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375 · Mar 2016
Luna Craft Mar 2016
I'm at a loss of words
Heart beating
Faster and faster
Warm breath collides
Warm and fleeting
A body
A corpse
Rotting disaster
Maggots dig in
We melt in the ground
Branching out
A gravestone
Sign your name on the x
And breathe
368 · Oct 2015
Parting Ways
Luna Craft Oct 2015
His laugh was like a tender goodbye kiss
I can feel the echoes of those loving words
We both lived in our own world full of bliss
But he had wanted to live with the birds
The sky had always been just out of reach
And to fly he would have needed to leave
His finale goodbye was with cheeks of peach
The plane left early, leaving me to grieve
My tired eyes still wander to the sky
From when we always laughed together
To the last moments where we said goodbye
Those endless memories that last forever
I will pray for his never ending dreams
So that his brightest smile always gleams
365 · Apr 2015
The End
Luna Craft Apr 2015
I've always hated ending things
When I was younger I always left a single sentence unread in a book
Because that way I could say that the story wasn't over
The story wasn't finished and my imagination could thrive
But as I got older books became more serious
Characters died
I couldn't have that
Death meant the end so when a character died I would stop reading
I'd say the plot didn't interest me and throw it away
And this ideology took over my life and I procrastinated
I put things off as long as possible
And then when my grandfather died I did not bat an eye
It was just like the books I read
'Nothing happened, just don't bring it up'
I did that, every time someone died
Someone got hurt
A story ended
I avoided it like the plague
But what do you do when someone dies in front of you
When you hear the shallow beat of a dead heart
And when that happened I wept
Not because of something so ridiculous as a death
But because I realized I had turned into someone that didn't care
I had watched someone die
And the beep of the dead pulse only annoyed me
362 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Open eyes
Closed heart
360 · Nov 2016
Luna Craft Nov 2016
Thinking little, saying things that don't even correlate with my own thoughts
But I sometimes shake at the silence
Little twitchy movements, those of a child afraid to look under the bed
Is this all I'll ever be? A coward in a confidant shell?
So yes I shake at a blank stare
Shudder at thoughts about things that should scare
I am anxious
359 · Sep 2017
Luna Craft Sep 2017
I miss the shallow tides of life
Those childish whispers we had of careers
I swear we all wanted to be doctors at least once
Now it's just student loans and unemployment rates
Bitterness towards aspirations that were once so mystical
They leave a sour taste in my mouth
355 · Jan 2016
Hot Air
Luna Craft Jan 2016
Skin hanging through the air, a hot air balloon about to land
Run by thoughts and feelings
It is hot air
There is no place to land
No place to put my feet down
My mind is numb
I don't know how to move a machine with no power
Move a ship with no water
My mind is hot air
It moves my stitched together skin
Thread breaking at the seam
A body rejecting the sky but not wanting to crash
352 · Dec 2015
Falling in love
Luna Craft Dec 2015
Did Romeo know Juliet would be the last beautiful thing he saw?
or is the Night-blooming Cereus fine with only seeing the night once a year
I always thought that falling in love would be different
I thought a day wasn't enough
but after I met you I realized that I'd die for just a glimpse at your face
a moment to hear your voice
344 · Apr 2015
Luna Craft Apr 2015
Perhaps I am the result of greed
I was already told by my mother that I wasn't needed
So maybe that is why I only care about myself
Because I'm the only one that wants to need me

No that isn't right

Someone that want to be needed wouldn't pick and choose the people they talk to

They wouldn't say no to someone because they knew that it would leave a bad impression on their employer or lover

I loath myself more then anyone else, I know I'm not needed so that's why I'm taking others down with me.
339 · Mar 2016
Empty Thoughts
Luna Craft Mar 2016
Will you remember me when I am gone?
Will you see me to the grave?

When my body is grey- a stone
When my mind has long since abandoned you here

Will you catch me? Let me fall into your arms?
Will you be able to let go?

Watch me vaporize into light
Watch me disappear, forever

Will you sell me as broken parts?
Will you try to rebuild me

Will y o  u   r   e      m        e        m        b        e           r        m   e?
336 · Feb 2016
Alive v. Living
Luna Craft Feb 2016
I keep mixing it all up
Living and being alive, I don't see the difference
They are just two different states of the same thing
Ice is still water and water can still boil
It can turn to steam and be forgotten
Yesterday was once today but unless there is a tragedy it is forgotten
Merged with all the other stories rumbling in your head
Is that what it's like to be alive
To feel like everyday is a new chance
Or is living to be stuck in the past
Not moving on but not forgetting those left behind
What am I supposed to do
Because if being alive is to live only for oneself
I'd rather be dead
329 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
I'm called an artist when I draw someone else
I'm called selfish when I draw myself
323 · Jan 2016
Luna Craft Jan 2016
I am frozen
Chapped lips and broken bones
The open wounds will never close
I can't move, let alone breath
Can someone please unfreeze me
Frostbite has taken its toll
My mind is broke and I'm alone
A lock blocks an open door
Please god help me I have froze
The years stopped along with winter
The cold mist fills my home
I'm all alone
321 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
Binocular vision
Let me see double
Let me connect with the unseen
A cause for speculation
Question emotions like a lie

I can't read a dead mans face
320 · Mar 2015
The sunsets
Luna Craft Mar 2015
The clock will change
Things will rot
Things will grow
Things will change
We will change
Whether passive or not
is up to you
319 · Mar 2015
Follow me
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Follow me
in the dark
down the rabbit hole
where we can both be mad

Follow me
to a land of light
down the yellow brick road
where us wicked rule

Follow me
down the stream
and on an island filled with riches
where we can both be free
318 · Dec 2016
Luna Craft Dec 2016
I like winter
Spring is too quick
Summer is too loud
Fall brings nothing but death
Only in winter does the earth stand still
318 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
Everything that lied between us was fiction;
To me I saw Romeo, begged you saw Juliet somewhere in me
Wrong time, wrong tragedy.
Reliable narration has never been a fact of love
I would give myself up to anyone who could find me
Anyone who would notice, listen, care
I couldn't see, so blind
Romeo died long before our tale
I became your nymphet, a toy of a girl
****** was so pitiful, she's the shadow of my soul
And as we uncoil unknown scars awake
I miss your light, I miss your pain
I miss the things you took away
317 · Mar 2016
Luna Craft Mar 2016
I still don't understand how these rotted pieces of flesh form words
The scratched diary of an insane man in the walls
Bleeding with every word that escapes
Like a cell, it only holds criminals
No keys and only one way out
Thoughts escape all the time
Repeat offenders, stuttered sounds
Silence is justice on a street of fatal shootings
How can peeled skin show love when it can spew so much hate
I say good bye as I assault another man with my words
Beat him until he knows the words I'm sorry
I'm sorry
310 · Apr 2015
I saw you
Luna Craft Apr 2015
I saw you in my dreams
You smiled like it was yesterday
Before we had the fight
You smiled like you couldn't know evil
You smiled with such innocence that I could cry
Because that innocence broke for me
And the evil followed soon
I can't believe I hurt you
Because when I ripped my own heart out
The string connecting us ripped your heart out too
309 · Feb 2018
Younger Years
Luna Craft Feb 2018
When I was younger I saw stars in everything
But now my mind has turned to cityscapes,
Angular in design
I look up and see only the glimmer of passing planes
Everything has turned into a product of the unattainable
I miss the stars, the past, the memories
But perhaps this city skyline isn't so bad
306 · Apr 2016
Luna Craft Apr 2016
Yelling rings out, spreads and echos
Arguments, red hot, burning
They rip up the sheets of our beds
The wooden floors laugh at our attempt at a quiet escape
Life itself jokes with us
It makes silence impossible
Our ears are exhausted
Overworked and drained
306 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
I lie to myself
More then I lie to you
Because I fear that if I realize how horrible I am
You will leave me
And I can't bare to be alone again
305 · Jan 2015
I don't dare
Luna Craft Jan 2015
I don't dare to confront you
for the anger you hold shadows over the kindness in my heart
and corrupts all around you
so I'll stare
hopelessly in love
with the man that strikes at my gaze
and breaks hearts
303 · May 2017
Liver Failure
Luna Craft May 2017
Take a sip
You only need a little more to seep over the edge
A fermented drink, bubbles and fruit
Let a restless sleep take over you

Black out.

Take another glass, take another drink
A little powdered drink made of matter
Dark matter, emptiness just a high purity
Let the alcohol content drive your inability

Inhibited. Like a salted glass.
Your distasteful without a bit of liquor inside you
Breathe too much, too little
The world is never ending


Let the caution of a free drink fade
It's just little powder now
A quicker way to embrace a quick slumber
Sacrifice your body for another sip
301 · Nov 2017
A little whisper
Luna Craft Nov 2017
Let the hushed autumn wind remind me of finality
Dying leaves, remnants of a dead summer
Things will be over soon
This dull hum surrounds me
Reminds me of upcoming change
Change like a spring can only come from the whisper of death
Forgotten times
Memories, not moments
301 · Jun 2015
Luna Craft Jun 2015
We talk about dreams as if they are something that can be grasped in our hands like candy from a store or money from the jobs we work as a 'stepping stone' to our dreams
We forget for a moment that dreams are like sand that cannot be grasped so carelessly
We see the sand on the beach and pretend that we are better then that
We see the remnants that others once held and we look towards the sea with such ambition that we forget the sand in our hands and let it join the dust
Just for a moment in the sea
297 · Jun 2018
Luna Craft Jun 2018
I hate odd numbers, to be more exact I fear them
That is not to say it applies to every facet of my life
Three at the end of the day is my favorite number
It's just in every other circumstance that they seem to haunt me
Like my nightmares only occurring when my alarm is set odd
Something caused by one of my benign idiosyncracies
-Nonetheless, I'm faced with odd numbers when I sleep
When I awake
When another family member has chosen the grave as a resting place
When times seem to change unexpectedly
I'm anxious about many things
But all seem minuscule compared to those numbers that follow me
Unbreaking and ration
They belong; I do not
295 · Feb 2016
Luna Craft Feb 2016
Today I am alone
It isn't anything I didn't expect
Your with her and I'm here thinking about you
I left your thoughts long ago
You buried me and your friends together
A new start
But a corpse left in the ground begins to rot
I'm with the earth six feet under while you bask in the sun
I'm here
I'll be here until roots fill what empty space is my heart
She'll be next to you
292 · Aug 2017
Luna Craft Aug 2017
I'm a lazy perfectionist
I only accept the best but never work for it
292 · Jan 2016
Luna Craft Jan 2016
It's so easy to get confused
To mix violence and love together
Apologies and lies
They are all mistakes
A simple question asking for help
Turns into a night of horrors
Nightmares ensue in gardens of flowers
They wither and die with every breath
A raining shadow of empty dreams
I've made a tomb out of my own grief
I tried to put myself 6ft under
Life and death go hand and hand
You can't have one without the other
So when I wanted to die I was told
I just need to live
What I've done so far is nothing more then sleep walking
I'm on autopilot and I'm not taking anything in
A schedule that repeats itself has never been so empty
Then a person with less life then a corpse
290 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
As I am embraced by dawns silent approach I remember a time
One which has no thought, no dire grasps for breath

An emptiness which could comfort the dead and sooth the soul
It's tangled waves of a rising sun dance with me

They sing me wordless songs; those of remembrance,
And the bags beneath my eyes sink into shallow graves

It is the time of rest;
289 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
Speak to me my abomination, let your words cry out
For I am the creator of whatever self remains
And I am the destroyer of that same dissolved self
So speak to me, softly, those dead words
The same ones I buried, each with a part of me
For you are my monster, my mistake
And I am your memory, a lover coated in dead dreams
289 · Sep 2015
What we fear
Luna Craft Sep 2015
We fear the unknown for reasons we can't even fathom
Whether it be the uncertainty of jumping either into water or spikes
or the fact that a mother's milk can be a poison
We forget that blades can be words and blood can be wine
and even though we know this, we still claim that all humans have humanity
We fear the unknown because we want to forget- even for a moment that there is something worse then what we already know
289 · May 2015
Luna Craft May 2015
Shallow eyes and Shallow hearts
Go hand and hand
Like broken minds with broken parts
288 · Jul 2017
Luna Craft Jul 2017
Have you ever made a mistake and immediately regretted it?
Like all the contents of your stomach start a rampage of protest.
Where words taste like vile and leave the same impact?

Like your not afraid of the response but that moment
It's painful
Even when you're the one holding the knife

I don't talk a lot, I avoid it like the plague
It hurts my senses- I feel the need to over explain
Compensate for empty space

But I spill out nothing good, my lungs are tar
It drags back any word not harsh enough to break free
Like when you lashed out at your parents as a child

The same feeling of regret but also anger like no one understood
A teenage phase that returns in between breaths
And now you've gutted yourself in front of someone you care for

Because no one is pretty on the inside
I showed that I'm nothing more that maggot filled meat
That I am rotten to the core
288 · Apr 2015
Luna Craft Apr 2015
I try to think of the positives
Not electrons but things that I like
But my mind draws a blank and I know that it's wrong
But I can't think beyond today
And I know others like that
The nomads of our minds
We explore the depths that shouldn't be crossed
And we wonder 'why' too many times
So while the negatives hit me like a bullet from a loaded gun
The positives avoid me like the rich
Too good to touch the poor
279 · Jul 2017
Luna Craft Jul 2017
I'm a very trustworthy liar
Telling truths of a soothsayer, all my future goals
None will come to fruition
Like a dog; all bark and no bite
278 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
He told the lord to lay her to rubble
Let the ground grow with her blood
And to allow the oh so righteous to grasp her body
For it was mans arrogant belief that she was an object
And when the lord attempted to lay waste
The elder gods arose with passion
And claimed the land beneath the living
277 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
From the moment I was born I began to die
From the alcohol fumes to the police visits
The smell of tobacco that lined the walls of a empty home
Family problems that brought bruised limbs and false explanations
And while my body was bruised my mind was already broken
Years of being told no one will miss me when I die
Years of wanting to die
I've been dying for so long I'm just a hollow husk
An empty shell of a little girl with small dreams
277 · Mar 2017
Safe Space
Luna Craft Mar 2017
Non-existent and non-functional; these digital walls are faux
You can't live through upset motions, triggered by disgust
Create something new, something that will not save you
Something that will make you want to save yourself
270 · Mar 2015
Finger Tips
Luna Craft Mar 2015
I have no mouth
Only fingers that write worthless words on screen
Or to draw boring pictures on walls
My finger tips are the only thing I need to live
I do not mind my lack of voice
Or how when I speak my words merge with the crowd
Because the words I type
Are infinite
So I will live on with no words in reality
And live on forever in a digital haven
269 · Mar 2016
Luna Craft Mar 2016
I could see the color drain from your eyes when you looked at me
The ocean that had been your sight dried up
You realized the truth
We realized the truth
I didn't think depression was an infection of the mind
I didn't know it could spread
The more you tried to hear me out the more you agreed
I'm sorry
I didn't know it would be this way
I didn't think you'd try to carve yourself in my shape
265 · Feb 2018
Luna Craft Feb 2018
Cancerous- that's what she called people like me
Sickly cells, mutations of what is natural
Like alcoholism and angry outbreaks, a familial normal
Bloodlines filled with misuse of all that we are given
Haul me down the aisle on ice, toe tag and all
So I can change my name once I die
So I can change.
265 · Jan 2016
Angels are not blessed
Luna Craft Jan 2016
Angels are not blessed
Their mouths, a draw bridge, close when they try to help
Because only blessed words are allowed out
A dying man can't be told he's fine
When his lungs have twisted any oxygen left
So all the angel can do in weep
Cry for a dead man who sinned to much and can't go with them
Even the devil was an angel is spoke out
He wanted his god to love him rather then his creations
A father wouldn't throw out his child because he cried about being lonely
A father would try to care
Angels are not blessed
263 · Apr 2017
Seen Tue 4:34am
263 · Jan 2015
Luna Craft Jan 2015
A watchful eye
on a watchful night
where stars collide
and towers build on your eyes
sleep consumes you
ending your watch
and the stars finally die down
as the world has become silent
262 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
Seeing unknown shadows pass over the window,
Time has become obscure;
If I sleep in here forever, maybe god will send a cure
Something to sooth my soul
Something to give me rest
Make me remember the lines between the living and the dead
So I'll pray, to a god I don't believe in
Say lines that Sunday school made me believe in
Try to find something to believe in
Because my inability to find reality is dragging down my eyelids
261 · Feb 2015
If I said 'I love you'
Luna Craft Feb 2015
If I said 'I love you'
and tried to change my fate
I know you wouldn't smile
or even mutter a phrase
for those are not the words you wish
to hear from someone who helped you
say 'I love you'
to the girl across the room
259 · Feb 2017
Luna Craft Feb 2017
You dragged my corpse through countless sheets
Watched your image projected through my eyes
You took silence as an answer
Practiced vivisection with my thighs
You let shadows over take you, told god you were done
Then continued a cycle that filled a quiet morgue
You watched bodies spill from constant torment
Let a virus loose inside them
You killed all those within your grasp
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