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630 · Oct 2014
Lustus Oct 2014
Your  eyes         Your  eyes
My   hand          My  hand
Your  heart       Your  heart
Our  **soul
609 · Jan 2015
Lustus Jan 2015
You reminded me of the pain I cause
You reminded me that you loved me
That you will always love me
You're leaving me
You're leaving me because I raise my voice to get my point across
That hurts you
I hate hurting you
Hurting you pains me
I raise my voice because I think if I get louder you'll be able to understand me better
I raise my voice because I was silent for too long
I raise my voice because I never let anyone hear me
I had this problem where people would talk
And I would listen
People would fight
And I would listen
People would belittle me
And I would
I would just constantly listen to how
Useless I was
How amazing I was
How smart I was
How I never was...
How I constantly needed reassured that I was loved
Or right
Or wrong
I was always wrong
My thoughts were wrong
My actions were wrong
I had no mind
I walked on eggshells so often that my feet became numb
I was no longer walking on this earth
I was sitting...
But not for too long because then I was useless again
I was constantly working to be better
To love more
To make everything that was unhealthy for me...
I worked so hard to mend something so frail
I raise my voice because I feel like you're hearing me
But you're not listening
I cry because I'm breaking down that rope that was so strong between us
It could hold the whole universe
I'm sorry we argue
I'm sorry this is work
Relationships are work
I'm willing to be better
I'm wanting to be better
Without being too silent
Without being too loud
Without hurting you
The idea that you find leaving me equally as painful as staying with me
My heart is shattered
For my intentions were to only love you
That's all I do is fall in love with you
More and more
Every day
Even when I'm frustrated or mad and I raise my voice
To a level
That I don't even feel that I'm yelling
I love you
You are my world
You are my heart
549 · Mar 2015
Then and Now
Lustus Mar 2015
The way your hands fit so well across the small of my back
The way you glance at me from the bottom of the bed
The way that sometimes it felt like we were the only two people that existed in the world

I miss the way we were

Dance with me
Play music with me
Talk to me
Laugh with me always

Let that never stop...

Our friendship is forever
Our love is pure
I miss the going to bed laughing with you at night
And waking up with you in the morning
The confidence you have in me
Our attachment to one another

I miss the way we were

I love the way we are
462 · Jan 2015
Senses 11:18pm 01/23/15
Lustus Jan 2015
I inhale
The scent of sweet flowers mixed with sunshine after heavy rainfall
I touch
The softness of a flower petal
I see a prism
Shaped like an hour glass
I stare at something so beautiful
Something so hard to look at
I stare

I lay my body down into the grass
I hear the sound of nature singing to me
I touch the silk flower petals surrounding me
I stare
At the hour glass prism
I stick out my toungue

To taste...
The water off of the silk flower petals

The touch
So soft
The taste
So pure

I inhale

460 · Sep 2014
Lustus Sep 2014
no words, no expressions, no options, no attempts
i will claim you as unnoticed
you will claim me as something you once had
will I miss you?
do I love you?
Always and Forever
450 · Nov 2017
Lustus Nov 2017
Where is that girl?
The girl that took a T and two buses to surprise me with flowers?
Where is that girl that brought me to life?

Where is that girl go that held her head high and loved so hard?
Where is that girl that drew me pictures, sang, and played the guitar for me?
Where is that girl...?

Who took her away?
Who Changed the way the wind was Blowing?
Who gave her all of this hurt?

Where did the girl that played board games at the dinner table with me?
Where did that girl who called me her medicine, her home, her love...go?
I miss that girl

I miss that girl who wanted me to sit next to her and hold her close always
I miss the girl who was quiet when she was upset
I miss the girl that never wanted me to worry about a thing...

I don't miss the girl who wanted to have long drawn out arguments about the smallest things
I don't miss the girl who said hurtful things when she got mad
I don't miss the girl who pretended

Pretended that she knew what she wanted out of life
The girl that painted such a beautiful picture of our life together
The girl that took me around a favorite neighborhood of hers to look at houses...
The girl that talked about having kids

This girl painted pictures that I didn't even see
This girl now played guitar and sang when no one was around
That's not the girl I miss

This new angry, hurt, and hurtful person is not the girl I miss...

Where is that girl...?

Lost behind walls of uncertainty; latching onto anything...
Just to feel less alone
To not feel anything at all

I don't know that girl
The beautiful, soulful, strong woman I fell head over heals in love with
415 · Oct 2014
Connected Pieces
Lustus Oct 2014
I find myself surrounded by unfamiliar things
Yet I feel very connected to them

My own skin
Feels warm and shutters at the thought of your hands
Your hands
Are welcoming and filled with wonder
Wondering what has brought me here
Who shredded the pages to my book?
Who's pages are these that I am trying to piece together?
Here I am surrounded by pieces of pages in a book
About me?
My fingers graze the the pages that you once touched
The flakes of your skin now left on these pages
Now left on my fingertips

Here I am laying in a room surrounded by unfamiliar things
Yet I feel very connected to them
emotions puzzles life love self
412 · Oct 2017
Lustus Oct 2017
The back of the couch stays up
There's only one dish
One glass
One placemat
One piece of silverware in the sink
One set of work shoes
One set of keys
One side of the bed gets rested on
No one to press up against at night
The wine doesn't last

Trying to
Hoping I can
Wishing one day
One day you'll figure out what you lost
Hoping you
Allow yourself to feeeeel something at some point

Drops of water seem to have been temporarily tattooed on my face for the past month
My heart hurts
#love #life
409 · Sep 2014
Lustus Sep 2014
"It's difficult to feel the tears trickle down your face,
When you're head is soo far under water."
385 · Nov 2014
Effortless love
Lustus Nov 2014
Painting, listening, living
Thinking of you as the clock ticks
Time means nothing when you're around
Time is a flower growing
Reality is the days that are passing as it happens
My time with you.
My love for you is endless
355 · Oct 2014
Trip 9/03/03
Lustus Oct 2014
I can see the gears churning when I look up in the sky
I taste the metal on my tongue
I see how the world works
I hear the music and feel it through every part of my body
I am not playing music
I am in a field
I lay out in the field and watch the flowers lean toward the sun as it begins to beat down on me
I see the blades of grass flutter
I focus on the sounds that I hear
Whether it's the wind slipping in between the blades of grass
Or the bees pollinating the flowers
I kick off my shoes and push my feet into the dirt
I feel grounded
There is no other feeling than this
I begin to feel anxious and spot a tree about 15 feet away
I think about running to the tree
As I begin my journey I notice insects gravitating toward me
I am not frightened
I smile and push myself off of the ground to enjoy this tree experience
Everything is breathing with me
Everything is alive
I begin to climb the tree focusing on not damaging the bark or the branches
I feel like being in the tree will help me to understand the trees
It will help me to coexist with the animals living in the trees
I inhale life
I exhale and see all the negative energies flow out of me
I inhale again
It's hard to breathe
I've allowed myself to let go
To just be
Tears of joy roll down my face
The taste of metal is long gone
The sun is beginning to set
How long have I been here?  
I came here with no intention of watching the time
What is time?
I begin to contemplate time and it's meaning
Do I truly exist?
I am existing
I am coexisting
349 · Jun 2014
Lustus Jun 2014
I felt like I woke I up with a film over my eyes
I couldn't see past the darkness
Then realized
It was just you
Standing in my way
March 19, 2014
337 · Jan 2015
Lustus Jan 2015
He said
He said
I don't know what the future holds
He said
This might be able to work
He said
He cares...

She said...
What if?
She said
Let's get married
She said
Let's have babies
She said
I love you
She said
I care too much...

He said...
He said
He said
I can let my walls down...

Shed a tear
She said
I love you


Someone else

He said
And she melted into
another's arms...
Always an afterthought
334 · Sep 2014
Lustus Sep 2014
you are nothing that I understand
my ability to breathe leaves me at the mere thought of you
life is the energy that overcomes me when you're close by
soul is what I feel when your lips touch mine
delicacy is my hands gripping your skin from the back of your neck down to your spine
strength is what I see in your eyes
passion runs through your blood

you are love
love to drive me crazy and question everything about myself
love to make me want you every second of the day
love to make me feel like I've lost complete control of myself
love to make me want to scream under water, but only if I'm holding your hand while I'm immersed
love for comfortable silence and uncontrollable ***
love for the sound of your voice over the guitar
for the way you make me feel again
love for the inspiration you have given me
Lustus Sep 2014
Feel me breath
Catch my breath
I taste death
My glass eyes shatter
Heart beats faster
My face turns white
I forget to fight
Behind my eyelids
Black as night
I can't seem to grasp the situation
Too much hesitation
331 · Oct 2017
This is happening
Lustus Oct 2017
Today the leaves change
The roots of a tree die  
Today the sky opens up and buckets of rain fall healing the world of thirst
My mouth is dry

Today there is an echo
The house is nearly empty
Today there is no home
The house is nearly empty
Today there is no silence
The sound of a heart aches

Today there are no nightmares
There are only crushed dreams
Today the trees fall
Obstacles and challenges await

Today there is an echo
The house is nearly empty
Today there is no home
The house is nearly empty
Today there is no silence
The sound of a heart aches

Today it is time to plant new trees, drink the water, strengthen the heart, and fight obstacles, fill the house with joy, find some comfort, chase dreams, and create a new home

— The End —