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259 · Feb 2017
Luna Craft Feb 2017
You dragged my corpse through countless sheets
Watched your image projected through my eyes
You took silence as an answer
Practiced vivisection with my thighs
You let shadows over take you, told god you were done
Then continued a cycle that filled a quiet morgue
You watched bodies spill from constant torment
Let a virus loose inside them
You killed all those within your grasp
258 · May 2017
Luna Craft May 2017
Starting breath with pain
As the lungs revert back to a nocturnal state
Let it slow, let my air return to the night.
Finally a simple sleep
A hush.
257 · Apr 2017
Luna Craft Apr 2017
Please come back I miss you
254 · May 2015
Luna Craft May 2015
The reflection in the mirror is not me
My eyes have not sunk that much
Please tell me that my smile has not shattered
That bruises have not taken control of my cheeks
Someone please tell me what happened to this person I see
Because I can't believe that I've changed this much
I don't want to believe that my life is any different then before
That I've thrown any regard of myself away
254 · Jan 2017
Jane Doe
Luna Craft Jan 2017
Say no more words, just softly fall asleep
Rain will wash the blood away, you'll finally be porcelain
You'll finally be what you were born to be
Statues always live on in history, these blood stained dolls lost memories
Never to be named, a stone with no dog tags
252 · Jan 2017
Luna Craft Jan 2017
Stop comparing yourself to a flower if you don't want to wilt
250 · Jan 2017
Luna Craft Jan 2017
I enjoy the fact that yelling racist slurs is freedom but worshiping a god you believe in is a terrorist activity
249 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Lose your breath
Don't fight the end
Let the water fill your lungs
See the light
And know you aren't alone
I'm tired of being told that the light is a lie
So I'll see it with my dying breath
246 · Mar 2015
Evenings Alone
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Make me realize that I miss you
And that our love may actually be true
But I'm not the only one in yours eyes
As your family dies
And you **** the life out of any girl that comes your way
Just to hide your growing frustration
245 · Feb 2017
Luna Craft Feb 2017
I got plastic surgery the week following the attack
Give or take, I could complain, I've never looked the same
My eyebrows tend to look... furrowed, like the needles weren't used right
Like the needles didn't need to hurt
Ask me what is pain and I'll tell you it is the removal of a lie
That's it- nothing of negative consequence, simply an unavoidable thing.
They make consequence too complex, over analyze little words until it spells out a disorder.
Treat nonexistence like a nightmare as if anyone would care if you disappeared.
Treat the world like a tragedy, tell yourself that you lied again and you should just die, try to gouge out your eyes before awaking and repeating
Yet why is it wrong to feel self deprecating thoughts
244 · Jan 2017
Luna Craft Jan 2017
You changed yourself to become someone everyone else but you would love
244 · Feb 2016
Luna Craft Feb 2016
You did it again, made me doubt my own words
Acted like I sinned
After you kissed her lips and told me it meant nothing
That, words of love mean nothing if I can't accept a little mistake
I was your mistake
There were so many signs
I ignored the flaws
I was just so blinded
242 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Goodbye, my love
I'll see you in my dreams
Created by a red haze
and a self inflected end
[Put that is but another dream for another time]
240 · Feb 2015
Luna Craft Feb 2015
Their words are the wind
Harsh tones that only make the grass flow more beautiful
236 · Jan 2017
New Year
Luna Craft Jan 2017
With each tick on the clock we near the end of the year; of this moment; of our futures
This timeless state between a number and that which follows
A new year
A new chance to breathe
Something either nostalgic or entirely new is approaching
It all starts and ends at midnight; but this is not a fairy tail
It is a time of reality where things feel unimaginable
235 · Nov 2015
Luna Craft Nov 2015
The air is lead
It fell to the ground and out of my lungs when you left
It was tied to you, like a dog on a leash it followed you everywhere
The moment you decided that scars were better left unhealed the leash was let go
The air was terrified of the life without you and left me alone to grieve
How sad
All of this emptiness and not enough air to let me sob
A hollow wheeze has earned its place in my heart
The air is lead
It leaves little trace
234 · Mar 2016
Ruin me
Luna Craft Mar 2016
Gut me
Tear my apart and sell my pieces
Individually, I wouldn't want to be remade
Donate me to charity, let the poor devour my corpse
Let me forget
To fall into the deepest slumber we humans know
Fall into a void or a cloud, I do not care
I am just so tired
Hang me out to dry
I'm tired of this soil
I want to be reborn
So let me rest my soul in you
As my body becomes earth
We will sing and dance in my dreams
The wind will be our songs
I will finally be able to breathe
234 · Mar 2017
Luna Craft Mar 2017
God I wish what's left of my breath would entrap you
Luna Craft Feb 2015
The strings around my neck begin to tighten
as each strand carries its own song of hate and worry
about things that I'll never be able to do

The noose made by my own self pity grows tighter
and the forced lies escape my empty lungs
I created this noose with my own mistakes

The problems I face are not loneliness or lack of respect for oneself
but I lack respect for the world
It seems meaning less to care for the pictures that break into my mind

Family and friends have turned into actors
and my life is the stage
For the meaningless play forgotten in a century

My grim way of thinking has caused me to be hung
by my own meaningless lines from an empty script
as I forget to breathe
226 · Jun 2017
Luna Craft Jun 2017
"It's the easy way out"

When have I ever said I'm not a coward.
225 · May 2017
Luna Craft May 2017
A lifeless grasp towards the son as I sing in my spiral
A decent; falling
Shattered cliffs and rocks
Let a mountain of earth break my fall
Contemplate and revitalize
Write letters in the air
God will listen in your final embrace
225 · Jan 2017
Luna Craft Jan 2017
Our ignorance is something even gods cannot forgive
224 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
My eyes see the bliss within the darkness
For my eyes have seen such beauty in darkness
Stars shine so innocently
The pale moon a protective eye
My eyes only see the hate within the light
Because it is far harder to tell which smile is really bright
in a world lit by fakes
223 · Oct 2015
Luna Craft Oct 2015
I’m scared, something happened and my world went blank
I brawl at the bar resulting in a mad man fighting me
After that the only vision that remained was white
When I woke up I could clearly see my wife, sobbing before me
I needed to help her
I was just gonna tell her I’m okay
She started screaming and muttered the words ‘honey’ in a lost voice
It all went white again, everything… I’m so scared
There is blood coming from my mouth
It hurts
I’m so hungry
I hope my wife is okay but ever since I woke up her memory is fading
I didn’t think that such a small injury would cause so much pain
Was it infected or maybe it hit a nerve… I don’t know anymore
I don’t know much of anything anymore
It’s like the disease had turned my stomach into thorns only soothed through food
It can’t be that bad right? It was only a bite
Happy Halloween.
219 · Feb 2016
Real Adult
Luna Craft Feb 2016
At the same time reality hit me in the face I realized my world was fake
A pop-up book filled with misadventure
It's not your fault
A child needs to become an adult at some point
You just helped me open up my eyes a bit
217 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
A year before she died we walked around the melting snow
She had told me that she envied it
And I always thought that it was because of the beauty of it
Or how it sparkled in the sun
I only found out when I read the note
That she had left on her bed
That she hadn't wished for beauty
She wished to fade away
216 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
Only, when a screen can hide my face, I am kind
The words that jump from my mouth burn the heart
They are needles, hurting you so you bleed but live
The words that fall from my fingers are so kind
That they make you feel secure
and I simply can't understand
How that makes it okay for me to hurt you
With the constant assault of my bitter tongue
210 · Dec 2016
Luna Craft Dec 2016
Emotions, a temporary permanence that makes a life
Life, a temporary emergence that resonates memories
Memories, a temporary representation of loss
Loss, a temporary feeling of disconnect- a need to mourn
209 · Dec 2016
Luna Craft Dec 2016
I am both terrified and enthralled with the impossibility of tomorrow
203 · Apr 2015
Luna Craft Apr 2015
I went out that night to look at the view and think
But I made the mistake of letting someone see
And when they saw they told me about how smart I was
Because it was so thoughtful that I looked up at the sky
And they said I was a dreamer
Who looked up at the stars with hopeful eyes
And I couldn't avoid a lie
I couldn't tell them that that night I wasn't watching the stars
But I was watching the headlights fly by
And I was wondering what time would be right
For me to stop staring and take my own life
200 · Nov 2015
We sang
Luna Craft Nov 2015
A low hum is all that's left of our love
I silent melody of our hearts together
Beating in sync
No one ever told me how deadly a crack could be
Like a dam once it appears the water drains
I noticed your interest when you wanted to know her name
I realized the love between us had flowed out
So I left you alone
Saying nothing
I knew you wouldn't have the heart to leave
you were so cruelly kind
That the last song we sang together was goodbye
190 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
I will run away
From this ****** dream
This ****** dream that only I see
Cause' the nightmares are after me
They are caused by my own grief
Chained to me like misery
And my demons have the keys
189 · Mar 2015
Luna Craft Mar 2015
My eyes refuse to open
The light is too heavy for me to carry
The darkness is what helps me breathe
For my stress is a fog
Which is poison to my lungs
186 · Jan 2015
Luna Craft Jan 2015
Why is it
that when you complained
about my words
and about my feelings
that once I stopped talking
and became numb
you screamed of the times that you loved
where I would talk and cry
as if I had chosen this
as if I wanted this
159 · Mar 2022
Dream within a Dream
Luna Craft Mar 2022
I think the most motherly I've seen my Mother is in a dream
One with high stakes and eager fights
Where she stood fearful
Not for herself but for my safety
Grabbing my hand to protect from an eager fist


I wish I could dream those dreams with conscious thoughts
With ambitious hope that I would outweigh herself
Selflessness towards those you bore, like the movies
But I always know when I'm awake
The lines don't blur as much as they did when I was a child
And I am left with a hole
Longing for a state of reality that could never be
Dreaming of dreams

— The End —