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 Mar 2016 Krishay smith
Celebrating when we took our first breath
Counting the years
Until our death
My birthday was a few days ago so that's where I got my inspiration
If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because i was smiling!
-Paul Walker
 Mar 2016 Krishay smith
It was a shiny day.
In contrast, I was shattered.
What news.
Directly broke my heart.
Tears could not stop flowing until now.

I may love to shop.
But I am not buying *******.
Dear Paul William Walker IV.
You will be so much missed.
Race in paradise, Paul, Brian.

Ich weiss nicht warum.
Aber die guten Menschen leider oft zu früh gehen.
Ruhe in Frieden.
Paul Walker
drove past
                                                            ­     *fast
Paul Walker is missed..he leaves a message
 Mar 2016 Krishay smith
my mother told me
that I should take
great precaution
because some people die
of a broken heart

what she doesn't know
is I would choose
to die
in the most brutal
and grotesque ways possible
over and over again
just to have my heart
broken by

Don't tell her I said that.

The fault in our stars is inevitable.
We all know that stars explode but what we see is a beautiful blast of light.
That's how my love is for you.
I'm shouting into the void and risking oblivion but the strength and depth of my love is infinite.
When you're gone, I'll experience a pain that's 10/10
But in the end I know that I'll be
I just watched tfios yesterday so I thought it'd be fitting to write a poem about it. This is dumb, lol.
He used to quote John Green

Like the cancer kid he was "on a roller coaster that only went up”

He never told me he was afraid of heights
Kiss my salty tears away
Hold me so that i feel protected from harm
Let me slumber in your loving arms with your whispering caress
The soft breeze of the ebony night comforts me
in my sleep tonight

— The End —