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O morning sky of endless blue
Tinged with purply-pinky hue
You tell me of His mercies new
Whose heart pursues my own

O geese in wingèd winter's flight
Your honking cries arouse delight
And lift my gaze to seek thy sight
As wooing from His hand

O softest breeze which skims my face
And stirs with such mysterious grace
My soul to reach for Love’s embrace
You brush me with His kiss

O snowflakes falling to the ground
You pierce my heart without a sound
To crave a purity only found
Beneath a bloodied cross

O setting sun in half-light glowing
Waning day’s last glorious blush showing
You paint with fire my spirit’s own knowing—
This life is fading fast

O stars of midnight’s blackest sky
Paraded forth, you pull my eye
Toward One Who speaks this ceaseless cry:
“I’m coming back for you.”

O creeping fog to dawn’s light clinging
You whisper, Love’s veiled message bringing,
With haunting echoes faintly singing,
“Lose all of you in Him.”

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."  ~ Psalm 19:1-4a

 Dec 2016 Katelyn Rew
Aaron Combs
My beloved, tonight it is more than perfect, the zephyr winds sing so
sweetly your name and the crystal stars shine like your earrings.
As the White Mountains glint gracefully, and the wind speaks
over our fingers, upon our balcony, let’s dance, my beloved.

Now over the thousand streams and star crystals in the air,
You can see our prayers fill up the milky rivers in the sky.
Below the lights of Christmas, before the blue rivers of stars,
let’s dance like the shadows and the circles of the moonlight.

Now dreams rise over like the wind and shine so easily
But time falls quickly, and worries fall away so slowly.
So let the rage of your fears dance around and under your legs.
For the world is falling asleep, calling for the colors of their dreams.

So let the tresses of your hair fall freely,
And the wind of your perfume
Soak up the flames of your heart.
Spinning like the starlight, tasting every feeling,
Let the steel blue sky and its stars fall all around you.

Dance wildly, my beloved, let's dance like the songbird who sings,
let’s dance forever, until we wash into the skyline of our dreams.
A Daily Poem
 Dec 2016 Katelyn Rew
Dan Scully
We need to have a conversation, you and I
But you are not permitted to speak
For I am loudest and most damaged
You owe me this, for I am weak

It is not your turn to be heard this time
Do not refute or I grow louder
I am small, broken, and disenfranchised
And I could not be prouder

So this conversation we shall have today
For the times say it is required
I know all, because I've been there
And frankly, I'm very tired

So let's share some information, you and I
But only I -- not to berate you
Anywho, I need to be going now
I haven't time to educate you
Dying love in a gilded cage,
Imprisoned by my pent up rage.
You never loved me, but neither did I,
The last gift you gave was the gift of goodbye.
I know i've gone to long
  without a sound.
Life is moving on
  with or without
Me, My self and its doubt.

Why I cry so much
How could you lie so much
I thought that I could trust
not me but you.

Forever not enough
until the day gets stuck
between the rising sun
and the moon.

Deeper i'm afraid
of what all I could say
   not feeling right today
blurry sight
is more than just a feeling.

off the clock no one knows
I won't tell, I won't show
what you want, here you go
now get out, leave me alone.

All I got, what I need
this sick hunger, I feed
forgot not just how to breathe
but asked why is this is me?

I don't think when I speak
lost and still losing
what I find i'm choosing
all that I do.
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