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Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2017
Even if your face is bathing in sunlight, you will close your eyes and sleep.

- LynnAA
While lying down on a couch that wasn't mine in a state that was completely mine.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2017
All that is blind, bites*.

- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2017
... My name can't protect you from each other anymore.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2017
No small football fields near us anymore.
No 2a.m. talks, lying on the grass, talking about the arabic language and listening to Alt-J's new releases, or Milky Chance's Blossom or Bruno Mars' That's What I Like.
No more passionate kisses as a stranger watches us, wishing he was you and I was on top of him.
Sometimes life belongs to us for momentary moments only.
And I'm happy that not so long ago, it belonged to me - once again.
And yes, nothing lasts, but if we can lie in new sheets again, or go on long car rides or ride your bike nowhere or meet for breakfast after you entice people's dilated pupils; if we could find our new bed of grass again with our same old music, we could make life belong to us again.
Meet me half way, D.

- LynnAA
When in A in A.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2017
I am a constant battle, but are you willing to fight with me or against me?

- LynnAA
Let's step out of bed.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2017
All I hear them talking is blablabla, gibberish, sounds I don't recognise, letters I have never pronounced, words that have no similarity to mine
All I hear them talking is another language that sets me in a box of my own no matter how close they are to me, even if their skin is on mine, even if they're talking about me and I have no clue that they are
And sometimes I just love it, being alone in this crowd, being my own island
Now I know what Bukowski means
They remain nothing but a noise in my background that I'd wish, so sincerely, to turn off

- LynnAA
What does consideration and respect mean to people like you ?

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2017
بما إنّو هل إيّام صارو معظم النسوان يشتغلو
فتَقَر البلد باللَّتلَتة
فاجتَمَعوا رجال شرطة البلديّة عرَكوَة قهوة
و عبّو هل الفراغ الإجتماعي بقيل و قال
عالرايح و الجايي و الواقف و القاعد
العِلّة مش بالنسوان
"العِلّة بهل الشعب "المضياف

لين اا -
شعب آخر زمن

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