little ***** and on the down low
but the whole digging in some
rich kids ***** laundry for loose change
never appealed to you all that much
so attached to old jack come to make your stand
both barrels smoking hot and ready to let loose
should any fool step to the line

we all watched with amusements
as the magician open his show with a shock and awe
that sputtered and fell
but we all loved his punch lines so much that we
cheered him on all night
the chorus girls got us all up and dancing little past three
and the suave singer had us cheek to cheek by dawn
it was another night to remember to be sure
memorable as stumpy swimming with the gators
we all shuffle barefoot in the sand
to our dusty beds
and dream sweetly of fiveash romance novella endings
and the beauties of dawn
we will be up to no good once more
all loud and proud
young and full'a *****
as a spring moon crests over seaside town
#love #romance #dance #devil
mark john junor Sep 2013
all the poster perfect girls like her
are out in the field chasing firefly's
old men from the town look on with awe
they pause in collecting
all the eyes upon them in mason jars
to resell on the boardwalk by the seaside
to the tourists so they will only glimpse what they
will want to sightsee

you tell them that you had borrowed
your buick and a rose colored jacket
from a ribald singer from the ancient city
and her beard confused you into believing
that her favors are something rare and fine
like bone china from from Florida south coast
but its just semi-naked co-ed selling cookies
under the guise of a better world
one donation at a time
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer and make
all the world a better place

all the world is watching or so it feels like
and your step is light and full of imagined stars and sparkles
as the couple in the next room violently kiss
they are into the world and to them
the world is into them
laugh as hard as you can
laugh till you cry
the world takes no notice
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer
and comfort thouse who need it

the night is full of people
out strolling and laughing under summer stars
and a penny whistle player keeps the tune going
while she sings a ballad she heard in the far west
and dont it seem like nights like this are so perfect that
you could wrap em up and send em out for Christmas

the poster perfect girls all fall asleep
in a soft warm pile benith the moon
and you unload your burdens and lay there too
in the beautiful company
as the penny whistle player turns to a stronger tune
that gives you dreams of the sea
of the time you spent nailing Captain Kidd to the floor
and now hes one of your best friends
this life is a dream
and while its not always what we'd want
it never gets dull
she sings softly to you
please mister lean in a little closer
and make the dream true
mark john junor Oct 2014
black and white butterfly's
pasted to the cold glass windowpane
against the grainy image of clouds
but to the butterfly's they are forever sailing the windless world
forever following eachother in such
sweet refrain silent and numb

black and white butterfly's
pasted to the glass wilderness
the urge to give their lives color
the desire to be more than born to be
to see the better world
greener pastures
to be the apple of some young girls eye
to be the happier dream

brief moment
when head above water
the thoughts are clearer
the feelings less fractured
swimming the last mile filled
with sunshine breathing
feels so free
after the nail to the head laughter box
creature image hollow pool
where we have run out of water
while i'm still trying to swim upstream
beat the butterfly's home
while i'm still
silent and numb
mark john junor Feb 2014
principals of the measured man
his gait unsteady against the winter sky
watch his limping progress through
the brittle dead leaves
past the silent stone elephants
carved with intricately beauty's
nubile vixens pouting at the exhaustion
of the rivers of gold
of the unquenched thirsts
theirs is a cruel fate as the trumpet calls

principals of the measured man
as he pauses in his walking flight from
this scene of a solitude in commission of a sadness
the strolling red cheeked trollop waves
a neat clean hand
and invites his smile long for the ride
he leaves her with it
entrusting to fate
that one day soon he will smile once again
she is a cold word in a hot book

the measured man
stalks the empty corridors
and backstreets of the hometown
needing the reasons for the thing he has become
but he speaks to no-one so none can tell the tale
doomed to be a spectator in this carnival
of the fair and foul
he will forever be there face pressed against the glass
staring in as the world lives
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