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Dominique Sep 2018
Sometimes, I am a paper girl.
I look in the mirror
To judge my blotches and creases-
I am a pale, thin tissue
That bows to the howling wind
Transparent for anyone who cares enough to look.

If you like pretty pictures, I'm the one for you-
A roll of film scratching laughs
On curious cinema screens
That could run into infinity
Just to fuel your smile.

I soak up your messes willingly:
All the colours that bleed and mix
To form the specks of sadness
In your eyes at 10.p.m
And the grass stains that roll
Down your bare gypsy feet
And the sunflower seeds
That stick to your inky lashes-
These things give an echo of the flavour
I miss.

I am vain
I regularly conjure up poetry on my skin-
Do not give me yours.
I will recite it to my last paper breath
So I can kid myself that paper is power.

I am not the phantom you teach to play piano
Under the helter-skelter moon,
I am far too fragile for that-
My paper cut fingers bend
And bleed light all over the keys.

My hands are a canvas
For anyone's ***** details
For if enough titles are painted on my body then perhaps
I will learn the complex trick
Of gaining depth

And maybe the world will look as full
And real as I read in books
And dance with in music
And maybe my edges will stop being ripped
Or my corners cut
Or my pages burned and tossed aside.

Sometimes, I am this tiny
Origami creature
And my cream card bones tremble like feathers
A bad caricature of life.

Sometimes I am full of wonder-

But right now, I am this.
I tried to put this awful blurry feeling I get when I'm lacking in creativity and motivation into words, and this is what I got.
Sometimes I feel so alien.
  Sep 2018 Dominique
Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
  Sep 2018 Dominique
Ismail Nasution
I can't remember
Whether it's love or leave
That hurts the most
  Sep 2018 Dominique
I can't promise the Moon or Stars,
Because I can't even promise the Earth
To myself,
But I can promise
I will learn your every individual perfection
And let them become the constellations
Of my world
Until I can give you
The Moon, the Stars, and the entire Galaxy
Because you deserve
Not a single star less.
  Sep 2018 Dominique
I fell in love with a girl
whose blue eyes were like swimming pools.
Her hair was as soft as my favorite
childhood blanket.
Her kisses were what
I looked forward to every single day.
And her smile could brighten
anyone on their darkest days.
I loved her more than anything
and she loved me.
But one day,
all of that changed.
Every time I looked into her eyes
I was terrified of drowning slowly.
Her hair no longer began
to fill me with comfort
but brought me static
from memories past.
She began to kiss me
because she felt like she had to.
Her smiles began to fade
and I felt like I was
bringing her great pain.
The ‘I love you’s’
were no longer meaningful
but instead, they were
said out of habit.
What changed?
When was it decided we weren't meant to be together forever?
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