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 Aug 2017 Malin Eriksen
 Aug 2017 Malin Eriksen
is it okay to miss him the second he looks away?
 Jun 2017 Malin Eriksen
J'adorais ce mot : l'imprévu.
Ma vie parisienne se rythmait à ce terme,
Une chose encore que je n'avais jamais vécu.
On ne sait pas ce que la vie renferme.

Je me levais le matin, en me demandant
comme finirais-je ma journée ?
La réponse fut logique évidemment :
On ne le sait jamais.

Le boulevard de Saint-Germains-Des-Prés
je traversais, comme tout les jours d'ailleurs.
Observer les gens, c'est ce que j'aimais
et soudain ils m'ont fendu le cœur.

La ******* de la population bourgeoise
était contre celle des délaissées
Leurs vies était tout à fait sournoise
contre celle des désemparées.

Ainsi, sur le chemin menant à l'école,
je me suis questionnée.
Pourquoi cette triste métropole
m'a t-elle ouvert les yeux sur la réalité ?
How am I supposed to feel
When you tell me I'm the one
But make me feel second best.
If God in all
His majesty
has a divine
plan for me,
is it veiled
or is it bold
to be kept
or to be told,
rather I would
surely find
this consequence
of love divine,
knowing it has
been decreed
God's love will not
abandon me.
I lost my tears
the other day
and emotions were all
swept away.
The mysteries I had
always heard
and contemplated
every word,
were miracles
turned inside out
erasing all my fear
and doubt
and proving that
the ways we're blessed
are never ending
The thing about life is
that you never know
when it comes to an end.
Sometimes it makes sense,
but other times it just ends
in the middle of a sentence.
A big question is left behind
to who is still alive.
But the answer is so simple.
Because sometimes
life just ends in the mid...
He fell in love with the Moon
So beautiful and pretty
Reflecting the light
Of the others

But he should have known that
If he seeks for true happiness
He should have fell in love
With the Sun

Because without the Sun
The Moon won't shine
And when the sun disappears
The Moon will too
Isn't it scary
Laying down in the dark
Closing your eyes
Preparing to slip away?
How can you be so sure
That you will ever wake up?
Most likely you will
But one time you won't
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