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Dec 2015 · 872
I imagine
Kitana Lapp Dec 2015
I imagine us sitting down at lunch
holding hands and stealing kisses,
whispering secrets that don't matter

I imagine us picking colleges together
and shopping for apartments in
whatever city you want.

I imagine us moving in together
and finally sleeping next to each other
and it is just like how we thought it would be

I imagine us going out on walks
going to movies
going everywhere

I imagine you proposing
and me crying and every thing is perfect
because you're there.

I imagine us married waiting on
a little stick to determine our

I imagine us in the delivery room
and how they look just like their parents
and how you're natural father

I imagine two more nights like that
and we move to house with a

I imagine us trying to decide
what dog to get and we couldn't
so we got two

I imagine us at your mom's funeral
and I hold you as you break for the first
time and you are so small

I imagine us going on vacations and to reunions
and concerts and restaurants
and graduations and weddings

I imagine me lying in a hospital bed
as you hold my hand everything gets dark
and I am content

I imagine us doing all these
wonderful things because in reality
there is no us

There's only me
Nov 2015 · 499
Kitana Lapp Nov 2015
I'm fairly certain there is no Heaven.
I still think of you there.

I like to imagine you standing on a cloud
looking down at us.

And you asking Kurt for a light on
your cigarette

And you telling everyone the story
of how we met

And you asking god all those
questions you wondered about

I bet you sing so out of key it ****** all
the other angels off.

I bet you regret your decision
I know I do

Above all else I sure as Hell
like to think you're missing me.
Nov 2015 · 498
The End Of An Era
Kitana Lapp Nov 2015
An ending is usually sad.
The fact that something shall
no longer exist is just very sad.

But, when our loud three year
friendship ended quietly like it
was smothered with a pillow.

I was sad yes, but I was also relieved.
No more worrying no more heartache
from you.

I love you I always will
I will respect you if you need a pencil
I will not hesitate

and if heaven forbid
you need someone to talk you down from
the ledge then I'll be there.

But if you need someone to sit
with at lunch do not look for me,
look for your other friends.

There is a hole where you used to be
that doesn't need to be filled.
I'm content with who I have.

I may miss you but that doesn't mean
I want you here. Good luck to you
and I hope you had as much fun as I did
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Full Circle
Kitana Lapp Nov 2015
Hey stranger!
Hows it going buddy?
Pretty well pal?
I hope so friend.

Hey Friend!
You're pretty great bestie.
Did you know that Dude?
I hope so sugar.

Hey Sugar!
You're really amazing baby.
Did you know that cutie?
I hope so lover.

Hey Lover!
I love you honey.
Do you love me too princess!?
I hope so sweetie pie.

Hey Sweetie Pie!
Why didn't you come home last night pumpkin?
Did you get caught in traffic pookie?
I hope so liar.

Hey Liar!
Did you love him cheater?
Was he worth it you harlet?
I hope so stranger.

— The End —