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 Jun 2014 Kida Price
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Drinking gone too far
Drunk fat girl you complete me
Wake up. That's a man
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Gripping to you is the best workout I've ever tried
Because you're slippery, elusive, when I've got a hold
Returning to water when I thought I had ice.

I've developed an emotional carpal tunnel over the years
My hands are leather hard and my knuckles bleed
And it hurts so much it brings me to my knees; to tears.

I've never let go though; the day I saw you was the day I--
The moment I saw you was the moment I knew I--
The words that elude me now will be said when you're mine.

I've found pity in the eyes of every person I've confided to
Which I can't stand because you've never been anything short of,
Never been anything wrong, the best thing I've been through.

There's a strain on my muscles from holding onto hope this way
My shoulders are ever-tense, my back bowed under the weight
And I'm vulnerable in this position, but come what may.

I'm not fool enough to pledge to emotions for you with a common phrase
But should you ever return everything I've yet to say, yet to accept
I would gladly accept a loss of commonsense, would gladly change my ways.

I hurt through the day, yet it is no matter, I hurt through the night too
But the pain may be worth it in a decade, or less, as I hope
For a day when I can without fear whisper, scream, say, "I-        ."

Until then, my knuckles may bleed red until I'm dry and dead.
Until then, my hands may harden to rock until they fall off.
Until then, my body may hurt and ache but I will wait for the day.
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
Eva Nein
I should not have to choose
I am scared
I am excited
I don't want to go
I must leave
I can't think
I can't breathe
I am hurting my heart

Why should I have to choose?
Why should I live this nightmare?
Why can't I live in peace?
Why can't they leave me out of it?
Why must I be perfect?
Why must it they look at me like that?
Why is this happening?
Why is this happening to me?

Maybe I should run away
Maybe I should let them deal with it
Maybe I can stay
Maybe I will learn to adapt
Maybe everything will be okay
Maybe things will be better
Maybe it'll all work out
Maybe it won't and everything will go wrong
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
paper boats
Fill my silence,
With eloquent speech.
Telling tales of slain dragons,
And beautiful daydreams.
Travel through my mind,
Catch my fleeting thoughts,
As they fall on your tongue,
As they keep straying afar.
Look at my art,
I didn't paint.
Listen to my music,
I didn't make.
Promise me,
Lie to me, please.
Say I'm not alone.
Say you'll remember me.......
Favourite book: When you reach me - Rebecca Stead
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
 Jun 2014 Kida Price
I have failed again
Doomed to live out my existence
In a shell of betrayal and self afflicted heartbreak
Knowing that I wasn't enough for you
Knowing that, despite my problems
Somewhere, two souls meet in infinite embrace
And the sword of jealousy pierces my knotted guts

Every time I hear your name my body shakes
This pain is no longer emotional
It strikes my core and shatters all I have built
My knees weaken and my chest tightens
My head hurts and my tears flow without asking
It happens randomly throughout the day
My collapses are uncontrollable

Stupid things remind me of you
Like bikes, and guitars, and cigarettes
And Law and Order and Friends and Eric Clapton
And pipes and aches and organic food
And kisses and touches and holding you
Mostly holding you with the reassurance of your voice
Saying I will never lose you

And I didn't
after noon, awake now
for eight hours with
another twelve awaiting.
a sweating summer for
advancement of 'talented
young author'; reading,
writings, and ennui towards
those not wanting to be
found in sight. Lucien
stabbed his twice in the
chest, then weighted and
drowned the body feigning
dead. insanity claimed,
a brilliant success to freedom
after emaciating and claiming
another's mortal soul. claimed
was blood-stained Lucky Strikes,
and Lucien smoked the last one.
he watches Her because she is one of those people who demands attention
She is wild and bold and sarcastic
he sees, though he is blind to Her insensitivity

she stares at Another because He is one of those people who sits at the back beautifully
He is good and charming and kind to His mother
she sees, though she closes her eyes to His cowardliness

he longs after The Girl who is taken because She is one of those people dreamt of
She is polished and pure with a bright smile
he sees, though he is oblivious to Her vanity
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