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Some souls are tethered loosely,
At the slightest breeze their rope becomes undone
And up they soar.
To all the wonderful people whose time on earth was short.
Are the bandages put away?
The stitches removed?
Has the scar healed over?
Has your mind reconnected?
Does your heart beat with regular thump?
Have tear ducts stopped erratic behavior?
Then you are ready to fall in love again... good luck.
We just can't help ourselves....
It’s ok to let the emotions
Come and make you feel
What it brings
Accepting the ones
Give peace within
Is the key for a release
Let the ones go
That doesn’t serve the purpose

Inspired by The fellow writer
>Stained on the lips, as you bite your lip hard, the blood drips, the taste of metal against your tongue.... sacrificial blood as the passion awakens...

<My body yours to the soul I give
Blood feeding into our veins
Drinking from my cup
O' holy grail
Fill you up
Can you ******* pain

>Feeding on my my insides, my body yearns for the touch. I feed onto your pain, as you unleash your burdens onto me, I feel your touch soaking deeper onto mine, I crave your sensuality, your erotica got me feelin' weak

<The words you never speak seeping in my skin
Holding all inside sharing love and sin
I feel you
I know you
You writhe in serpents hive
Let's wind back the dangers
Let us  **** and thrive
Beneath Hell we shall dive

>**** harder as we thrive deeper in sin,  I feel you inside of me rushing through my veins, like electricity shocking through my nervous system... I try to hold on to the thought of you, but it rushes through me like a flash, I forget you, then it's done.
A collab written by me and Kate Rebecca Hopwood.
< Kate
> Me
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