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2.2k · Feb 2016
Sweet Cardinal
Lisa Ann Noe Feb 2016
  By Lisa Ann Noe

So distinguished, sits a cardinal in the light,
Drenched with the cold driven snows of white.

It grabs a twig from off the tree,
It doesn’t realize, with my eyes I see.

I suppose he will use it to make a nest,
Where all winter long he’ll take his rest.

The male is a beautiful shade of red,
And has a small cone upon his head.

He spots his food from in the sky,
He is quite the industrious little guy.

One lone Cardinal upon a branch,
He feeds every day here at my ranch.

words: 101

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
This poem is the winner of the Charlott Nolan Award of Excellence in Writing given from the Mountain Masters of Writing and art in Harlan Kentucky 2015.
1.1k · May 2016
Beautiful lives Haiku
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
Beautiful lives Haiku
By Lisa Noe

In all things I see
There is beauty in living
When we share our lives
917 · Feb 2016
Lost and Lonely
Lisa Ann Noe Feb 2016
Lost and Lonely
By Lisa Noe

When I was a child you were my hero,
Always there where ever I’d go.

As I grew older you where my friend,
You were that person on whom I could depend.

My father you hung the moon in the sky,
To me you were the most special guy.

You taught me right from wrong,
You showed me that I belonged.

With you I laughed and I cried,
My life was then satisfied.

Our family was so close and complete,
You and mama showed me how to succeed.

Now tears, they fill my eyes,
And in my heart I grieve and die.

For you have passed from this earth,
There is nothing that has your worth.

}Now part of me is lost,
And I can’t count the cost.

Now mamas all alone and broken hearted.
We are all sad that you have departed.

We’ll love you till our dying day,
And I’ll see you again along the way.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
Prompt:  Part of me is lost
Words:   170
Lines:      40
Winner first place in Monthly Poetry Contest
899 · May 2016
In the Afterlife
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
In the afterlife
By lisa noe

I know it exists
A place of perfection
A Heaven if you will
Where we see our loved ones
Who have passed on earlier
I know it exists
A place where you can
Touch the face of God
A place where choirs of
Angels sing it is a place
In the afterlife, one passed
This life we’re living.
A place where everything
Will make sense.
© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
845 · Mar 2016
Heaven's Home
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
Heaven’s Home
By Lisa Noe

I heard the trumpets blow
I felt that I must go
The pain had left me
I felt free as if I could finally see

Silver shadows slithered around
I knew that I had left the ground
What on earth could this be
I felt as if many eyes starred at me

Then a man in a white robe
Took my hand and stroked my lobe
You are safe you’ll see no harm
Then he took me by the arm

Come with me I’ll get your dress
Forget your earth and all that mess
From a tunnel we emerged
For me to follow, that he urged

Where am I said with a fright
I was in darkness now it’s light
You’re in Heaven, you’ve passed away
Now it is here that you must stay

I heard a voice call my name
I looked around and there he came
A man of innocence and light
For me to see a pure delight

Jesus I said and he smiled at me
You’ve nothing to fear because you now see
I brought you here since you’re filled with love
I see your soul is like the little dove

Now it’s time to see your dad
I know for years that you’ve been sad
Because we took him for our own
He helped to fill Heaven’s home.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
In memory of Charles A. Noe
779 · Nov 2016
The Lost Boy
Lisa Ann Noe Nov 2016
111 words
24 lines

The Lost Boy
By Lisa Noe

There was a boy who was homeless
He lived under a bypass bridge
He was named Arthur Douglas

He lived in the town of Cambridge
He was only fifteen years old
They wanted to send him to an orphanage

But he was far too bold
No one could catch him, he hid from them
He didn’t even care about the cold

Then came Christmas, he thought of Bethlehem
He dreamed of the Christmas story, about Jesus
He knew they too where condemned like him

In his heart he lived in a palace
Free from all of the stress
No more no one to harm him.
777 · Mar 2016
The Face of God
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
330 Words
  40 lines

The Face of God
By Lisa Noe

I look to the Heaven and what do I see
But the face of the Lord staring back at me
Inside of my chest my heart it does leap high
I wonder if I will ever reach the sky
I’ll be reunited with my family
See grandparents and father and be happy
When I die will I go to Heaven I hope
I don’t just want to stay here on earth and mope
I have had so many close calls in the past
But the next time I hope God will come very fast
I look to Heaven and what do I see
But the face of the Lord staring back at me

Inside of my chest my heart it does leap high
I wonder if I will ever reach the sky
I have followed our God and believe in him
He is worthier than every bright gem
He sent forth his laws and good they were to keep
For him I’d climb the mountains and sail the deep
I love the Lord and I have no shame in that
I would go to him gladly and I’d go stat
He is the only savior of your sinned soul
He will be there to take you into his fowl
I look to Heaven but what do I see
But the face of the Lord staring back at me

I’ll be reunited with my family
See grandparents and father and be happy
To go to Heaven I don’t mind leaving life
For I surely believe in an afterlife
Where all family and friends will reunite
And in that new world there will not be a blight
Love will conquer all and we all will rejoice
We’re in this place because we made the right choice
We followed the will of one and only God
Now I am in Heaven like a lightening rod
I look to Heaven what do I see
But the face of the Lord staring back at me.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
The Licentia Rhyme is a challenging exercise in rhyme and repetition  It consists of at least three 12-line stanzas with 11 syllables per line and a pattern of rhyme
740 · Oct 2016
A Memory of Daddy
Lisa Ann Noe Oct 2016
A memory of Daddy
Lisa Noe

It happened long ago on Keesler Air Force Base
I went to the NCO club, which was our favorite place
Daddy and I would visit here every Sunday morn.
The food we ordered was very Southern
Biscuits and gravy and French toast
That is what I liked the most

Sometimes we’d go and fish
But I detested that dish
So we’d always throw them back
But fun we did not lack
We caught some flounders on our hooks,
But that we never cooked.

Then to the park we would go
I ‘d swing to and fro
Go down the slide a time or two
I would always over do
But the fun that we had
Always made me love my dad

That is a memory that I cherish
And it will never perish
My dad is gone now
But I shall always be his pal
He called me shadow
That was many years ago

Special are my memories
He made us the best of families
All of us adored him
His light will never dim
I miss him so much
As I loved him a bunch.
daddy died in 1986 but I still love him dearly, he was a great dad.
709 · Jun 2016
The Fallen Soldier
Lisa Ann Noe Jun 2016
The Fallen Soldier
By Lisa Noe

As the bombs burst in the sky
I saw as it were a stranded guy
Running across the battle field
Using his helmet as a shield

When then struck an alarm
As a bullet hit him in the arm
Down he went to the ground
He made a thud a loud sound

His buddy called out to him
We shall help up you I and them
The troop of men raced to the man
They saved his life gave him a hand.

He was grateful to them all
The men who saved him from his fall
I salute you this he said
To all the men of which he led.
688 · Mar 2016
All the beauty in life
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
All the beauty in life
By Lisa Noe

Make the ordinary beautiful,
Find something in every day,
Something that you love.
Give a blessing for all that you see.

There’s a sunflower smiling at the sun.
A butterfly flutters over the yellow flowers,
And a bird glides across the sky gracefully.
He says “See I make all things new”.

Orange and gold leaves tumbling to the ground,
Falling upon a wooden barn of red.
Water tumbles over the cliffs,
And a babbling brook is a peaceful sound.

These are the gifts bestowed to man
By one omnipotent God
Trees of pink and white, purple, and green
Grass so thick, lush and green

Dogs and cats, elephants and horses,
Ducks and fish we are grateful for these;
All around us is life and beauty it seems
Lets have hope and faith and most of all love.

This is our life it is given by God.
To us the dominion over the earth
Thank goodness for these things,
They are the meaning of life.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
love life and give thanks!
597 · Apr 2016
Art in Poetry
Lisa Ann Noe Apr 2016
Art in Poetry
By Lisa Noe{e:cat}

I'll Paint a picture of something sweet
I'll put it on my wall when it’s complete
I am an artist with quill in hand
With each stroke and every strand
I paint a picture for the world to see.

I use words with my art
To paint a picture light or dark
I tell stories for you to enjoy
About monsters and places and ploys
These are things that give me joy.

My words are poetry in motion
for my words I have complete devotion.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
written for National Poetry Month (April)
583 · Mar 2016
A Whisper
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
A whisper
By Lisa Noe

I heard a whisper of my name
I looked around and there you came
The ghost of a man I held so dear
A man who’s been gone for many years

My soul knew that this was real
And my heart, it stood still
There you were in all your glory
Telling me a wonderful story

Heaven’s real you spoke to me
That’s where I’ve been don’t you see
I’ll be waiting for you there
So you must stop all of the despair

I’ve seen the face of the Creator
I know his Son in all his splendor
Don’t you fret you’ll soon be here
You’ll see it all and it will be clear

Love is the way even in this day
Life’s more than I can ever say
But you live for today and know I’m fine
And always remember just be kind.

This home coming is just for you
So you will know I love you too.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
this is dedicated to my father, whom I loved dearly.
564 · Nov 2016
A Day In Heaven
Lisa Ann Noe Nov 2016
A Day In Heaven
By Lisa Noe

I sit upon your lap while you tell me stories of those who’ve passed.
Each story is amazing to me how each and every life affects the life of some one else.
You are the father, telling the human story.  Stories of love, loss, laughter, sadness and all the emotions in between.

There are only a number of souls who are born into this world, from the beginning, yes far too many for a human to ever count, but for the father they are but a number in is hands.  These lives have been given from the beginning of time.  They are relived time and time again.  Until they learn a message from each lifetime.  In this never ending life we will know each other in countless of ways, as brother and sister, daughter and mother, father and son and so on.  We are all men, brothers under the skin.  Don’t do to one person what you don’t want done to you or your sister or brother, for it is but one in the same.

“I am you and you are me and we are one don’t you see!”

We will see our Heaven and we will find each other there, It was set in motion from the beginning.
we each have our own understanding of the world and what life means,
This is mine.  Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you!to borrow a phrase.
564 · May 2016
What would Jesus Do?
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
What Would Jesus Do?
By Lisa Noe

Would Jesus leave her there all alone
When withered by weather she needs a home
Just because she’s ***** and old
Her life is still worth more than gold

Be a friend and lend a hand
Don’t join in the evil band
Don’t push her aside
Look not away, do not hide

Show her kindness and give her love
Speak to her of the Father above
Let her know she is not truly alone
And on the streets she needs not roam

Visit her often as Jesus would do
Introduce her to a friend or two
Tell her to be not sad
For she was in a vision I had

The Lord came to me in a dream
And told me to help her, sight unseen
Take her by the neck and hug
Rescue her from this hole she’s dug

Hair unkept, dirt upon her face
Clothes in rags, but still find grace
Her luck ran bad for several years
Now it’s me God sends to wash the tears

I take her by the hand
And lead her through the crowded land
People starring at she and I
I tell her keep your held held high

To my home I take her fast
To find some clothes that will last
To clean herself and have some food
This is how God, for her, rescued

A good woman has she always been
So it’s written in my heart to let her stay in my den
Find place for those who suffering few
And ask, what Jesus would do?

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
open your hearts to those unfortunate
541 · Feb 2016
He Shall Rise Again
Lisa Ann Noe Feb 2016
He Shall Rise Again
By Lisa Noe

Oh glory be to He above
He is my Savior friend
With Him I do feel love
On Him I can always depend

The Lord my shepherd seeking truth
He forgives all my sins
He has watched over me since youth
And my troubles he mends

I shall always believe in Him
No matter what you say
He suffered then He rose again
They say on the third day

God sacrificed His only Son
Because He loved the world
He spoke it that it would be done
These words will He uphold

He will be back one day you’ll see
It’s promised in the Book
I only hope He will save me
From Heaven He will look

And all the people they will fear
For he will come with fire
And we will never know the year
Bow to Him He’s the sire

If you believe with all your heart
And ask for forgiveness
He’ll give you a new life to start
You will be His witness

He will come to take believers
Make war with enemies
And will destroy the deceivers
He’ll come with an army

A new world will He bring with Him
Where only good reside
Gives paradise on earth for them
The sinners they will hide

All of the world will bow to Him
King of all and Heaven
For the sinners the lights will dim
Fly my sweetest raven.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
This is a poem that is about the coming of Christ, hope you all know him!
451 · Feb 2016
God is in all things
Lisa Ann Noe Feb 2016
God is in all things great and small
By Lisa Noe

In the early morning I witness acts of great
In the late evening I hear sounds ornate.
The spring is flowing gently
The ground is covered completely with mossy flowers all around.
The nighttime owl is whispering, allowing himself to be found
The fox and hound are whimpering and they make a mournful sound.

Each Season brings forth beauty in the majesty of its display
Fruitful trees, flowers bloom, and the Lord in every day.
Summer sun gives me fun, the playful time of the year.
while winter time brings good cheer for Christmas time is here.

Each creature here upon the earth shall bow to heaven's King.
For to him we are indebted for each and every thing.
My mind is clear, for he is here
beside me every day.
Oh what a beautiful world, perfection is upon its face,
and thank you God for making the entire human race.

May God Bless those who read this, his poem.

© Copyright 2012 ~Lisa Noe~
I wrote this a few years ago and would now like to share it.
444 · Mar 2016
I Am He
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
I am He
By Lisa Noe

One great evening when the stars blanket the sky,
I will look to Heaven an angel will be flying by.

I am just a trumpet blowing in the wind,
For after me will come a mighty friend.

To those who’ve kept the faith,
They’ll neither see nor know wrath.

But to those who’ve destroyed a soul,
They’ll know great times of woe.

I am he who brings all things great,
I have come to bring an end to hate.

I’ve promised you each an eternity with me,
Those who are caught up in the cloud to be free,

The faithful who’ve called upon my name,
It is time to put an end to life’s game.

You’ll see there is but just one God,
He’s neither white nor black and that’s not odd,

He is a living Spirit in those who hear,
The words he’s sent forth throughout the years.

Come to me and call upon my name,
For I am the only God, say it not in shame.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
written in couplets
442 · May 2016
Angel in the Airwaves
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
Words 149
Lines 30

Angels in the Airwaves
By Lisa Noe

It was dark and late at night
I’d said my prayers without sight
I couldn’t see but I could hear
A fluttering sound was oh so near

I was afraid and all alone
Kept hearing something outside my home
It came closer and I feared
Then a light appeared

From under my door a glowing light
Soft and calming, a pure delight
The humming noise became more clear
There was something coming near.

Through the door she appeared
A woman drenched in light, I leered
She was haunting with her beauty
She was there to form her duty

She was an angel in the airwaves
Floating gracefully she arrives
An answer to prayers I have made
From on my bed where I laid

She speaks not to me
She communicates telepathically
But I understand her thoughts
And all the love she’s brought.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
miracles happen everyday!
442 · Mar 2016
In Heaven
Lisa Ann Noe Mar 2016
Roundel poem

In Heaven
By Lisa Noe

When I died went to Heaven
When I died I saw the face of God
The Angels took me, for I’ve been forgiven
When I died, I was taken by a squad

I was buried beneath the sod
I was buried when I was taken
God looked in his book, then gave me a nod

A nod He gave to me in Heaven
I awoke in a place so odd
My Angel had the name of Devon
God looked at me then touched me with his rod.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
This is called a roundel poem
419 · Nov 2016
A Praise For My God!
Lisa Ann Noe Nov 2016
A praise for my God!
By Lisa Noe

Warmth drenched me like sunlight beaming upon the water.
It was a unique feeling I received upon kneeling on my knees;
Asking You to aid me yet again, and You always send an answer.
Perhaps sometimes it is not the answer I wanted or expected,
But in Your wisdom You send reply along with an angel to guard.

I shall never leave You my Lord, You are my salvation from life.
You are the rock upon which I build my home. You are my foundation.
You’re each brick, all the mortar that holds me together, You’re my strength.
You are the stretching sky, the deepest sea, the mountains high.
You are in every thing that creeps upon the earth, You are life, You are Spirit.

I pay homage to you for you lit the sky, you give drink to the earth.
You shade the earth in places, giving oxygen to all the green trees.
You feed your people with your words spoken from you private place.
Oh the Holy Laws upon which we guide our lives, they are so just.
You are the Master of the Universe and that’s written upon my heart.
For God So Loved The World, and you who are in it.
418 · May 2016
Heavenly Master
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
Heavenly Master
By Lisa Noe

You are the heavenly Master,
You make my feet travel light.
I fear You but I love You
As Your power it is great.
My body is filled with warmth
When I call upon Your name
For Your Spirit fills me in every way.
Love is what You give me
And it heals so many things.
I face so many struggles
But I know You are there with me
So I long to see You
And I fear death not today.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
For God so loved the world...
395 · May 2016
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
By Lisa Noe

The dark
Place we travel
What’s there for us
Is there more life after

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
390 · Apr 2016
A Poem
Lisa Ann Noe Apr 2016
A Poem
By Lisa Noe

A poem is a song from my heart
I sing with joy so free
A rejoicing of all good things
Good tidings to one and all

A poem is a song that I shout out to the world
Words that have much meaning to you and I
A happy dance where you twirl and dip
A memory of a loved one’s face

A poem is a song that I sing the joy I do believe
Each word tells a story as I combine them together
A moment in time
A poem!

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
it is April, National Poetry Month!
351 · Sep 2020
Love Thy Neighbor
Lisa Ann Noe Sep 2020
Love thy Neighbor
By Lisa NoeCat

The violence is everywhere
It’s tearing me apart
In the churches, in the schools
No one follows the golden rule

Snipers randomly shooting down
Innocent citizens hitting ground
Black hates white, white hates black
Jews, Muslims, Christians they all lack

Love and compassion to join as one force
Fight our demons and set a new course
Bring together a world with no war
Stop treating earth as if it’s a *****

Be able to walk the streets day and night
Not be worried or overcome with fright
Raise your children, teach them to love
All their neighbors come push and shove

Shepherd the earth and keep it well
Only time will tell
We’ve polluted our fields and our streams
We’ve taken from God’s dream

He gave this earth as a home so pure
We’re destroying it, turning it to a sewer
Robbing coal and oil
Poisoning the soil

This world has just gone mad
Each generation has had a fad
Children no longer play
They worry each day

Will the world soon end
It’s man’s doing you can depend
He’s writing his own destiny
The outcome in his hands you see

It can be turned around
Everybody make a sound
Say stop to hate,
Try to relate

Make your little piece of earth clean
Help others sight unseen
Realize we are just one race
Humans from every place

Each one bleeds red
Listen to what I’ve said
“Love thy neighbor
As you love yourself.”

60 lines
250 words
Copyright © lisa noe | Year Posted 2020
my poem was printed in blood rout magazine, in 2019
346 · May 2016
The Lord
Lisa Ann Noe May 2016
Lines: 16

The Lord
By Lisa Noe

The Lord is on my side
From him you can not hide

If you sin he will forgive
A pure life you must live

He knows we make mistakes
He is there for all our sakes

He’s Lord Master of everything
To Him our souls we bring

He is filled with love
Given by God above.

© Copyright 2016 ~Lisa Noe~kittylove
He is Listening...Talk to him!

— The End —