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 Mar 2015 Luca Abate
Baggy clothes and braces
Socks with printed laces
Along with sweatpants to cover
What was given by your mother
A putrid odor
Burned into skin by a motor
A face rounded at sides
Little girl, splashes in the tides

Shirt over swimsuit
Looking for pirate's loot
Unaware that she looked like a princess
Protruding dress
Her hair a mess
I think that she's beautiful

Though, God forbid they know
She had a face, she'd not dare show
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
Sia Jane
You filled my heart with angel dust
& emptied out any residing despair
for I had been cultivating a space where
veracious story tales restored trust
a guided path, taking us both beyond lust
asking myself, will I always be a passing affair?
the other woman captured in your snare
to later discover your reflection inheres in the knife I ******
so blindly in to your chest, whilst screaming; "You *****!"
for without the facilitation of pure light, my inner self remains so violent
unlike the days, I would sit in repent
no words from my mouth, I was always so silent

Oh, am I the one you so abhor?
And, am I the one who always festers in your torment?

© Sia Jane
I had to write a sonnet for class, and lets say, it was so so difficult. But I persisted and in the end, I wrote a list of words that rhymed in the abba abba cde dce and just used that.
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
Perfect Boy
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
You never listen anyway
Might as well just may
Thats unholy
Thats a sin
Add that to the tally marks
Up two-hundred-ten

A heart by former heathen
That girl is so unholy
Thats another sin
Add that to the tally marks
Up two-hundred-'leven

Kiss the perfect men
Thats so holy
Thats no sin
Take away the tally marks
Down two-hundred-ten

Life is just a game, I say
But, another heart he's gone to slay
Thats unholy
Thats a sin
Add that to the tally marks
He's down once again
To the people think they're just so perfect.
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
The boy who got better
The boy who never cried
His request if form of letter
All feelings set aside

To see that boy again
Past and Futures must we mend?
I miss him so
I miss him more
To fall on the floor,
For who would come running

Hug me dear,
Oh, hug me close
For only God knows
What future holds
For two, suffered, friends
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
Your face is what I think of
Only every day
I think I like these whole 10 word pieces...
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
 Feb 2015 Luca Abate
We all are falling slowly
To whose fate is holy

The yellow sailor drifts away
Yet, a ballon will never stay
The touch of a finger
Yet, never linger
My love changes quickly

The blade of a knife
Yet, she lives a long life
You see how this Earth is fair?

The girl sits alone
Her life never shown
The sound of the button tone
Yet, no sound of a gun

She falls to the floor
Wishing for more
The decision,
she isn't sure

We are all falling slowly
Her fate is holy
For, child, do not worry
She is happy now

— The End —