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Little Bear Jan 2016
On the washing line
You hung out all my secrets
But the sun still shines
Little Bear Mar 2016
So, I've had a really smashing time,
playing all those games,
singing songs and colouring,
and playing with your trains.

I've had a lovely time at school,
but sometimes I've not been good,
and perhaps I've not quite acted,
the way I really should.

For the times you have been patient,
and listened to me shout,
for the times I've been quite naughty,
And needed a "time out"

I'd like to say a "Thank you"
for looking after me,
and making sure I'm okay,
in your nursery.

But sometimes I'm really trying,
and hopefully there'll be,
more days that I am better still,
you won't believe it's me.

You've been so kind and helped me,
accepting me as I am,
which will help you out in a year or two,
because next
I wrote this in 2001 when we said goodbye
to all his teachers in nursery school.
I wrote this in his card.
And now,
my eldest son is spending the weekend away
with his girlfriend..
One day he will leave home and spread his wings.
I miss him already and he still lives at home.
He has come so far but still has a million miles to travel..
He can always come home.
I love my boy with all my heart.
Little Bear Jul 2016
do you think you'll ever lay her to rest?
allow her to sleep?
she's stayed awake for months on end
and every time she tried to close her eyes
you shook her awake

telling just one more tale
one more tall story
one more lie
that we must all
simply listen to

listen to this little ditty
i'm sure you'll recall it
once i'm done
do you remember the time we...?
no.. not really..

without sleep
all she sees are hallucinations
disjointed recollections
of the tissue paper life
that blows..

in the breeze

did you know
sleep deprivation
is a form of torture?

and you have kept her up
long enough

and she's tired of being worn
like an overcoat
as your splendid outer garment
in all it's melancholy finery
passersby remark
on how well you wear her
and you have the audacity to say
'Oh this old thing'

she's wearing thin and eventually
she'll disappear

she's becoming threadbare in places
and no matter how tightly
you wrap yourself up in her
she won't keep you warm

but that's only because
you don't want her to get warm
or let her go to sleep
you just won't let her rest in peace
will you
Little Bear Apr 2016
Silhouettes and shadows
live in your mind
there is no colour
just porous charcoals
swallowed into the void
where the darkness seeps inside
the night is long and dark
and the silence stretches on
for an eternity

Corridors of sorrow
each door opens to the next
closets wide and full
where your misery hangs
a new suit for everyday
you talk in an undertone
muting all supplication
whispering no forgiveness
I am forever in torment

And here lies the devastation
from a time long past
and there is blood on the walls
blood on your hands
you enjoy it's colour
holding it up to the light
it tastes like mine

screams of sadness
echos of tears
shadows of time
if you would only but abandon me
for I am not here
and the shadows..
they are not mine
not mine I tell you
not my shadows
not my blood
please.. don't let them be mine
they cannot be mine...
but they are

I beg of you
let me be
unbind me from your dreams
open your eyes
and see

So silently I lay
among the eggshells
the barbed wire
and the books of memories
but I beg of you
if you would only but unwrite me
then I will be on my way
I will never look back..
I promise

Searching for a way out
I know that I  have died
I know it now
I feel my death
it is in the air
my love
but a festering corpse
my laughter
tolls the end of time
my happiness
an unmarked grave
I lay in Sheol
and in hades you have lain me
but I do not sleep

This is where I reside
and I cannot escape your oblivion
the cage of torment
that you keep me in
you are easily amused

please hear me
just one more time
if you would only but forget me
and let me truly be dead
*just let me be
Little Bear Apr 2016
Where are you?
I am here my love
and I'm not leaving
it's so quiet
I can't hear you
I wont leave you to the silence
I won't leave you
I am here
where am I?
You are here with me
let me take you home
I won't leave you to fight this battle alone
I will fight with you
I have to go
No.. don't go into the silence with out me
Take me with you
Don't go in to the silence alone
I will bring you home
Don't leave me..
My love
I'm not leaving you
for the demons to feast
Where am I ?
Can you hear me?
I am here
I am here
I am strong enough for us both
I will carry you
just let me take your hand
and I will take you home
I'm frightened
my sweet child
my broken child
lost in the wilderness
I will find you
I am here
I can't seem to find
my way home
just open your eyes my love
look and see
I will save you
I promise
But how can you save me?
Because that's all I know how to do
I will bare the silence
and the raging noise
I will take your place
I will take your place
Please find me
*.. I am lost

I know you are lost
but I will find you
my child
my love
please take my hand
let me take you home
Children with anxiety and depression
sometimes can't find their way 'home.'
You have to show them the way.
Little Bear Jun 2016
Where are you?
I am here my love
and I'm not leaving
it's so quiet*
I can't hear you
I wont leave you to the silence
I won't leave you
I am here
where am I?
You are here with me
let me take you home
I won't leave you to fight this battle alone
I will fight with you
I have to go
No.. don't go into the silence with out me
Take me with you
Don't go in to the silence alone
I will bring you home
Don't leave me..
My love
I'm not leaving you
for the demons to feast
Where am I ?
Can you hear me?
I am here
I am here
I am strong enough for us both
I will carry you
just let me take your hand
and I will take you home
I'm frightened
my sweet child
my broken child
lost in the wilderness
I will find you
I am here
I can't seem to find
my way home
just open your eyes my love
look and see
I will save you
I promise
But how can you save me?
Because that's all I know how to do
I will bare the silence
and the raging noise
I will take your place
I will take your place
Please find me
.. I am lost
I know you are lost
but I will find you
my child
my love
please take my hand
let me take you home
So.. i did a soundcloud thing.. probably a bit ******* and VERY amateur. Please don't expect it to be wonderful lol
it is completely not wonderful.
Little Bear Sep 2016
it's hard to let you go
but i know.. i have to
i need you to fly
so i'm going to burn
every picture
of you
into my mind
so i have you
for all time
i'm going to dream
of every word
you ever said
and i will forever
want to sleep
with the tears
on my pillow
so i know
you are nearby
i'm going to
love you
for as long
as my heart
will allow
until it tells me
'that's enough
it hurts too much..'
and i finally
let you go
Little Bear Mar 2020
omission of truth
blundering white
jagged black

tears falling
with blatant

i see you
answering yourself

are in order
well done

well done
seared skin
****** within

even your truth
is a lie
you try
to conceal
who and what
do not deserve
to be

caught like flies
in your web of

one two three
how many more
are thee

a forked tongue speaks
writes in triplicate
sings lullabys of deception
a hundred fold

the little lambs wool
you have pulled
so they cannot see

i pity thee

bad wolf

a long day... and it truly has been eye opening
Little Bear Feb 2016
lies are spun
as the most
beautiful truths
I would rather be hurt by the truth
than devastated by a lie

This was inspired by someone at work today
who may now lose their job.
Little Bear Jan 2016
i am much too fluffy
i am completely very smol
my heart is made of stuffin'
but it loves you best of all.
Little Bear May 2016
I have tried to fly
but don't think it's for me
trying on wings
just so i could see

Most they were pretty
and some of them small
but this little bear
couldn't fly at all

Some were so grand
and some were just plain
i tried them all on
again and again

And each time i tried
to fly in mid air
it didn't feel right
being way up there

So i'll leave it to those
who have their own wings
and let them fly high
where their music sings

And most little bears
just want to be free
to wander the woods
so that's where i'll be

And I will stay here
i'll make my own sound
and sing my own song
where my feet touch the ground.
Little Bear Aug 2016
i hope i'm not too much
and i hope i'm not too little
i just wish to be enough
and land somewhere
in the middle
constant anxiety makes you feel you can be too much for your friends to deal with and, at the same time, you feel you are no where near enough. But true friends will eat your porridge anyway lol...

i know..that was terrible..  

haha and i'm not even sorry :o) **
Little Bear Apr 2016
I wish you didn't have the things I love
I wish you didn't have my thoughts
my hopes and my dreams
I am loosing myself and every thing I am

my favourite song is my memory of you
and my favourite artist.. her pictures..
I can't see them and not think of you there,
with me
the soft pillows on my bed hold your scent
the soap I use smells of you
when I hear the birds sing
I can feel you in my heart

how did that happen?
how are you everywhere?
how did you become everything?

I drink my coffee and I taste you
I read and you have saturated the words
spilling them into my mind
every one of them spells your name
and I can't stop reading you.

I dream and you kiss my forehead
wishing me good night
I breathe and you fill my lungs with your laughter
I close my eyes and there you are..
in every inch of my consciousness
in the expanding of my unconscious mind
you have unpacked your bags and moved in
paying in advance..

I have become your home
but there is so much you
it seems I am loosing myself
and I wonder now where I end  
and you begin
if in my mind there is so much you
I fear, is there still room for me?
Playing with thoughts of obsession, infatuation, preoccupation.
****.. it's too early for this ****..
need more coffee
Little Bear Apr 2016
The worst part is not knowing i'm about to drown.
The worst part is about how I drown.
No matter how far inland I travel,
there will always be sand between my toes,
silt under my finger nails,
and water in my lungs.

I wait patiently for the moon to bring the next tide.
Marking off the days until it comes to collect me.
And there is no point telling the moon,
"Sir I thank you all the same but, not today.."
And no matter the meadow I walk in,
I still breathe in the salty sea air
and it tires me so.

Picking the daisies.
Pulling off petals.
Today? not today? today? not today? today..

And you have to say goodbye each and every time.
How I wish I could stay.
Holding onto my hand.
You can only but watch
while I gasp for breath.
Panic fills my eyes as I lay among the flowers.
With the sky so pretty and so blue.
But I know how cold it is down there,
as the sea drags me deep.
Down I sink,
into it's murky depths.
Fathoms deep.

And I know that drowning
is the last thing I need to be worried about.
It's not what you die from,
it's how you die.
Drowning is nothing,
nothing compared to how I will die today.

And when all the air is gone.
And my lungs are full of brine.
And the fear of dieing is now.
The silence will begin.
There is a vast nothing.
Nothing to hear,
and nothing to see.
Nothing to feel,
and the sky is no more.

And when my skin is water logged
and grey,
the tide will turn.

I open my eyes to see the silver reflections,
like mirrored shards in the sea's sky.
I can see the watercolour sky through the sky
and it is a most beautiful blue.  
It is as if you had painted it just for me.
Just so I could find my way back home.
And maybe today there will be a sun.
And tonight there might be clouds.
And later,
when I am finally asleep,
there will be all of the stars.

And I will know that this time,
maybe this time, I will have lived again.

And my skin will be warmed by the sunshine.
And I will lay in the fragant meadow grass,
listening to your voice,
softly saying my name.

And I must count all of my fingers,
and I must count all of my toes.
Just to make sure
that all of me came back home.
Before the tide comes in.
Little Bear May 2016
I am a lost soul... so very lost.
falling through the floor boards
slipping through the cracks
through the gap under the door
I silently pass and out into the world
where I float upon the breeze
like a thousand dandelions clocks
with no place to land
and I need you to hold me
to tie me to your hand
to tell me I am here
for I can't see where I am
silent me
invisible me
please paint me yellow
let me have colour in your world
let me have colour
cover me in gossamer
and I will become
and my outline be defined
let me be real to your eyes
let our fingers intertwine
take me home
colour me yellow
show me I am true
and I am yours
Little Bear Apr 2016
"Ah Ah Ah!! No no! put it back...
What did we say about taking something
that doesn't belong to us?"

"Ummm.. you said... you said you must not want a love
that you can't have"

"That's right.. okay so, hands in your pockets and..."

"But it's so sparkly and it feels lovely and it fits in my hands so perfectly... look!!"

"I know, I know but this one belongs to someone else.
I tell you what, let's go and eat some chocolate instead.
Remember what we said about eating chocolate ...?"

Yes I do.. it's exactly the same as love.. but with nuts"

A conversation between head and heart.
And remember.. Chocolate will never make you cry at 3am :o)
Little Bear Sep 2016
the sun sets
as he lays down
to rest

a soft touch
of my lips
to his sleeping
my fingers
combing through
his hair

i whisper so quietly
"quel kaima a'maelamin"
his troubles
still linger
between his eyes
and sleep

kisses soft
whispered love
and now
they are swallowed
by sleeps

slowly easing
as he drifts softly away
gently kissed
forever loved
as violet and silver dreams
are wished
past his eyelashes  

"take your rest my beloved"

"lle naa vanima"
"quel kaima"

"esta sinome"

*"all is well"
lle naa vanima.. you are beautiful
quel kaima.. sleep well

a'maelamin.. my Beloved
esta sinome.. rest here
Little Bear Mar 2020
the streets are
hangs in the air

dust motes


droplets of


settling upon

too scared
to breathe

in fear
of what settles

i love you
stay safe



i love you
don't die

bring back
I work in retail... Bring help...
Little Bear Sep 2016
i think love
must be
made of magic

you see..

i watched
as they held hands

touching gently
with their fingers

if they let go

even for
a moment

they would be
without each other


i thought..

what else could love be
if it were not made
of magic?

what else could
hold you
so utterly
and completely

with just the
touch of
Little Bear Jan 2016

Read this to yourself.
Read it silently.
Don’t move your lips.
Don’t make a sound?
Listen to yourself.
Listen without hearing anything.
What a wonderfully weird thing, huh?

Now, hear a whisper.
A tiny whisper.

Now, read this next line in your best crotchety old man voice:

“Hello there sonny, does this town have a post office?”

Awesome! Who was that?
Whose voice was that?
Certainly not yours.

How do you do that?

Must be magic!!
Written by the wonderful poet, Shel Silverstein.
Little Bear Mar 2016
I hope someday someone will think of me
someone will one day think of me
with that far away look in their eye
they will say.. 'she was the one.
she was ... she was all there was for me
she made my life the best it could ever be'
and they will have this smile
one that you don't just get from happiness
it will be a smile that knows love
knows they never missed the chance
to find the love of their life
they will have a heart filled with everything
they knew love could ever be
maybe one day i can love someone enough
that they will never be without love in their heart
they will never be alone
and even when i'm gone
they will always know happiness
Little Bear May 2016
We endure the desolation so we can rebuild
and suffer evil in order to give,
shouldering the burden to lighten the load.
But only when we sacrifice our skin for love
do we truly live.
I don't know.. I could be wrong..
but I read your poem :o)
Little Bear Feb 2016
In a glass bottle
of cerulean blue
sent out to sea
a message for you

Floating on tides
finding it's way
across the blue ocean
are the words that I say

The bottle holds wishes
some hopes and some dreams
of which you are needing
to sew up your seams

They are sent with a kindness
and a hope for one day
you will open the bottle
and again find your way

The wishes inside
are for you to find peace
for you to let go
for your sadness to cease

The hopes are for quiet
like a balm for your soul
to find once again
a way to be whole

The dreams are of silence
to be still without sound
for a mind that will settle
and serenity found

The very last wish
is of healing and care
sent with all hope
from this Little Bear.
After receiving a message to say...
"seems kind of arrogant and patronizing, just constructive advice." I wanted to apologise for maybe coming across as both arrogant and patronising. I really hadn't intended it to be so.. I appreciate any constructive advice, but unfortunately I cannot reply as the sender has blocked me. Should you read this, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to message me.

For Bill... While I wish for you every hope for future happiness, I must also keep myself sane and whole for my children, my friends and myself. I wish you well and hope you find peace, stillness and quiet in your life again. I believe that in time, you will.
Little Bear Aug 2016
I hold my breath
with the last
of your words
in my lungs

reciting your love
as if a chant
a comfort
for those of us
who find ourselves
hoping my exhale
does not
break the spell
Little Bear May 2016
Enjoying my morning coffee
in the first moments of the day
while sharing my sleepy thoughts
with the birds early song.
And the symphony that plays
might be just for me
if I close my eyes
and imagine it to be.
The day is waking up with me
and the blue sky yawns and stretches wide above.
Such contentment there is
in making plans for a happy day
while looking for ways to make it so.
Nothing could be akin to this moment
such simple pleasures for my simple soul.
Little Bear Jul 2016
the moth man
is waiting
for the moment

to pin You
little moth

so delightful
is the light
so light
so bright

You can't
but help
battering yourself

little moth

hide from his light
take flight
little moth

for the light
is night
and death

oh little moth
i beg
take flight

the moth man pins
whilst You flutter

pins while You shine

While You shine
so bright

he pins

he takes your light
little moth

just out
of sight
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
Little Bear Apr 2016
hiding in the corners so no one can see me don't look i'm shaking and my mind is a mess it's one big huge scribble and I can't function I can't think straight my hearts racing and my bones shaking this is so ******* hard i'm so tight i'm wringing my hands with my head down I don't want to talk what if I have cancer I might die on the bus someone will see me breathe why am I here my arms hurt from holding myself still so I don't shake it's so ******* hard my head is a mess what if I die I want to hide and be invisible don't look at me breathe my heart is pounding and I can't think straight I feel sick what if I die what if I have a disease and no one knows what it is and I die before they figure it out and my head is a mess and i hide in the corners so no one can see me so no one can see so no one can see so no one can see
I just hide in the corners so no one can see.
bad day...
Little Bear Jun 2016
I'm quite sure that i have loved my Dad
from the minute that i was born.
My Mum handed me to him, wrapped as a pink bundle,
and he handed her a wilted bunch of tulips.
By all accounts she was pleased.

He later told me that he had loved me
from the minute i was born.

And throughout my childhood my Dad became
my greatest ally, my partner in crime, my best friend.

Only one time did he ever smack me and i ****** well deserved it.
Well... if setting fire to police garages on Christmas eve doesn't deserve a clip round the ear, then i don't know what does.

He was a provider, he cared and protected his family all of his life, Even when he married my Mum, his time was spent caring for his elderly parents some 60 miles away, every weekend, without fail. That is until they passed away, within a day of each other..
a broken heart they say.

My Dad was born in 1947 in London, to a family who's Father had fought in World war 2. He was the youngest of 6. His family were really quite poor. Well, most were so.. that in itself was not unusual.

On the rare occasion that he did go to school he wore football boots and a cowboy costume... because it was the smartest thing he owned.

He would always bunk off school, stole milk and bread from the milkman's cart.. at his Mums say so, and broke all the stained glass windows in the Methodist church.

He met my Mum when they were both 14 years old. They went to the same same school and soon became sweethearts.

My Grandparents were none too happy with my Mums choice of boyfriend.. as my Dads Father was a rag and bone man..
and my Mum's Father was the milkman.

But, my Dad was a good man and, despite the poverty and circumstance of his childhood, he never went hungry. Well.. not very hungry.. They would have bacon bone stew which somehow lasted a week. Free bread and milk and unconditional love.

He grew up knowing the value of kindness and the insignificance of possessions.

My Mums parents came to love him as their own son, his genuine kindness shone through his rough exterior and his love of family was all they needed as a reassurance to date their daughter.

They saw he was indeed a good man... the very best.

They married in 1966 in the Methodist church and had two children, one of them was little old me.

My Dad and I were inseparable. He would tell me fairy stories, take me on walks to find elves and pixies, cook with me, laugh with me, brush my hair, take me everywhere with him.

I grew up knowing what a real Man should be.
I loved him with all my heart.
And he loved me with all of his.

When he died suddenly, 8 years ago today, I knew I would be okay.

Don't get me wrong, I miss him every moment of everyday that has passed since.

But everyday of his life I told him that I loved him. Everyday we talked and every time we laughed with each other. Everyday I knew I could tell him anything, everyday I showed him that I loved him, everyday he knew he was appreciated and that i respected and looked up to him.

All I wished in return was to know that he was proud of me
and to have his love.

And he told me so everyday.

So when he died.. i knew i would be okay...

There was nothing left unsaid between us, nothing to regret, nothing to wish that had done or said differently.

The only wish i have is that he was still here.

My Dad loved me from the minute i was born, until the minute he died.

And i have surely loved him from the minute i was born,
and will always, until the minute i die.
Here it is 7:30 am and by now, i had already had the call.
Little Bear Apr 2016
Kisses full and soft
as my wanton mouth
in every inch of you

I taste your pleasure
as silken ambrosia
upon my lips
my tongue

your pleasure is my want
your taste is my prize
your mind I worship
as your body
I eagerly devour

and in my complete submission
to your every desire
and every pleasure

I am yours
Little Bear Jan 2016
You are my little secret,
and you will be the death of me.

But I am addicted to the taste of you.

To wrap my lips around you.

To take you into my mouth.

To taste you.

Filling my mouth..

I know which way is best.

Just the tip and ****...

I could do this ten times a day,
if you would let me.

Taking you in my mouth,
taking you down as deep as I can.

But I often wish I didn't want it so much.

But I always want more.

Like an addiction.

**** it! you will be the death of me
if I don't give you up.

And at £6.49 for a packet of 18,

you are a very expensive secret.
:o) Giving up smoking is not easy :o)
Little Bear Feb 2016
The flowers flutter
and the butterflies bloom
grass climbs the walls
and the snails zoom

The chimes ring the wind
and the birds feed the bread
the vegetables grow
in the flowers bed

Leaves grow green
on the trunk of the tree
the birds nest in jars
for all to see
Worms sunbathe
on the deck getting tans
dandelions roar
at the lettuce lambs

Spiders caught
in a fly's tangled web
a blanket of flowers
put the weeds to bed

There's a wide open space
to float up to the moon
be careful where you land
because there's not mushroom

Come spend the day
in my hot box shed
playing in the garden
getting out of your head.
Re-posted from my previous account.
Little Bear Jan 2016
The world has become a minefield
One that would eat you alive
A world that tears at you body
Rips open your soul
Each day you struggle
To wake, to fight, to live
Each day the darkness envelops you
And you search for a way out
But there is none
Before the blackness covers you
You gasp for breath
Before the murky waters of the day
Drown you once again
You are damaged by it's air
Hurt by it's beauty
And taken alive to be eaten by it's sunlight
For every want you have to feel something
Your demons will pummel you
Until you feel only the numbness of their pounding fists
You take to wanting pain if nothing else
To want pain because it lets out the poison
Lets out the hurt
Lets out the darkness
Your scars heal only to be reopened
They become a doorway you have created
To escape from the world
A world that wants to devour you
And yet through all the desolation that is your soul
Through the darkness that consumes you
I can only see love and light and beauty

I see a child
Lost in the wilderness
Calling out my name
Calling out to be saved
If only from yourself
And I weep that I cannot help
I reach out
But you cannot grasp my hand
You listen
But you do not hear me tell you
You are loved
Your tiny body bears scars
Tiny screams of need
Lines and lines of goodbyes
Calling for someone to save you
**And I see you so clearly
You are a fighter
Taking on the whole world while you cry
A delicate child
Taking on the dragon who wants to burn and crush
And hoard your bones
And I am in awe of your strength
To do battle day and night
With such a mighty foe
I pray you will triumph
I pray you will slay your dragon
And stand victorious
With it's ****** corpse at your feet
Do not worry
For your scars are a mark of strength
Of your fight.
They will become your victory speech
You will one day overcome your nemesis
And I am forever proud of you
My child
My love
My fighter
My soldier
Because I never met a true warrior
Who didn't bear the scars of battle.
This is about self harm, depression, anxiety.
This is for my children,
all of whom have faced their own dragons
and continue to do so.
They inspire me to be better, to do better.
They are my rock, my safe place in this world.
Re-posted from my previous account.
Little Bear Jan 2016
I lay in my bed and for the first time this week,
I have not woken to the alarm.
It's Monday and it's my day off.
And the house is quiet.
And a little thought comes to me and says
"hey, you know nobody's home right?"

Now, there is nothing that will get me out of bed quicker
than knowing nobody's home.
And with a big smile and a medium sized skip,
I go to the kitchen,
sleep disheveled and mostly naked.
I put on the kettle and let Ellie out for a ***.
And I make coffee and I run a bath and I feed the pets.
All while I am mostly naked,
Ha! nobody's home.

And I have a bath,
with the door wide open
and I sing and play with the bubbles,
blowing  them on the floor,
no body's home...
Such luxury.

You see,
my house is usually full of teenagers,
it's full of noise and cooking and computer games
and woofing and laughter
and music and...
boy smells...
So now,
I can make the house smell of my bubble bath
and my perfume
and make it smell clean.
Ahhh...Such decadence!

After my bath I dry myself and dance to music and sing,
I put on only my underwear,
but I don't care,
nobody's home
and this is all too much fun.

because nobody is home,
I turn up the music and dance with the dog,
singing so badly.
She is glad no body is home too.

there is a little space under the table,
just big enough for a hidy hole,
a perfect place to put some warm blankets
and make a me sized snuggery.
And so I do,
laying a blanket over the table and covering my nest,
I am content to just be.
I take some books and a drink and some biscuits...
for later you see...
or if I have visitors,
you must always be polite if you have visitors
and you should offer them biscuits.

But then a little voice reminds me
"you know there is some double chocolate cake in the fridge right?"
so, I take a big slice,
I mean,
it would be rude not to,
and I sit,
in my underwear,
eating cake
in my blanket fort.
No one will know and Elie won't woof me out.
Oh.. such utter indulgence!

And after a while of my misbehaving,
because I know I am,  
I think I might need to try a cigarette.
So I find the secret stash,
which is not so secret any more,
and I lay in my little blanket nook and light up.
After the first two puffs and plenty of coughing...
because I don't actually smoke,
I get the hang of it.

And I lay
quietly contemplating my life
and the world and the universe...
and how there managed to be a sweet
stuck to the underside of the table.

And during my musings it slowly dawns on me
that today is actually Tuesday...
and I am now late for work...
which means that every body is,
in fact
Little Bear Aug 2016
you have no idea
how tightly
i hold on
i hold on
to everything
everything that keeps me
from running
is the hardest thing
to do
all i have to do
is let go
you have no idea
just how easy
that is
no idea
just how easy
it is
to just disappear
Little Bear Apr 2023
Once upon a time there was a girl
and the girl was ...
the girl was...
okay so,
she just was okay..
she just was
(i am not sure)

and she met a ... man?

he was a man but not an ordinary man.
he was ...
he was.....
loud and dangerous and kind
(only sometimes)
and he broke things.
(hearts,flowers,wooden doors,promises,
the virginity of girls)

But she didn't know that because, he was ... deceiving
(and just out of prison)
and utterly charming and 10 years older...
(but he wasn't like this every day, just most of them)

she was a child (15)
but he did love her
and she did believe him.

But then...
she was also in love with him
because she was
(after many years, co-dependent)

And from day one,
he would twist her words and make her feel
like she was going crazy

(she knew this because, this is what he told her she was)

And he would get angry and use his fists
and his voice to control her.

Also i forgot to tell you.
Her older brother used to look
in the crack of her bedroom door and watch her.
One day he asked her if he could touch her.
She was was 10
but she said no a lot of times before he believed her.

When her mum came up to say goodnight,
she was crying
(the girl)
and she told her Mum what had happened
The mum made the brother come in
and say sorry
and give the girl a hug
and to say sorry...

other things happened over the years that were creepy
(as ****)
including a handsy uncle
and a inappropriate series of
touching and kissing
from an older male house guest
who stayed until he got his own place.

The brother continued to 'watch'

So anyway,
the girl was under no illusion that
she was not to ask for things to be normal
and for things to not happen to her
that she didn't like
and to ask for her boundaries to be respected,
it was not something you just asked for
or expected...

so she stopped doing that and was silent instead
and stopped eating

and had anxiety and panic attacks
but she was told
she was not allowed to have them either,
so she turned inside herself
and stayed there

where in the corner of her mind,
in a very small room,
where only flowers grow
and the sun shines
and the sky was blue
she was safe.

So they got married.
Because that life was better than the brother/uncle/guest traumas
and she was girl who was scared
and co-dependent and wishing things
were going to be better one day.

And she was quite sure he
(her now husband)
would sleep
with other people
because some nights
he would not come home
and he would be angry
when she would ask why,
and he would say...
because she didn't give him
(as much ***)
as he deserved

so it would be her fault if he went elsewhere

(he said he had not but, if he had, it would have been her fault)

so she didn't ask anymore
because he would throw things at her

he would throw things from around the house
(an iron, a handful of coins, pliers, a hammer, his fists, lies, spiteful and cruel words)

All of them she remembered forever

So he closed her eyes and instead
she could only see through his eyes
just how stupid she was.

And how wrong and broken and twisted
she was.

And because she was wrong and broken and twisted,
she had no right
to ask for kindness.

or to ask for help.

Or to ask that
he touch softly
instead of like a creature
who did not care

for 18 years.

and then perchance

she watched a program on the telly

how people were in prison
for doing the things he had done
but they were normal
these things were normal for her

She was lucky he didn't hit harder
do all the things he did... More

and on the telly, they said that,
she was one of the people
who were...
Lucky to be alive

And she cried

and she was happy that she had found out
that she was lucky to be alive.

(not the end)
Little Bear Sep 2016
i'm not broken
i've been through a lot
i've been beaten
and worse
i find it hard to trust
and sometimes
i trust
too much
i remain closed off
and yet open
i am vulnerable
an anxious bundle of worries
a truly happy soul
i love
i cry
i make bad choices
i believe in fairy tales
i believe in happy endings
yet i see dragons
in men
and their demons
but i see light too
in the hearts
of good men
and often
i cower
from both
i have lived
when i thought
i would die
i suffered
the things words
cannot say
and yet
i am not broken
**** that
the last thing
i will ever be
is broken
When i say dragons in the hearts of men.. i mean mankind.. not men, not at all. :o)
Little Bear Sep 2016
i feel i am an acquired taste
maybe i'm not everyone's
cup of tea
i am one who will
not always
have the right words to say
but will search high and low
even down the back of the couch
to find ones that will fit
to make you smile
just so i know
you are happy

i won't always have the answers
to life's whys
and wherefores
but if you give me reason
i will believe in you
and follow your lead
to the ends of the earth

my only pleasure
will be in
my giving you
i seem to be
that way
it's just how
my heart works
i'm soft
and i can't change it
no matter how hard
i try

i guess most others
want the one
they share their life with
to have spirit
to be feisty
to be strong

but i am very often
none of those things
in my own way
i am them all

i come as a package deal
complete with fairy lights
a quiet soul
and a sunny disposition
i don't know if that's annoying
probably is
but like i said
i'm not everyone's
cup of tea

but i like coffee
so maybe it doesn't matter
all that much

so for now
i will keep it
to myself
for when the moment comes
and someone asks
to take me out to tea

until then
i will wait
with hope
behind my eyes
eyes which will always
look upon you
in wonder
my goodness...!! i found this on my phone today, written it seems forever ago.. on a bus journey to work :o)
Little Bear Mar 2016
I wish you would not think I hung the moon
I didn't you know..

I wish you would not compare me to constellations
They adorn the night sky with such beauty
and I could never be so..

I wish you would not believe you need me to breathe
I am not the air that fills your lungs..

My eyes do not hold the answers to the universe
no matter what the weather..

The pedestal you put me upon is so high
I am afraid of falling
and when I do,

because I will..

You will see that I am just a human being
with countless flaws and faults
with an anxious mind
a foolish heart
and eyes that are
just brown.
Little Bear Aug 2016
in the most beautiful way
he was there

for when i silently cried
for when i smiled
for when i had
no words
to say

for when i had
no words
in me
and none to
give away

for when
my heart
it's secrets

and for each
and every word
i could not utter

he was listening

in my silence

he heard me
Little Bear Jun 2016
I come into the room,
you are looking down at me,
watching me undress,
that's all you want to see.

I cannot even step away,
you follow and you touch,
I feel you cold against me,
I hate you so **** much.

No matter how I move,
you are there against my skin,
I push but you come back,
you never let me win.

The trouble is I need you,
of that fact I am certain,
to keep my floor from getting wet,
you stupid shower curtain.

*re-posted from my previous account
Utterly ridiculous thing
Little Bear Feb 2016
I come into the room,
you are looking down at me,
watching me undress,
that's all you want to see.

I cannot even step away,
you follow and you touch,
I feel you cold against me,
I hate you so **** much.

No matter how I move,
you are there against my skin,
I push but you come back,
you never let me win.

The trouble is I need you,
of that fact I am certain,
to keep my floor from getting wet,
you stupid shower curtain.
My shower curtain is very inappropriate... ridiculous thing!!!

Re-posted from my previous account.
Little Bear Sep 2016
The little voice
inside says
"Well there you go,
That just proves your worth,
not very much.. is it?"
And more often than
I'd like to admit
I'm inclined to agree
So I reply
In a smaller voice
*"I know"
Little Bear Aug 2016
in my room
there's a small cupboard
it's cosy
and warm
like a reading nook
and it's dark
and quiet
but i have fairy lights
so that's okay
that's okay
and cookies
cookies are good too
cookies are good
and there's a blanket inside
made just for me
just my size
not too big
just my size
it's yellow
it's yellow
like summer
it's fluffy
it's.. it's..
it's safe
and everything will be okay
won't it?
yes everything will be
so I need to be here
the outside
grew very big today
and it hurts
to be
not here
I need to be here
and i need small
and i need soft
and i need quiet
i need.. okay
Little Bear Feb 2016
I wait until my glass is full
to overflowing

and then

only then

can it spill over the edge  

pouring upon the page

splashing the ink into words

that I pretend is poetry.
Little Bear Feb 2020
i wait

until my glass is full
to overflowing

and then

only then

can it spill over the edge

pouring upon the page

splashing the ink

into words

that i pretend
is poetry.
it's wild and windy here
i hope you are all keeping safe
Little Bear Apr 2016
I am in love with you
I hope you don't mind..

but only you okay?
just you

I don't want to love anyone else
not like I love you

I mean..
like everyone else

But I only want to be in love
with you.
Little Bear May 2016
Do you have any idea just how ordinary I am?
Do you see that you are so much more than me?
I can never be as much as you want
and you will always be more than I can have.
I am left behind and you are so far in front I cannot see you.
I am nothing that you would want
and you are everything to me.
Do not make me more than I am because
I will let you down.
I will never live up to what you perceive of me.
I'm not as amazing as you think,
I am so very less than ordinary.
I am self doubt and loss and everything tragic that is not enough.
I am so very less than ordinary,
So very nothing.
Nothing you would want.
But look at you.
Look at you all shiny and bright.
I wish so very much that I was more like you.
So shiny.
So bright.
You are beautiful...
and I am unworthy of your breath.
Your sight.
Your senses...
they would scream out in protest
if they knew how very very less than ordinary I am.
Please do not look my way.
I do not deserve to see,
to hear,
to breathe.
I wish I could wrap myself into an invisible ball
and you would forget my very existence.
It pains me to know you can see me.
That you know I am here,
existing despite your insistence
that I am something more than ordinary.
Please know that I am not.
As the sun rises and the sun sets,
as mankind is born and dies,
know that I am so very very less than ordinary,
Please don't look for me.
See only that I am not here.
Re-posted from a previous account.
Some times the old stuff I wrote is just as relevant today as it was then.
Little Bear Feb 2020
she went to sleep
just there
while her mother
touched her hair
sleep little girl
but please come back
eyelids fluttered
tiny fingers clenched
movements of grief
and loss

stroking her hair
sleep little girl
as we hold our breath
waiting for you
to breathe

wake little girl
please wake
loss is there waiting
and we cannot
give you up
to it

breathe little girl
don't float away
stroking her hair
whispering pleas
praying into silence
holding our breath
holding our hope
tight in our chest
loss is calling

and the silence breaks
as she rubs her eyes
we breathe

loss does not hold her
not this time
for Orla **
Little Bear Sep 2016
the pieces of
are set in motion

to travel
in this time
on our planet

sharing the same days
and the same nights

the same oceans
and the same skys

all of our time

and through
which ever way
we touch

which ever time
we span

where ever
we may

we can choose
to travel
our lifetimes

and within
each other

and to what ever
our time will
set aside
for us

we can take

in that

we will
not be alone

we do not travel
this time alone

because now
we have each other
Little Bear Apr 2021
you are going to have to
sew yourself together

piece by piece

place by place

peace by peace

listen to the wind
before all of your broken pieces
are swept
into the cracks
in the floor boards

like dust and crumbs
blown in
by their open windows

for they do not know why
you are
who you are

look to the moon
before you are whispered of no more
by dawn they will have forgotten
who you were

why you are here

why you are
who you are

before all the tides
that swept into your shores
have broken
on the rocks below

speak in lowered tones
say your name
over and over again
do not forget tomorrow
but forget today
they do not hear your voice

or know why you are
who you are

piece by piece
place by place
peace by peace

place buttons on your skin
and sew yourself together
over and over and over again

piece by piece
place by place
peace by peace

as this is why
you are
who you are
that's all there is. Plasters plasters sticking plasters on gaping big holes that everyone thinks they know how to fix.
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