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Aug 2017 · 371
Sad times
Lia Frenae Aug 2017
The nazis are coming
And I'm afraid.
The nazis are coming
Continuing to invade.

I want to hold every dear person I love,
keep them locked away
until they are gone.

They will scream, shout, and fight
And so would we
But this race war
Is not what this country needs.
Lia Frenae Jul 2017
As much as I love you...
Sometimes i wonder if the student loans were worth it if it meant getting away from you.
Jul 2017 · 338
Window shopping
Lia Frenae Jul 2017
Theres something we all haven't done in life that others have
Theres always something we want that seems impossible to get
With the right attitude...
Its possible.
Because theres a such thing as the glass
Life is like window shopping
We go through many obstacles at a slow yet fast rate and we pick which ones we'd like to endeavor.
Relationships, jobs, talents, all sorts of obstacles.
At times it may seem that its taking a little too long to reach them
But we must be patient and remember,
We aren't always going to be the ones looking through the glass,
At some point, we are going to be in the glass.
Jun 2017 · 407
In Denial
Lia Frenae Jun 2017
I turn my head and drown my mind in thoughts that say everything is okay
When the sun comes up I feel dead and unappreciated to be living by the world that knows me
I feel the need to spend all my time around strangers in order to feel something
They say I look sad all the time
That makes me cringe because of all the muscles I have to move to create a smile...
and say "No Im fine!"

My pride means the world to me
and if I force myself to accept this,
the denial of my walking depression will disappear
and then the depression itself wont move,
itself would not be a thing.
Lia Frenae Jun 2017
your blue eyes cant hide behind that long brown hair

so electric, so sea

I see, them wander me.
Jun 2017 · 555
Girl without Daddy
Lia Frenae Jun 2017
She grew up to be strong
She's intelligent on her own and in the books
Beautiful inside and out
With confidence designed by the best architect she knows,
Her mama.

She grew up in constant question
And unknown yearn
Oblivious that she misses a father she know of,
but doesn't know.

She dreamed of her wedding at times, wondering who would walk her down the aisle to her husband,
But her father would never do such a thing.
He would never dream to hope or threaten my fiancé to take care of me
But hell, he doesn't even know if Im alive half the time.
Jun 2017 · 313
Lia Frenae Jun 2017
little girl
where are goin, little girl
whats on yo mind, little girl
i tell you, i tell you, i tell you
yous a little girl, in big world
doin big woman things
you dont even know what that means
you steady get used
you very confused
youre very alone..
and you pulled out a
how gonna pay that
how you pay that
how you gonna pay that
how you pay that
lit-tle girl
lit-tle girl
little girl?
Lia Frenae Feb 2017
I feel dumb for even caring this much,
because I'm starting to feel it even wouldn't matter to you
As this semester comes to an  end, I'm worried
we will too...with an exception of the summer
I sometimes wonder why you never ask to hang anymore,
but we're still best friends last I heard
Or never ask about things that mean much to me anymore
And I feel there's so much you don't know of,
besides my love life
Like my sickened grandmother in Research
Like my depression that people are oblivious to
How I'm worried I have a mental illness
And the basics of life that are troubling for us all
I'd still like to know what's bothering you
And what's up because I care to know
Times have been busy but time can still be made for some things.
The other day you thought I was bluntly talking about you indirectly to someone else, in your face...
And you came at me so hard like I was your enemy
I wasn't talking about you, but you thinking I was,
wasn't what hurt me.
It's how you came at me...
we can joke and smile and talk here and there
But can we stop pretending everything is normal?
We've come too far to not express what hurts
Feb 2017 · 202
Lia Frenae Feb 2017
Feels as though..
Is it worth even saying?
Feb 2017 · 368
Solitude and Introverted
Lia Frenae Feb 2017
I can't help thinking of my lonesomeness
How I like it
But it brings deep melancholism

When I crave to be left alone
I can't be left in the dark

I beg to be not known
Yet must not be ignored

It's a complicated way to live a life
It's hard to explain to oneself
That I am oneself that must feel as one with one and around two
And wonder why being one isn't enough for someone who's lifestyle is
Which one thought would be more peaceful
sadness melancholy alone
Jan 2017 · 231
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
I'm worried...
I might have scared you away,
You might have moved on,
But truly because of me,
I'm sorry for my mixed feelings,
That I seem in love for while,
And then I'm tired of you,
Maybe this is for the best.
Jan 2017 · 209
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
I only like your presence when you aren't talking
Jan 2017 · 278
while you're at it
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
your chest pops out a bit more I see
and you got taller
as you jokingly mentioned I must have shrunk
and while you're at it, you must have got some
while you know I'm left in the dark
and while you're at it, I see you didn't shave...
though you wanted to shave anyway..
someone else must have got your ego up
and while you think you're the victim
don't think I didn't notice
your struggling for words to find me a compliment
while you asked why my hair was half was not, you *****

you're just a cocky little ******* now
Jan 2017 · 253
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
I told you my words
I showed you my heart
Explained how I felt
And still you felt like the victim
Jan 2017 · 404
Something must change
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
You pressed up against me,
I was distracted.
While your eyes were closed,
mines wandered.
When you hands searched my body,
I didn't get hot.
You hardened at the thought of me,
while I only did because of the cool air.

For once...I didn't care if people saw our pda
like the times I did before.
I wasn't shy like always
I didn't blush  once when you complimented my appearance.
But in a sense, you still offended me.
I was more interested in your dog than I was you

But yet I still feel I need to have you to be
i suggest you treat me differently
Jan 2017 · 206
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
why does it seem like no one gives feedback on poems?
Jan 2017 · 357
The Gym -6 words memoir-
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Positively is calling my body's name
Jan 2017 · 288
In the wings
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Surely I do wonder
why that one hanging tear
never goes away...
possible allergy
maybe just sadness...
but it never  leaves the corner of my eye
maybe it doesn't want to miss it's cue
so it just stays in the wings
the wings   relate to theater, a part on the stage behind the curtain, where people stand to wait on their cue to come in the  scene or so
Jan 2017 · 629
Not Needed
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
I wonder what emotions do I not hold the key
Emotions that does not have a home
Emotions that I can't keep track of
Emotions that do not exist within
Emotions that do not end in "ad"
or end in tears

How can I... ignore being ignored
or I forget being forgotten

Remembering loyalty, but loosing trust
while the grip our pinkies loosened

While the jokes got shorter

When time started being tracked

And the love began to leave

Oh how can I ever so forget the betrayal...
Jan 2017 · 496
Can't sleep -3:25 am
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
I dreamed a lucid dream
All I was aware
It contained a regular day of errands.
It was a dark dream
I some-why couldn't bare

Why did I both the dream and reality?
Jan 2017 · 330
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Haven't had many guys in my life that have got far but one...
that's a great thing.

I decided to try something new.

Date before getting to know who the guy is as a person

And I got played twice.
For these two times with him, I tried outsmarting him

*Maybe my charming aura and flirtatious eyes and the swingy hips, would catch him and throw away the key...
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Chocolate is great
It's really neat
But, to be the color, it's bittersweet
This is the experience of a lifetime that Hersheys must undergo
To read, to be told, to hear
That it's almost good enough
Almost pretty enough, almost smart enough
Too reserved and mannered to be this and that
Tears down almost all confidence that Hershey has
It takes away it's natural state
Like a Hershey left in the heat
It takes a while for that Hershey to find beauty again within itself, to find a true acceptance to who it really is, and the discover it's identity
To understand that it won't always make ends meet
But that Hershey will overcome this phase
That made it's life a living maze
The Hershey will wake up
Look in the mirror and see they are somebody
with a cocked up head
will forget what everyone said
and the microaggression that became so macro will soon be irrelevant
That Hershey will see it's real identity to see a girl named Aliah
Jan 2017 · 304
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Mesmeration is what I see,
when you see me.
A trance,
A spell,
Somehow I have put you under...

I believe its time to,
finally see that you do the same to me
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
After one times
I thought I was good enough
Only because you approached me first

The first time you lost interest in me
As quick as a candle being blown out
You got a kiss, you tried to hit, but missed and I think that's why you left

The second time you tricked me good
Said you wouldn't leave
A new girl came quick
I lost you in .5 seconds
You deceived me quite good
Jan 2017 · 523
I'm feeling loved
Lia Frenae Jan 2017
Copper and Gold
You gotta know I'm feeling loved
Made of gold
I'll probably love..another you
Already do
Until I don't see you
Let me guess you're with her
She speaks sassy Spanish and can flip her hair
She's outgoing and funny
And you're having more fun
When with me I'm timid
I'm quiet
Funny only if you really know me
And my hair goes straight up *****
I've told you these things and you "understand"
Its "okay"
But you gotta know I'm feeling low and made of gol-
Copper about time you come back

— The End —