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 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Alex B
Someone stole my color
And threw it to the wind
Scattered like ashes
I don’t know if I’ll ever find it

Someone stole my color
From the face I know so well
I saw it in the cotton candy clouds
And the teal ocean swell

Someone stole my color
I guess that’s where it went
The world looks so much brighter
Like something heaven-sent

Someone stole my color
And that’s what no one knows
Depression isn’t black
It’s the color of a rose

It’s the light orange in a sunset
And the yellow of a peach
Light blue, my favorite color
So simply out of reach

Purple like my favorite eyeshadow
No, lavender, I’d guess you’d say
And my favorite music artist
Although he has passed away

Someone stole my color
Now everything’s too bright
I suppose sometimes darkness
Isn’t the opposite of light

Someone stole my color
So I’ll wear grey and black
As if in mourning
Until I get it back
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
I haven’t written anything
Not in awhile at least
And for a minute
I think it’s because
I’ve finally lost myself
My creative side at least.
But soon I realize
It’s simply because
I’m happy.
The things I write
Are twisted and depressing
Sometimes too dark
To even represent
My true self.
But they were decent
Some even good
And it makes me miss
Being sad.
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Suzy Young
Take a drag
Look up
Feel the void
Hear the silence
What are we?
What a silly word
Who decided what matters?
That ever present phrase
It matters it’s important
Because, because they said so
Ok no a night craving cigarettes
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Who are we?
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
As we sit down to our dinners,
as we open our romance books,
people die.

We sip our water;
their guts spill open.
We study our notes;
their planes crash.

We live;
they die.
We breathe;
they suffocate.

We are testaments to chance,
to luck, to possibility.

We are not products of God.

We are blind goats trotting on our path
before we perish, suddenly,
and vanish into death.
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Going down
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
                          a pit
                                  of anxiety.

                     When suddenly



    ­                      r


           ­               e


                  ­        a


                         ­ l

            ­        burst.

                          And then

P     r     o     c     r   a    s    tination
spilled         un   e   ve       nly

           on a tiled bathroom floor.
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
What I Feel
Breathing is hard, sometimes,
when you’re trying to keep a rhythm
but you know there’s something hidden down there,
somewhere, but you're too scared to go and see.
You’ll hear me screaming
battle cries
but they’re filled with desperation
so much pain and devastation
Because I’m fighting,
but I’m fighting to be me.

It’s hard to explain when you won’t understand,
though you’ve seen nothing,
I’ve seen it first hand
you need to snap me out of this.
Clearly you know better,
I know worse
keep your distance from this curse,
but I hope you’ll listen because
this is how it is:

It’s like being trapped inside,
no escape
world cut off with big red tape,
love for myself
turning into hate.
It’s like wanting to speak,
but the words just die,
bound and chained when you need to fly
take a breath,
you suffocate.

It’s like confessing a sin
which you didn’t commit,
deal with the shame that comes with it
you can try and hide it but
it’s fixed to you for life.
It’s like never ever knowing what
they’re going to say and
by being afraid you become their prey,
my life sits on the blade of a knife...

It’s like running for your life
but your legs don’t work
so you’re forced to fight
and you’re forced to hurt
and you know you’ll lose
but you try anyway.
It’s like trying to swim,
but you can’t stop sinking
demons arrive,
but you can’t stop thinking
tearing at your head
go away
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Ugo Victor
Dear HP,

This is not a poem
But a question
The answer to which
I do hope you have

Why does my lover claim to love me
But still looks for every opportunity
To let me go?

Is it that she loves me so much
But doesn't think she's worthy of me

Or she doesn't love me enough
To think I'm worthy of her?
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Imanuel Baca
 Nov 2018 Kelsey
Imanuel Baca
Metals touches skin and presses closer once upon a time.
Rocks upon rocks upon golden locks
Suddenly the colors of my life becomes supersaturated
Ticks upon ticks upon tocks of the clock.
I am losing sleep, and pressing up to metal
Like atlas I take the weight of the world up on my shoulders
I feel my heat compress as I breath the stress
The more I dream the more my belief is less
I feel relief at last as I leave my past  
They are aghast but I only laugh
Why would I keep these chains made for demon brains?
When I am living dreams and dreaming pains?
Or growing pains driving me insane.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
If only there was some other way I could explain.
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